Milly Money @Roleplayed

Los Angeles Online

AKA MK Scott! I own and run the E Grid and the Roleplay Grid


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where is this lovely stuff to be found now? I don't seem to be able to locate it ... looking for that great bbq and cooler ! :)
Currently I have the set at the shop, you still can get it there =)
I found it, thank you for this! :)
AFAIK, it was exclusive for the OSgrid birthday. But I could come over and give it to you if Aaack doesn't mind.
Thank you, I guess it's at the shop and I just didnt see it :)
I thought about it, but I was so happy with my consumables and given there's so little food around I decided to put them out at the shop.
omigosh it was right in front!! I feel silly ...LOVE it thank you!! :)
I'll go look for it again later today, top floor or bottom? Thanks! :)
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So beautiful and takes me back as well, so well done ... as a child of the 60's we had many cars and things just like these around all the time .. so good to see this .. thank you!
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Got mine and love them all!! Thank you!!
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STUNNING outfits and sweaters, got a bunch, thank you so much!! :)
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Would love to get this, but says no access? :(
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Seems you are doing your share. It shocked me how hostile it was. Good wishes to all
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it doesn't ...I was on Osgrid for years and the Fundraiser functioned fine with people still having a life and enjoying things ..
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I don't really get the hostile judgement of the comment against this event. It seemed to go over the top. Just my 2 cents ...
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Beautiful! By any chance will you be offering a new version of your OAR for your lovely jewels?
I may in the future, I have been super busy so what I suggest is rez the current OAR then add all the new jewelry to your collection. Thank you for your interest I really appreciate it.
Thank you! That's a good idea, you make such wonderful items I haven't seen anywhere else! :)
Thank you, I love to create. If you ever want something special just for you or your grid please ask if I am able to create it I will.
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ha ha love this. Thank you :)
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Very well said, thank you.
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they ban a lot of grids, and that's the main reason I don't have lands there. The professional aspect is great, yes, and they offer many really good services. But there were way too many places I couldn't get to, well known and safe. It was too frustrating. Other than that, I'd be there now. That and the fact avatars were limited and I was told to stop making them, or let others in my rp group add any more. Fire and Ice has had some big issues, but they're fair and very good and there's no limit to avatars or where I can go ...
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Go see this place. It's much more than you think it is, the Art Museum is a wonder.
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beautiful swim suits but also beach/ lounge furniture well scripted! highly recommend. just wish it wasn't no transfer.
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Beautiful horses, loved to see this, thank you for this, for them :) Gorgeous horses!!
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Great! When will land be available to rent again? :)
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My good friend who is a dad of eight loved the place and was so happy to find living, moving babies! I'd recommend to anyone. Thanks for your great job here!
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If you want babies/kids for your fam on OpenSim, head here. It's a wonderland. Ten stars!!!!
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thank you! That's amazing, I'd never have thought of that, thanks for a quick answer :)
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I'm not getting their big crime?

>> they have created avatars with a different name so they will not be discovered

Discovered? They can do what they want on their own grid, right? Including change the name, have new avies?
Really they can create the avatars they want in their grid, you are absolutely right in that, but I believe that this was not the question posed by GullyRivers, I believe you have seen the video of it. What was put in it was that the administrators of 3dlove are the same as AllCity having just changed the name of the grid. This is what I saw in the video. We have one more post up there talking about it, but if you did not get such crime reports from them that good for you. I do not think it was the same for GullyRivers as it was for me.