RulusKaliopov @RulusKaliopov

Earth Offline

Only the tax accounting is more uniform than me


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Du hättest dich auch gleich vor den Spiegel stellen können um dich selber anzuschreien. Ich habe auch einen (zusätzlich) M1 Macbook Pro ... aber ich würde dort niemals Sl oder OpenSim laufen lassen .... für jede Aufgabe im Leben gibt es das richtige Tool ...
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there was a life before SL and OpenSim and there is one after .. so we'll just wait and see .. otherwise .. make your own grid .. account in another grid or just do something else ... we'll see if it's at Mid next week stays or later.. time will tell
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ohh I just thought that something was missing in this round .. welcome Ellen ...
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@AnakinSkywalker from PM

AnakinSkywalker 2 hours ago
Germans are nuts!
.... you have brain ?????????????
I am never sure why these attacks are allowed on this site to be honest. Very disappointing.
Probably because this site's staff consists of one tech admin and exactly zero moderators.
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tztz Max replay limit is reached ...

@ Kris

I've always been the same since birth and always have the same name.. ah you're referring to the pixel story.... every now and then I change the name and delete the crap to get rid of people with their click rage .. because I only have friends in RL
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i not have switch my RL Name ..... I've always been the same since birth and always have the same name.. ah you're referring to the pixel story.... every now and then I change the name and delete the crap to get rid of people with their click rage .. because I only have friends in RL
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@Kris Patrick
I think more that you have no idea ..... I don't know of any company and no hoster and no provider at the moment that has been down as often as OSG in recent years ... and to bring the topic beta back into the mouth take ... how long will the OpenSim be developed ..... 1 year .. 5 years , 10 years ....... 15 years I think longer ....

regarding your first LOL... 1 week is nothing.. no problem shut down your regions for 6 months and you will get what you crave.
Wasn't for OSGRID and the hard working people, servicing 150k . You wouldn't be here flapping at the mouth. Can send you a notecard on the history if you wish.
there are still 90% of people on this earth who still achieve a lot even after their RL work ....... there is no reason to single out a handful of people .. thank you
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And what does a cluster problem have to do with the fact that the OpenSim and OSGrid are beta?
Absolutely nothing.
Also this downtime has nothing to do with any cluster, I think that theory comes from a misinterpretation of the first tweet.
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you have drama in RL .. then you're doing something wrong
I guess you are right.. but my job/career is not exactly what I consider part of the overpaid, useless 1/3 of the planet... "hitch-hiker's guide to the galaxy"... yah, drama exists in RL ... so, let's call them what they are.... co-workers, gossip-mongers and drama-queens ...
*disclaimer* .. any reference or unintentional use of a gender specific group is purely incidental and only represent fictional characters... cover my ass from more drama ... rofl
Build a firewall around you and only leave the cute things on your ass
hahahaha... love it... thanx
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Hope you can fix the issues and we see you soon back in the Grid

J'espère que vous pourrez résoudre les problèmes et nous vous reverrons bientôt dans la grille
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In my eyes, too, as a region owner (server owner) you can (and sometimes have to) deny people access, but if I look at the number of visitors to this region, it will go to 0 after a ban. Also one should understand slowly (because of teen avatars) USA law is not world law. Children avatars, toddlers have no place in sex regions, I fully agree.
Yes, I didn't comment on the particulars, I see the kiddy problem as a two faced issue: On the host side it's getting almost hysteric, people bans short avatars or kids avatars for almost no reason.

But, of course, on the visitor side there's absolutely NO reason to use a kid avatar and then jump on every single sex poseball they find, that looks like what Jupiter described: a move dedicated to troll sim owners.

Of course then you have real pedos, those should be reported to the proper authorities, on line repudiation won't fix anything.
It isn't so much hysteria as misconfiguration. I guess that height-based childgate considers every avatar shorter than 1.70m a kid.

People either can't be bothered to change that, or script code is just gibberish to them. Or they actually see everyone under 1.70m as underage. Or they see everyone under 1.55m as underage, but they think Second Life's avatar height bug (actual height = height indicated in the shape - 15cm) exists in OpenSim, too.

As OpenSim both lacks the avatar height bug and has a lot of realistically-sized avatars, this misconfiguration leads to a lot of false positives.
Oh i get that, but I didn't express myself properly then: what's hysteric is the very reason behind the childgate itself. Not the program.
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Grid is back and online
yup, came back 2 hours ago, more or less at the momenty i had to go for 2hours. heh