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DJ LadyB heats up your Thursday at GasWorks! 5PM

Trudging towards the weekend? It gets SO much easier when you hang out with DJ Lady B at GasWorks on a Thursday night. A smooth mix of Blues and R&B fixes nearly everything and that's the specialty Lady B brings to the GasWorks stage! Never heard her? Come find out! Join your friends tonight at GasWorks and take it all in. DJ LadyB, bringing the tunes, all just for you! - Tonight at GasWorks
GasWorks gone GREEN! DJ BlueLou celebrates St. Patricks Day! 5PM

Celebrate St. Patricks Day and the "wearin' of the green" with DJ BlueLou at GasWorks! Grab a green beer and enjoy the Blues while kissing the Blarney Stone! DJ BlueLou will come loaded with great party Blues to get you dancing a jig and more. Even the club has undergone a facelift for the event. BlueLou never disappoints, and as always, expect Blues Done Right! Tonight! at GasWorks

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