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As many of you know, Barefoot grid is having technical problem that were the result of the split asset server disconnecting. This has been catastrophic. More than one grid running Dreamgrid software were affected by this. Yes it is 100% a grid killer.

A quick solution could not be found due to multiple reasons:

1) The people that could fix it, were censored.
2) The people that could fix it were not able to have access to important server logs, DB or server root.
3) The people that could fix it, were neglected.

During this time, Amoa Beach region was completely disconnected and with restoration attempts with OARs and other methods, permissions were changed.

Amoa has been closed for access for over 1 week due to the technical crash and censorship by OSW to effectively provide updates to the over 300 consistent visitor and upwards of 900 who occasionally visited or blinked in and out.

3 days ago, a former staff member of Amoa stood at the landing for 2 days. And Also posted the condition and vunerability. No opportunity to report this to OSW or counter the claims or provide the status. Which leads to the next event.

During those 2 days, David Monday of Shasidyadynasty grid which is hosted by Outworldz, copied and placed the OSW beacon from Amoa to a region named "Nata Land".

Upon investigation, Nata Land with no named parcel, is owned by Nata Snow of Shasidydynasty grid.

Nata Snow is a child alt of David Monday, owner of such repulsive things as HuCows tit milking systems and virtually a desolate grid of his child alts.

Upon inspection of "Nata Land" was 2 avatars engaged in pedophilia acts. One was a full grown man, the other, a naked child perceived to be about 10. (Pictures have been taken for the daring to view).

Once discovered, the act ceased and eventually the region was turned off.

This either by direct or indirect actions of association, puts:

1) Stayr Aeon and OSW as a facilitator to the pedophilia for censoring the region admin from making ANY changes to the region page, or posting announcements regarding it.

2) Promotion of pedophilia

3) David Monday as a faciliatator and active pedophile for using alts on regions he created to provide pedophillic actions.

I will be posting here the UUid and Names of those witnessed and involved in the theft of Amoa's OSW beacon that CANNOT BE CORRECTED DUE TO CENSORSHIP by the OSW staff.

GlennXpletive is the person that administers Amoa and the Amoa region page on OSW. He is unable to communicate with STAFF because the STAFF DO NOT ALLOW HIM TO CONTACT THEM OR EDIT THE REGION PAGE.

This is the results of what happens with censorship over petty feelings being hurt. Entire grids can and will be lost. Entire communities disconnected, entire libraries disconnected.

This censorship and childish immature act of it, to spare the tears of one or two, is causing such things now as pedophilia to thrive and communities to lose large number of members possibly forever.

OSW website alone is crashing in traffic. OS as a whole is gaining new "short term" accounts that are being driven back off over drama and petty issues or complete technical breakdowns such as this.

I am also a grid owner and dealing with important real life issues and unable to effectively administer small tasks, let alone large ones such as complete asset server destruction.

I implore OSW to unban GlennXpletive and allow him to handle fixing these issues. There are not many left in this community that can actually correct large technical issues.

If OS is to flourish and continue in a postive direction, this censorship has to cease.





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