SciattisiGrid @SciattisiGrid

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News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/91/110/3827
*** auto-hide body***

News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/95/129/3827


Just added a new Japanese Main Gate to Lunaria Emporium on Wolf Territories Grid. Click the Japanese teleport board in the lobby to get to the display area, or you can take the bridge directly across.

Included with the main gate are one straight wall section, one corner wall section, and a corner wall tower that are modify and copy so that you can create a perimeter wall of any size for your build. All parts have both pbr and standard textures for use with any viewer.

This is part of an ongoing full reconstruction of my Japanese area. Next on the list are revisions of my older tea houses and pavilions, a new temple, a larger more opulent home, and a castle.
Dali Babe Splash Cleavage Add-on
Out now is the Splash Cleavage add-on for Dali skin tones.
Only in 15 out of the 22 Dali tones.
Comes for Legacy, Reborn, as well as Waifu and Juicy cleveages (you can find Waifu deformers at LanaLabs: hop:// )

Uber: hop://

Sabrinastav: Muchas Gracias !!! uso esos AddOns...pero agradezco el trabajo que haces. Siempre tan generosa con tu trabajo. 3 days ago

News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/147/115/3827

Aurora Starchild: Ohhhhh esa chaqueta/sudadera 3 days ago

News!!! area FEEDME hop:// De Volcanes/231/351/3825

Aurora Starchild: Hahahahaha #ded 3 days ago
**** OPENSIM Grandpiano V3 - Updated Release! ****

What's New:
• Fixed last UUID sound issue (to improve performance in OpenSim).
• Piano dialog now visible to everyone (not just the owner).
• New "ALL" notecard to play all 40 tracks in sequence (*).
• Improved sound quality with louder and stereo output.

(*) It takes on average 02 minutes to load them all and there is a 10 seconds pause between a music to another.

Special thanks for Clifford Hangar, owner of ALTERNATE METAVERSE GRID (AMV) who kindly helped me with this script and I could share to Opensim citizens,

Enjoy :)

Jimmy Olsen

Frank Hurt: The Norweigian Elf is actually a wizard! And he strikes again! Thanks for sharing your creations with us, Jimmy! 3 days ago



AVW We leave the lights on. It's the way it goes and everybody knows.

Road Kill: The party is still swinging here at The Glassworks. Skins available at the dance floor...........:)) 4 days ago
News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/93/118/3827
ATTENTION only Legacy-----This garment contains an auto-alpha script that will hide parts of the body that may clip automatically! If you'd like to adjust this alpha, you can do so via your body HUD.
**** Legacy bodies by SciattisiGrid ****
Work continues at the Japanese display area under reconstruction at Lunaria Emporium. Added a large torii gate in a central lake. All items are separate and some are free and full perm. Perimeter walls and main gate are next, then I'll start on a larger, more opulent house, revised tea houses, a temple, some additional decor, and a Japanese castle. Click the Japanese teleport board in the lobby to get there.

Mistressdalgato: you going to make me broke lol 7 days ago

New update, Gauges ears.
for Lelutka heads
(autoalpha system for Sciatti Grid heads)
hop:// De Volcanes/118/153/3827

The Japanese Home and Garden is now available at Lunaria Emporium on Wolf Territories Grid! Just click the Japanese teleport board in the lobby to get to the display area. That area is under reconstruction but the home and the bridges are available now.

This is a full pbr build but still has standard textures for those using non-pbr viewers. The home itself has 5 rooms, each with separate sliding shoji doors and light controls. In the back is a full garden in the Japanese style with all new mesh flora and landscaping, it's own lighting control, as well as pbr prim water that is animated. The full build is 1154 prims and fits comfortably on 53m x 45m space. Permissions are modify and copy and comes with full instructions.

As a bonus, I included extras of all the plants and trees used in the build.

Mike Chase: Beautiful build! 8 days ago
'...And ye shall be free from slavery. And as a sign that ye be really free, ye shall be naked in your rites. And ye shall dance, sing, feast, make music and love all in my praise.
For mine is the ecstasy of the spirit, and mine also is joy upon Earth, for my law is love unto all beings...'

'...At mine altars the youth of Lacedemon in Sparta made due sacrifice...'

=Dali Babe Stretch Marks & Cellulite Marks Addon FATPACK=
Hi everyone! Out at the store we have another customisation add-on fatpack for the Dali Babe tone range.
Available for LEGACY and REBORN bodies
Includes Belly, Cellulite, Legs, and Breasts addons
Each comes in the 22 tones of the Dali Range
Uber: hop://

EllenOptinett: The TP doesn't work for me either, I love your work, what's going on? 8 days ago

Getting the venue set up for our white party

Aurora Starchild: Love it! I made a script for the tiles to light up on collision if you want it (it does require a script on each tile tho, so might be a bit laggier) 9 days ago
News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/91/127/3827
ATTENTION only Legacy-----This garment contains an auto-alpha script that will hide parts of the body that may clip automatically! If you'd like to adjust this alpha, you can do so via your body HUD.
**** Legacy bodies by SciattisiGrid ****

pour commencer bonne année a tout le monde .
Ce jour 5 janvier 2025, le marché de noel ferme pour travaux.
Merci aux 42 personnes qui l'ont visité.
à bientôt

News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/101/152/3827
ATTENTION only Gianni & Legacy----- This garment contains an auto-alpha script that will hide parts of the body that may clip automatically! If you'd like to adjust this alpha, you can do so via your body HUD.
****Gianni & Legacy bodies by SciattisiGrid ****

Aurora Starchild: Ohhh me encanta ese look, genial la camisita y el bañador de flores 10 days ago

$ sudo apt-get install year-2025

I know I said it before, but I'm absolutely in love with @hertha201 's SilveFox Mall set up - it's such a lovely shopping/mall experience!

KHIRONAMETZA: This mall is absolutely wonderful and very well organized, you feel like you are walking in a real-life mall, and besides, Hertha is a great helper and nice person. 10 days ago

Aurora Starchild: 😍😍😍😍😍😍 11 days ago

hop:// Dj Arianna alle 22:00 6 gennaio 2025

News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/151/278/3462
( tp ----->Animations )

**Sugar Belly Addon FATPACK (Reborn/Maitreya-LaraX/Legacy) OUT!**
Happy New Year everyone!
From the abs, we got into more sexy roles - because all shapes are SEXY! And don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
Out now is this Add-on fatpack (more to come) for the Dali skin tones line.
It comes for REBORN, LEGACY, and Maitreya (Athena)/LaraX.
Remember you can find the new legacy and reborn bodies at SciattisiGrid and Exotic Realities!

**Uber:** hop://

Hicks: It is the imperfections of the human body that make it its beauty. By adding this kind of product you add diversity.bravo 12 days ago
Some *might* have noticed that these words have been in every one of the four store builds since I started a year ago. Therefore:
'...let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honour and humility, mirth and reverence within you...'
what if.....
we spent our time focusing on our similarities
instead of our differences?

I have seen many discussions here become very toxic recently because people are focused on how we are all different. I love how we all are different, but we also have some common similarities; the most obvious is that we are all people behind the pixels.

Sometimes in life and Opensim, it is much easier to tear a person down than to build them up. Let's make the extra effort and support eachother!

This is our Opensim.....lets take pride in it!

what if.....
we spent our time focusing on our similarities
instead of our differences?

Caribia: It's about respecting and live and let live 13 days ago
Right. Some people seem to twist their knickers about this, so kind dumbing it down. To be clear again: we are just a bunch of friends from different grids that want to align OURSELVES (not others), on SOME stuff.

Racci: Sounds great, really glad to see people working hard to make our OS a better place. BTW.... Don't worry about upsetting people, you always will upset someone, no matter what you are doing. Best to j... 13 days ago
Exotic Hyper-Grid Portals Set v2.0
This is a set of 3 different Hyper-Grid Portals, they use an easy to update destinations notecard, just touch and select your desired destination and simple walk through! Enjoy!!
hop:// Isle/381/212/22
Hi folks, you will start seeing a bit more of this around. Long story short: a bunch of as OS contributors have come together to align and improve with our shared brains!
=The Gilded Accord=

The Gilded Accord is a collective of active OpenSim contributors who came together to align and coordinate their efforts.
Its raison the etre is to align the existing efforts and labour of love of the top OpenSim contributors, fostering sharing of best practices, and cross-pollination: because the result of the sum of some part can sometimes be bigger, be the exponential improvement that is born out of many creative minds working together!
Its vision is an OpenSim hyper-world that enjoys free, quality items.

The aims of the Accord are to:
1. Offer a forum for active creators from different grid to coordinate themselves.
2. Foster sharing of best practices.
3. Drive standardisation on standard items, nomenclature and approach that enable further development of dependant items (i.e. appliers, auto-alpha...)
4. Maximise the each members effort by aligning on contributions roadmap.
5. Freely sharing core items (scripts, and similar) that both standarise and improve items
6. Share and align best practices
7. Weave a network of trusted, quality stores across the hypergrid.

The standards of Accord member are:
1. Respecting other people's contributions, while also encouraging consensual sharing of items across stores (particularly 'core' items like body skins, bodies, heads...that are always handy to have in different grids).
2. Standarising the use of [at least!] MOD+COPY format for items
3. Championing the use of normal and specular layers - especially for new items.
4. Making a reasonable use of physics (prioritising bounding box) and reasonable levels of LOD, ensuring a smoother loading on hypergrid.
5. Leverage standardised nomenclature (i.e. use the same names for body and head faces, so other people can create appliers for them).
6. Focus on items for adult avis.
7. Promotion and champion of other members work.

This sounds nice - but what does it look like?
For Accord member: A private discord server section where we can align and share. 'Hey I'm focusing on contributing X', 'Oh, then I'm going to focus on Y which complements X'.
For overall OS members: A trusted networks of stores that meet same standards, as well as regular updates on them from our discord!

Hicks: good initiative, it's one more tool in the toolbox. I wish you success 13 days ago

We wish you all a Happy New Year

It's suspended there to remind us before we pop the champagne and celebrate the New Year, to stop and reflect on the year that has passed. Remember our triumphs and our missteps - our promises made, and broken. The times we opened ourselves up to great adventures - or closed ourselves down, for fear of getting hurt. Because that's what New Year's is all about: getting another chance. A chance to forgive, do better, do more, give more, love more. And stop worrying about 'what if' and start embracing what would be. So when that ball drops at midnight - and it will drop - let's remember to be nice to each other, kind to each other. And not just tonight but all year long

Happy New Year to you All.

Happy New Calendar Year 2025!
Wishing you all peace, joy, love and perpetual happines. Bright Blessings, The Starchilds

Josy Abbot: Happy New Year!! 14 days ago

Hippy Nude Year!

Tierra de Volcanes wishes you an excellent new year, see you in 2025!!!!

VLive -Social Network Managment : Happy New Year 14 days ago

Happy New Year my best dear friends