Serina Gee @SerinaG

Friends-Grid Offline

Liked posts

For the last 3 weeks, I have dealt with a intermittent issue on my grid that has about driven me nuts. I have tested, and eliminated possibilities …..without luck.

Yesterday two of the largest grid owners in open sim, Lone Wolf from Wolf Territories and Josh Boam from Aviworlds, took time from their busy schedules to help finally fix this issue. In addition , Rafael from Wolf Territories assisted. I cannot say thanks enough!

Although I work with Josh’s hosting business, this involved much more. Josh would not give up and recruited Lone Wolf.

In my opinion, maybe this is what opensim was designed to be: sharing of knowledge and helping each other.

Lone Wolf and Josh did not have to give up their time to help a tiny grid…..but they did!

Maybe we can all learn from these individuals!

Sharing knowledge is Caring

FYI. The default setting of 2 threadsets can cause major headaches depending on your region….it is way too low in some cases. You all probably know that…but I learned.

thedeeferry: So, OpenLife has me blocked, so I cannot reply directly to its comment. Nor can I send it a private message which I prefer. I apologize to any others if what I type now offends you. This is directe... 4 months ago
Recently I have had a number of people requesting that I allow child avatars at friends-grid and I want to discuss this openly and honestly.

It is not my place to try and push my morals and values upon others....however, as a grid owner, it is my place to learn the laws of every country involved. In this situation, I need to understand the Child pornography laws of not only where our servers are located, but I also had to research and learn the laws of every country we have residents and guests from. We currently have residents from 30 countries and guests from another 35. People who say "laws dont apply " are incorrect on this subject. You may have servers in one country.....but all the laws of your resident's countries come into play also.

A good thing to remember is that because you have gotten away with something for 10 years does not make it legal. You may never get caught....and then again.....somebody with a grudge may turn you in.

I want to point out a recent post by Jerralyn Franzic . Jerralyn showed the cutest childs outfit ever! ....and she also made the wisest statement ...."I don't understand the hatred towards child avis in Open Sim. Sure, they shouldn't engage in adult activities and maybe not hang in Adult sims but otherwise, what's the problem?" Personally I would love to see kids riding ponies at my farm....and having fun being mermaids. If everyone in child avi were to abide by Jerralyn's statement, there would not be an issue.

However, lets talk about reality. Not all child avis are simply riding ponies and playing in the water. The simple truth is that many (not all) of these child avis are having sex. Some grids use this to boost their traffic. In some countries, including US, the graphic illustration of a child online having sex is 100% illegal. You see, it does not matter if the person behind the computer is 12 or 52......the visual computer generated depiction of a child (child avatar) involved in sex is very illegal in a number of countries. 18 U.S.C. § 2252 Many people will say their countries are different....and this is stupid. I did not make laws........but I need to abide by them. Before people jump on this and criticize me ....I would suggest you read the laws of your country....your servers country...and the laws of all your residents or guests. There are many misinformed people on this subject. I am not saying the laws are right or wrong......but learn the laws.....then comment. You need to learn laws for your servers country...and all your guests countries. This post is not about is about laws....of all the countries involved.

I have spent over 200 hours reading international laws. Some countries allow things that others do not. However, you have to consider all the laws because of guests.

In I hate kids and kids avis......nooooooo. I would love to be able to allow them to come to friends grid. However, this is a less than perfect world in which we live, and I have to look at the potential liability of allowing those child avis. Because of that, Child avis are not allowed on exceptions! I am sad....because there are some wonderful people in kids avis that I do not get to have visit.

Friends-grid is an Adult community and we are looking for adults, with adult avi's who want to make this their main opensim home.

Sodasullivan: I think this is the proper way to address this issue Safine. You are setting the rules YOU are comfortable with on YOUR region. I am fine having my region open to everyone as long as they agree to fol... 2 months ago
Some people collect beautiful art

I collect bricks!

Not just normal bricks;
old worn out imperfect bricks.

These are the kind of bricks that help
tell a rich story about a buildings past.

but why.......WHY would I collect UGLY BRICKS?

Because I have a few friends who love to build!

Textures Trees & Scripts

The name says it all!

p.s. I also have a few ugly rocks and soft fabrics in my collection.

Jupiter Rowland: FYI: Outworldz has loads of brick textures waiting to be used. I haven't tested the normal maps that were probably generated from the textures yet, but they're there. A few brick textures even come w... 2 months ago

Timeless is back !!!

Jerralyn Franzic: Yayyy...!!! Thanks, can't wait to revisit ^_^ 5 months ago is a great way to promote all the wonderful creations we can find in different grids and I think this is the purpose of this website. Promoting creativity, giving people the ability to explore and see what others create. This is why Im sponsoring this website with advertisements and announcements. Lately I observe this place is filled with comments of personal kind , ( some would call it drama ). I am sure the majority here visiting this website for the same reason as I do are not happy with the continuously posted remarks of personal kind ( and disrespectful) . I wish to ask all who use this wonderful website to consider , where it was built for. If this website will become a gathering place for people who wish to display their frustrations, it will chase away others who are willing to invest in this medium. Please take this in consideration before you post ( and please use English if you can, this is an international community)

Trouble Ahead : "It’s lack of accountability, especially when combined with in-group favoritism, that turns the internet into a l... 1 years ago
I have often considered my underwater worlds
to be my best build ever. It took 6 months to find things, build
destroy, build, adjust and redo. Much of the time was spent searching.

This week I realized.....the best thing I can do for Opensim
is help all of you build underwater worlds if you wish.

Textures Trees & Scripts

now offers a massive Underwater section!

Hundreds of fish, coral, 5 types of rays, sharks, octopus, anemones, kelp and much more!

Enjoy making your dreams come alive!

Safinemahoe2: Just a quick note here.....The response to the Underwater building has been I decided to Double the size and add ruins for you! Shout out to Misty Falls for custom creating 5 animes... 2 months ago
it is a beautiful morning to tour friends-grid

1. Stop by my friend Nico's Oh Hello store on the Xinashi region. you gotta be styling while you tour!
2. head to the Friend's Marina and do some sailing
3.Take an upclose look at the 17 waterfalls pictured here
4.head over to Aquamica to see an amazing underwater could spend hours in this huge build!
5. go to Friends Stables and ride a horse to the satyr farm , and on to the rain forest jungle
6. Take out frustrations at roleplay sim Annihilation.....smashing buildings and shooting zombies
7. Surf and wind surf at Aquamica
8. Explore the Darwin Eco Project
9. try the Yoga at Xinashi

and most importantly.......make a few new friends!

if we are out, come back again, we would love to meet you!

pic & landscape by Pin DeLuca

“Friendship is the only cement that will hold the world together.” Woodrow Wilson

Opening June 15


Nico Kaliani: In OS, people are more important than land. Come visit the friendly people on Friends-Grid. (I don't have to visit. I live there). 12 months ago

At friends-grid

We speak many different languages

But we all speak a common language,

The language of friendship!

DINI25: HOLA HOLA BESOSS 12 months ago
Witness the beauty of the vibrant coral reefs and their residents, from the colorful clownfish to the majestic lionfish. Be fascinated by the graceful movements of the manta rays as they glide through the crystal-clear waters. Marvel at the intricate patterns of the sea horses and the slow and steady pace of the sea turtles.

Dive deeper into the depths and discover hidden treasures within the shipwrecks and hidden caves. Observe the diverse marine life living amongst the submerged structures, such as schools of fish, crab, and eels.

But the real magic begins when you enter the fantasy realm of the mermaids. Immerse yourself in a world of enchantment, where you will find these mystical creatures singing and dancing alongside dolphins and other sea creatures.

As you explore, you will find yourself lost in the wonder and beauty of this underwater paradise, where imagination knows no bounds. Experience the thrill of being immersed in this world, where nature and magic come together in perfect harmony.


opening June 15

Perfect Imperfections

"Webtreats Seamless Stone, Pavement, and Marble Textures 5" by webtreats is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Textures Trees & Scripts

the name says it all

Psicotronic: Perfect ! 2 months ago
This is the Castle display area at Lunaria Emporium where you can walk through them all. My first attempt at building in SecondLife 15 years ago was a castle and I never looked back. There three available for purchase in different styles and they all have multiple hidden chambers and passages to discover:

The Ceridwen castle, done in a fantasy/fairytale style in a silver and amethyst color palette with a special hidden room below

The Caerwyn Fortress complex, which is a massive, detailed fortress in the Norman / Celtic tradition with realistic 13th century textures. The fortress was inspired by the remains of Harlech Castle located in Harlech, Gwynedd, Wales

The Caerwyn Keep, designed with a smaller footprint in mind

A medieval covered stone bridge to match

There's also a partially finished Camelot Keep that I hope to get back to someday, but it is not currently available. All the castles are available on the Kitely Market here: and can be delivered directly to your inventory on your grid.

If you don't mind hypergridding, all venues are 20% off Kitely Market prices if you get them directly from my main store.

Gabriel_Solstician: Highly detailed buildings - Luna’s right, well worth visiting first, you won’t be disappointed! ☺️ 4 months ago
The Collective Center Park, and The Tribute Club
Have a look at a collection of photos of the park and club on Flikr.

Then go visit the Collective Center Park and the Tribute Club if you haven't been there before. If you have been there before, go again. Central

thedeeferry: One of my favorite kitty cats, CopyKatCollective :) . 11 months ago
Feeling the gentle sway of the horse beneath you as it navigates the winding path between towering trees and lush foliage. The sound of the rain tapping against the leaves overhead is soothing, and you feel invigorated by the fresh, tropical air.

As you ride deeper into the forest, you spot vibrant flowers in every color of the rainbow. Some are cascading down from tree trunks, while others are perched high above your head on vines. The air is filled with the sweet fragrance of blossoms and the buzz of hummingbirds flitting from one flower to the next.

Monkey calls echo through the trees, and you catch glimpses of chimpanzees swinging from branch to branch. You marvel at the natural beauty all around you, feeling grateful for the opportunity to experience such wonder.

As the rain begins to taper off, you come upon a clearing where a group of macaws are preening in a tree. Their magnificent colors are a feast for your eyes, and you sit quietly on your horse, just taking it all in.

As the sun begins to peak through the trees, you dismount your horse and take a moment to thank it for the amazing experience. You leave the rainforest feeling refreshed, and in awe of the stunningly beautiful place we call home.

Carmen Jewel: You describe Paradise so beautifully. :) 12 months ago

SkyRealm Observatory~A dream realized~Thank you, @FerdFrederix

This is the main Roman display area, and you can walk through all the Roman structures here. This is one of several display areas at Lunaria Emporium at ground level surrounding the main store. Each area has a theme and has its own EEP sky setting to accentuate it. Make sure you have Shared Environment selected as well as higher graphics to see the shadows and materials.

You can reach this area by clicking the Roman sign in the lobby on the left side, or by taking the bridge, hopping a boat, or flying.

Safinemahoe2: Beautiful work my friend! 4 months ago
Mi nombre es Safine y soy el dueño de la red de amigos. Aunque no hablo bien el idioma español, el pueblo hispano siempre tendrá un lugar especial en mi corazón. Tengo que usar un traductor, y probablemente cometer muchos errores, pero tengo un gran corazón.

He decidido hacer algo muy diferente. En la red de amigos, voy a desarrollar una villa hispana sim de 36 muy especial.

Si alguien está haciendo esto, no quiero ofender ni copiar de ninguna manera. Esto es algo que he querido hacer desde hace mucho tiempo.

Al principio, este pueblo albergará a unos 14 residentes hispanos, cada uno con un gran paquete de 1 sim isla en nuestras aguas marinas. Además, quiero trabajar con alguien que elija vivir aquí para ayudarme a desarrollar un centro de aldea de 9 sim. Este centro podría incluir compras, recursos, entretenimiento y cultura. Estoy dispuesto a expandirme, pero primero quiero llenar esto.

Estoy buscando gente que quiera vivir en la red de amigos y estar involucrada. No quiero coleccionistas que raramente aparecen.

El centro del pueblo tomará tiempo para construir, pero tengo algunas islas que están disponibles inmediatamente para los residentes.

Si usted está interesado en ser parte de esta especial Villa Hispana, por favor contacte con safinemahoe2 en el mundo abierto sim. Trabajo y a menudo me cuesta llegar debido a las zonas horarias, por favor póngase en contacto conmigo en Osw.

Por favor, comprenda que acogemos con beneplácito todas las nacionalidades en la red de amigos…. y tengo espacios disponibles para otros.

Este proyecto es algo de mi corazón para mis amigos hispanos.

Una vez más……. por favor, envíeme un mensaje directo sobre la OSW si está interesado en ser parte de esta aldea hispana en la red de amigos.

victorialogan: desde que te conozco ,y ya hace varios años, jajajaj, siempre demostraste ser una persona solidaria y desinteresada. Esas actitudes son realmente admirables. Un abrazo muy fuerte. since I've known y... 11 months ago


Serina Gee: One of my favourite stores on my home grid.....I feel a few shopping trips coming up!!! 1 years ago
Why are people moving to friends-grid?

It’s not because of the 4 new race tracks opened at our Velocidad region.

It’s not because we have the largest, most detailed underwater build in open sim.

It’s not because the sailing here is soo fun and challenging.

It’s not because they heard about the new Friends Mall & Skatepark….opening in February.

It’s not because of our one of a kind Casino…an experience like no other!

It’s not because of the super fast servers

It’s not because of the amazing and rare horses found at our stables.

No, those things are nice
But they are not why people are moving to friends-grid

The secret is out

And word has been spreading fast!

People are moving to friends-grid
Because of our amazing residents!

That’s right……
The reason people are moving to friends-grid is


Our community has people from all over the world…..

But we all speak the language of friendship….and we find ways to communicate and learn about each other’s culture.

We presently have a couple islands still available and we are looking for people who want to be a part of this amazing international community. There is no rent charged on these islands and they offer 10,000 prim.

We do not want everybody, but we want a few awesome people to make our community even better!

Contact Grid Hostess Zuzu Bahro or Safine Mahoe for details or go to

LunaAylan: Es un lugar muy lindo y tranquilo. ♥ 5 months ago

Life is short, and it is here to be lived - Kate Winslet

friends-grid is OPEN!

What is friends-grid and the Friends region?

friends—grid is a sailing community (connected regions) that was built by a group of friends in 2023 and is owned by Safine Mahoe. You don’t have to sail, but if you do, you will love it!

Friends are the only thing that is important in Open Sim, nothing else really matters. As Woodrow Wilson said , “Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together.”

The Friends region is the heart of friends-grid. On this region, you will find Friends Stables, multiple satyr farms, trails through the rainforest, a large Marina to assist with your boating needs and the most beautiful waterfalls you will find anywhere!

In addition to the Friends Region, you will also find teleports to : Xinashi región with Oh Hello store, Annihilation role play region, Aquamica region with some of the largest and most detailed underwater worlds, Clearwater II with the Darwin Eco Project and many other regions being developed.

A limited number of free rentals are available, however, we are looking for people who want to be involved in our community, not simply collect free houses on every grid.

If you want to be a part of this amazing community, please contact Safine Mahoe if online.

If I am offline, please message safinemahoe2 on

Our Ubers look a little different...

but it is a ride you will never forget!


opening June 15

Enjoy riding a horse through the rainforest, pausing to enjoy the beauty of the waterfalls and listening to the tranquil sound of the cascading water. The lush greenery around you is teeming with life, and you can hear the chirping of birds and buzzing of insects as you make your way through the rainforest.

The horse beneath you is well-trained and sure-footed, carefully making its way over the rocky terrain and across streams. As you ride, you take in the sights and sounds of the rainforest, feeling a sense of peace and relaxation wash over you.

As you approach a majestic waterfall, you dismount from your horse and take a moment to admire the stunning view. The cool mist from the falls hits your face, and you feel rejuvenated and invigorated.

You spend some time at the waterfall, enjoying the tranquility of the rainforest and the power of nature before mounting your horse once again and continuing on your journey.

As you ride through the rainforest, you realize that this experience is one of a kind and something that you will never forget

, taking in each moment and feeling grateful for the opportunity to experience such beauty.


opening June 15
Not all our textures are beautiful.....

actually some are pretty ugly

so if you need an ugly texture like Tropical thatch roofing,

Make a trip to

Textures Trees & Scripts

hundreds of beautiful textures.....and a few ugly ones!

....just another boring mall store.


Come out and grab a board and enjoy the fun at Friends Mall. The skatepark has been custom made for you with half pipes, ramps and bowls. Never skated before........perfect...virtual worlds let us experience some new things.

Skate and Shop (you can carry more when you are on wheels).

p.s skateboards ARE allowed in stores at Friends Mall

Ellen: I love this unique shopping concept! Thank you for all you do, Safine! You are amazing!!!! 3 months ago
Why do people live at friends-grid?

There are many places you could choose in Opensim

*Make friends from all around the globe
* focus on people and community
* most detailed underwater worlds in open sim
*fully connected grid offering excellent sailing
*horse riding through Friends Farm and the rain forest
*Surfing, wind surfing, kayak surfing and body surfing
*Xinashi region and Oh Hello clothing store
*Annihilation region - zombie apocalyptic rp
*Large selection of boats available at our public Marina
*open water areas and extremely tight sailing areas
*Sail with a group every Sunday at noon
*stunning landscapes
* Friends Casino - no money to buy
* Coming Soon - Fantasia region, Darwin Region, F1 track, Hispanic Center, The Retreat and much more!

These are all great reasons....but the main reason people come to friends-grid is the PEOPLE! We would love to have you come visit friends-grid!

We currently have 65,000 sq m island parcels available with 10,000 prims for rent. These rentals are free....we are simply looking for people who want to be a part of our growing community....not simply collect homes on every grid.

For rental information contact Safine Mahoe, Zuzu Bahro or Serina Gee

Just wanted to give a shout out to the team that has made friends-grid totally rock!

Sometimes the techies get overlooked, and they are the people who make this virtual world possible.

friends-grid is not a simple job to run….it is probably a pain in the butt because I have a minor addiction to scripts.

These guys are how I hosted a huge party yesterday with 31 people and 8,000 scripts in that region alone…. with no lag!

Thank you hosting4opensim
A Boating Accident Can Be A Boon.
Our lawyers advise us to not discuss what happened to the last outfit model, but we can say that the burial at sea was lovely. This new model presents the updated sailor dress outfit with new hair and footwear. Not included: water wings, shark repellent, or "I Love Willy (Because Who Doesn't?)" posters.

oh HELLO: Outfits With Options

it touches us
and bringes out so many emotions!

Inspired, joyful, satisfied, interested, happy, serene
moody, gloomy, unsatisfied, scared, nervous

Nothing affects us like Art!

Come find the latest AI generated art to create the mood you are wanting at

Bahro Fine Art

one of the Specialty Shops

At Friends Mall
Reborn Clothing

Visit Peka's Style
In Friends Mall

A New specialty shop brought to you by Arwen Oropher

For the women who love their curves!

Boss Sly loved to have Betty the Secretary kick his pickle.

Meanwhile, in OS... Xinashi is back. Find us at

Sol Et Luna Dance Zone.
Treehouse Park. (where lumberjack AVs are still prohibited)
Rocket Club.
Isle De Fleur.
Lighthouse Bar.

Yoga Center.

Alphabet Club.
BDSM Warehouse.
Sparta Gyms.
Dead-End Drive-In.


All formerly on CopyKat Grid. Now on Friends Grid.

Serina Gee: So great to see Xinashi back and so much fun to explore the rest of Xinashi after a shopping trip. Worth bringing a friend if you visit some of the other parts of Xinashi * winks and grins * ....if y... 12 months ago
When you enter the friends-grid Casino, you suddenly realize this experience is like no others! Enjoy over 200 casino games, the extensive auto & art collections, Threadz Boutique (still being stocked), Topless Club, the beautiful aquarium and sexy entertainment!
Click on each dollar sign and receive $1,000 of friends-grid dollars (up to $11,000 day).

Where are all these Moving Trucks going?


“Friendship is the only cement that will hold the world together.” Woodrow Wilson

Zuzu Bahro: I love my new home! Everyone has been friendly and welcoming. 11 months ago

The Party is going Wild!!!! Come join us at friends-grid

Safinemahoe2: A special thanks to all who came out.....all you people made it a very special evening! 11 months ago
OSFest is user friendly, for all levels of ability.
Event Organizer Shelenn says: " Some thoughts for those planning on participating as exhibitors or merchants...
Builders and Creators in SL/OS, did you know how you build matters when it comes to accessibility? Did you know some users with visual, cognitive, and motor challenges use a viewer named Radegast? The Radegast viewer has an option to "read" the object name field of every object and its parts to the user. The number of disabled users in Virtual Worlds is a much higher percentage than in the offline global population. When a build is not accessible, it is painfully obvious and unusable for many.
When creating content for SL/OS, please make your builds accessible by:
1) Properly naming all parts (so Radegast does not blabber on meaningless information like primitive, primitive, primitive... or object, object, object...). Not properly naming parts disables others who need them described for them. Review your existing builds. TIP: If you have a linkset with many parts that take a long time to rename, you can right click the linkset to edit, select edit linked parts, then give them all (parts not used by scripts) the same name.
2) Scripting cues as in when building and scripting your scenes, people who cannot hear well need visual cues and people who cannot see well need aural cues. Providing aural cues for visual events and visual cues for aural events in your builds via scripting is practicing accessibility by design and makes them more immersive for everyone!"
Join us at OSFest this September. Want to participare in OSFest this year? Check us out on Discord.

Serina Gee: Decisions, decisions......which bikini to wear, the teenie weenie one, or the eenie, teenie, weenie one..??? 11 months ago

Holaaaaaa Amigos

DJ Eunice

Bailar Ahora!

Latin * Brasil * Argentina
