Milly Money @Roleplayed

Los Angeles Offline

AKA MK Scott! I own and run the E Grid and the Roleplay Grid

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This wonderful combat system has been masterfully scripted by Ares Halostar. It let's you set up a game on your land in your woods, where avatars can fight vampires, spiders, werewolves, and more! Not only this, but healing fairies and magical spirits fly to your aid to heal you! The entire system is FREE and is a massive amount of work. If you always wanted a complete roleplay situation this is it from A to Z. It's Amazing! :) It's at Village It is well worth the trip! He has put some heart & soul into this system! Enjoy!

Marpil Grafenwalder: wow sounds interesting!!! I want to try this 2 months ago

Another view from the welcome area

On April 9th, the Board of Directors convened and resolved to augment its membership by two individuals, thereby ensuring a quorum. Subsequently, it was unanimously decided to extend membership offers to Unadecal Masala and Roland Francis. I am pleased to confirm that both candidates graciously accepted, and on April 11th, our inaugural board meeting took place, yielding fruitful outcomes.

The newly appointed board members will undertake pivotal responsibilities, including reviewing and adjudicating art submissions, voting on prospective projects, and contributing to strategic decisions concerning the gallery's operations. Additionally, they will engage in various board-related duties.

To foster creativity, we are excited to announce the integration of a dedicated workspace within the gallery premises, facilitated by a small sim. This space will serve as a collaborative hub for artists, providing an opportunity for mutual encouragement, support, and artistic synergy within the Open Sim community.

We extend heartfelt congratulations to Una and Roland on their appointments. Your expertise and commitment will undoubtedly enrich our board, and we eagerly anticipate your contributions.

Sodasullivan: Great news! I know that Mr. Masala has been a huge supporter of my creative endeavors, and I am excited about what sounds like a very exciting project. (Also nice to see elf representation on the boar... 2 months ago

Some of our products are more fun than others!

Textures Trees & Scripts

(yes, we do sell dolphins, whales, octopus, spotted stingray, manta ray and hundred of fish)

The Land Rental System. This amazing system is available on Valands in osgrid. It's a work of art in scripting and she has done an amazing job of creating this, if you are in the business of renting land you should check it out and stop by val lands and get a copy. Really awesome work!

Jared Seda: Simply Amazing! 2 months ago


Jerralyn Franzic: Whoo... just like SL... Legacy seems to be gaining ground in the fantasy depth. Anyway, this outfit is... *jaw drops* 2 months ago
Allow us to invite you to join our Friends of The Genesis Roleplay Grid HUD. Here we'll place a walk through (collision) teleporter with your logo and grid address so that when people walk through they will be teleported to your grid and the region you select. At Genesis Roleplay Grid we are working to create a more positive and cooperative atmosphere in Open Sim and we're doing it by networking grids and sharing anything that we can to help our "Friends'" grids succeed. The process is easy, contact me, Lavia Lavine, and send me your logo and the address and rezz point for your grid's chosen destination, and that's it. It's just that simple. Why do we do this? Because we want to and we can. I will also be forming a group for this for all "Friends of GRPG" to join so I can send notices and other information to those who join. Blessings and much love, Lavia.

Milly Money: we are very proud to be included as a fellow Masala Estates member with Una, for The Roleplay Grid! Thank you Lavia! :) 2 months ago

We've revamped our welcome area.

Ginger Snaps (Snips): Beautiful 2 months ago
Oi! Are you still playing the same 20 pop songs on your land stream? Are you putting your visitors to sleep with "Chill Traxx"? That's just cruel!

Dial in the the best radio station in Open Sim, Second Life and beyond! Over 1001 hand curated music tracks for over 122 hours of quality music! (You don't hear the same 10 songs five times a day like every other stream.) You'll hear the best of rock, pop. hip-hop, indie and even a little jazz and country classics. We are never too loud and definitely not too soft! Hey, you can event to go to our website and request a song. You say and we play it!

At Black Cat, we do not spam you with advertising and we do NOT collect our listeners location to send local ads to them. (That is SO creepy!) We are 100% listener supported.

Feel free to come visit our radio station at Avedon Park. You can even grab a free mesh radio to stream us on your land.


Land URL:

*(NOTICE: The statements made by the staff at Black Cat Radio are not endorsed by the management or staff at Avedon Park! We apologize for their salty language! They drink heavily and they make a mess! However, their music IS the best, so we do tolerate them ...barely*

Finnegan: Best stream on any grid! 2 months ago
New Eborn Rebody shoes, available full-perm in 12 colours (their tint-able), feel free to copy and re-distribute. Not available in SecondLife. Made by me. Please don't ever sell these, anywhere, ever. Only to be given away, free of charge. of Merci

snik snoodle: @Suzan_vonOtter Nice One! :) 2 months ago

The Wizard Of Oz sends you all greetings!

Hugabug: this is one of his Best builds it is a must see 2 months ago
I have often considered my underwater worlds
to be my best build ever. It took 6 months to find things, build
destroy, build, adjust and redo. Much of the time was spent searching.

This week I realized.....the best thing I can do for Opensim
is help all of you build underwater worlds if you wish.

Textures Trees & Scripts

now offers a massive Underwater section!

Hundreds of fish, coral, 5 types of rays, sharks, octopus, anemones, kelp and much more!

Enjoy making your dreams come alive!

Safinemahoe2: Just a quick note here.....The response to the Underwater building has been I decided to Double the size and add ruins for you! Shout out to Misty Falls for custom creating 5 animes... 2 months ago
Easier for you... and more simple....
We have put some direct teleporter boards in the free houses shop ...
Direct tp for diferent types of Honey's Creations Homes.... Those are also free for you... and " a bit different " from ordinary ones... built with prims so not perfect but some have tub, bathrooms, furniture specially built for those homes... and really fun for some of them....
What is orb? Orb is a webtop operating system. This means, it's like having a working windows desktop computer, but in a browser window. WHY DOES IT MATTER? Well, imagine your avatar has a tablet in their hand, or cell phone, or a laptop. Now imagine your avatar can zoom in on the screen AND RUN REAL WORLD APPS and save data. Example: Your avatar could have a tablet in their hand that is running firestorm they are using to control another avatar. o.O You get it? Not only that, but this webtop computer is super fast and super responsive (no lag or delay at all). All you do is go here: and download the latest release of orb to your linux machine, then gunzip it, then tar -xf. Then take the folder structure to your webroot. THIS WILL GIVE EVERY USER ON YOUR GRID THE ABILITY TO HAVE INWORLD WORKING DEVICES. Many users can set up free accounts. What's more is that letters they type and so on will be saved in their instance protected by their user name and password. :) Pretty cool huhhh? To see a working demo go here and click the demo button:

Wolf Territories Grid: That's a really interesting project, going to test it out - especially if people could have logins to thedesk top like an RDP or something. 2 months ago
No, this is not a hallocination.....This is the Twin Sim to Cockatiels paradise called " Paraiso das Calopsitas ". The whole sim is still under construction but at least Froggie Ponds creations are back. Even the artwork on the pictures for the items is genius. There you can see how much love and details she had put in.
On the sim you will find this and that items, funny costumes for system avatars, Avatars on the upper floor and a lot more to come...
que sensacion agradable que nos provoca siempre ver una isla recien nacida. Art&Friends, esta en la espera del
nacimiento de una nueva exposición de arte .No te la puedes perder...

What a pleasant feeling that seeing a newly born island always gives us. Art&Friends, is waiting for the
birth of a new art exhibition. You can't miss it...

Milly Money: LOVE seeing that new 'button' sprout, so many new possibilities or sometimes the beginning of a master plan :D 2 months ago
Lunaria Emporium is my main store located on Wolf Territories Grid, where you'll find unique products related to architecture and decor in multiple themes.

The central store is large, with multiple rooms that include themes such as Christmas, Gothic, Vampire, Arcane Magic, Castles, Steampunk Airships, Medieval, Japanese/Asian, Greek and Roman, Statuary, Decor, freebies, large architecture in multiple styles, and large Venues.

Surrounding the central rotunda are large viewing parcels at ground level where you can walk through all of the structures available for purchase and experience the builds firsthand. They can be accessed by teleport boards, bridges, flying, or taking a boat ride.

There are freebies scattered throughout the central store with several items free to anyone. Also available for free are the Ruth 2.0 and Roth 2.0 mesh avatars and huds.

Important Note: Use Shared Environment and higher graphics to see the region properly. As you explore the various parcels, the sky settings will change to fit the theme.

Many of my products can also be found on the Kitely Market here:, but all items at the store are 20% off Kitely Market Prices, since Wolf territories is not taking 20% off the top of every sale. I pass on those savings to you.

Wanna play with fire?

"Fire good!" by Jason O'Halloran is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

Textures Trees & Scripts

that little store everyone is talking about

The Witches Hud - New Release - Fixes: For some reason the broom travelled backwards in opensimulator I fixed this. Also the arcane meeting place was phantom even though it wasn't set to phantom. I fixed this too. Get yours here: Trees, & Scripts at the Wizardry store. :) NOTE: if you try too use arcane spell above 4000 it will kick you out. For some reason you must only cast [Arcane] between 1 and 3999 meters high. It's a limitation of opensimulator. *The huds are hidden at the Wizardry store behind a secret bookcase. :) PLEASE RESET THE SCRIPTS IN THE HUD AND THE ATTACHMENT SO THEY WORK.
My latest and probably most difficult memorial build, not that it was hard to do, but that it is a memorial to my very first pet who was so loyal, loving and protective. Wolfie was truly my best friend and to this day I miss him. He was half great Dane and half Siberian Husky and looked very much like a Canadian Timberwolf, hence his name. He was the most adorable puppy and grew into a beautiful and amazing adult dog. His memory will be forever treasured by me, but building the memorial brought a few tears to my eyes, I loved my boy.

Andremus Miklos: I know what you're talking about my friend, I miss my boy each and every day...Hugs 2 months ago
Out new, a new chaise focused on threesomes. 490 animations and all possible combinations: FM FF MM FFM MMF FFF & duo pegging FMF.
Includes [AV] select, and HUD with all textures - as well as materials. I have also replaced the usual box for a add-able unpacker.
Uber: hop:// Boutiques/381/373/23

Sodasullivan: *googles "duo pegging" and swallows my gum. That is a LOT of animations I will likely never use, but the chaise looks SO great I have already found a home for it in the Park. 2 months ago
Grand Opening of Flores Sea: A Spectacular Adventure Awaits!

We are thrilled to announce the official opening of Flores Sea, an enchanting destination for adventure seekers and explorers. As of today, Monday, April 1st, 2024, at 05:00 pm european time our gates are wide open, inviting you to immerse yourself in a world of natural beauty and thrilling experiences.

Visiting Hours:
Tuesdays and Thursdays: 4:00 PM to midnight (European Time)
What Awaits You:
Picturesque Landscapes: Flores Sea boasts numerous breathtaking locations waiting to be discovered.
Arrival Instructions: Upon arrival, take the teleporter (TP) to Wild Adventure. From there, you can access a variety of islands via our convenient boat rezzer.
The wild adventure Island has a lot to offer , take your time as there is a lot to see. We offer Surfing Rock climbing and jumping , Quad Rezzer, Elephant riding Rezzer, cozy hideaways and much more.

Island Exploration: Explore the hidden gems scattered across the archipelago. Crystal-clear waters, lush forests, and pristine beaches await your discovery.
Thrilling Activities: Whether you’re into surfing, rock climbing, or adrenaline-pumping jumps, by boat crossing caves, underwater world at the caves and naturist area Flores Sea has it all.
Cozy Retreats: Unwind in our cozy hideaways, where tranquility meets adventure.

There are also skippered sailing yacht tours throughout Flores Sea, upon request.

Adult-Only Experience: Please note that Flores Sea is an adult-only sim, ensuring a mature and respectful environment for all visitors.
Join Us!
We extend a warm invitation to all adventurers, thrill-seekers, and nature enthusiasts. Come experience the magic of Flores Sea—a place we’ve poured our hearts into creating.

Warm regards,

Crazy and Carmen Ever Owners, Flores Sea Adventure

Feierliche Eröffnung von Flores Sea: Ein spektakuläres Abenteuer erwartet euch!

Wir freuen uns, die offizielle Eröffnung von Flores Sea bekannt zu geben, einem bezaubernden Reiseziel für Abenteuersuchende und Entdecker. Ab heute, Montag, 1. April 2024, um 17:00 Uhr europäischer Zeit sind unsere Tore weit geöffnet und laden euch ein, in eine Welt voller natürlicher Schönheit und aufregender Erlebnisse einzutauchen.

Dienstags und donnerstags: 16:00 bis 24:00 Uhr (europäische Zeit)
Was euch erwartet:
Malerische Landschaften: Flores Sea bietet zahlreiche atemberaubende Orte, die darauf warten, entdeckt zu werden.
Ankunftsanweisungen: Nehmt nach euerer Ankunft den Teleporter (TP) zu Wild Adventure. Von dort aus könnt ihr über unseren praktischen Bootsrezzer eine Vielzahl von Inseln erreichen.
Das Wildlife Adventure hat viel zu bieten, nehmt euch Zeit, denn es gibt viel zu sehen. Wir bieten Surfen, Klettern und Springen, Quad-Rezzer, Elefantenreiten-Rezzer, gemütliche Rückzugsorte und vieles mehr.

Inselerkundung: Entdeckt die verborgenen Schätze des Archipels. Kristallklares Wasser, mit Booten durchfahrbare Höhlenwelt, Unterwasserwelten in der höhle und im Naturist Gebiet , üppige Wälder und unberührte Strände warten darauf, von euch entdeckt zu werden.
Aufregende Aktivitäten: Ob ihr euch für Surfen, Klettern oder adrenalingeladene Sprünge interessiert, Flores Sea hat alles zu bieten.
Gemütliche Rückzugsorte: Entspannt euch in unseren gemütlichen Rückzugsorten, wo Ruhe auf Abenteuer trifft.

Auf Anfrage werden auch Segelyachttouren mit Skipper im gesamten Flores-Meer angeboten.

Erlebnis nur für Erwachsene: Bitte beachtet, dass es sich bei Flores Sea um eine Simulation nur für Erwachsene handelt, die eine erwachsene und respektvolle Umgebung für alle Besucher gewährleistet.
Begleitet uns!
Wir laden alle Abenteurer, Abenteuerlustigen und Naturliebhaber herzlich ein. Kommt und erlebt die Magie des Flores-Meeres – eines Ortes, für dessen Erschaffung wir unser ganzes Herzblut eingesetzt haben.

Herzliche Grüße,

Crazy und Carmen Ever Owners, Flores Sea Adventure

Carmen Jewel: The region boasts an abundance of breathtaking natural landscapes, ideal for photography enthusiasts. 2 months ago
Recently I have had a number of people requesting that I allow child avatars at friends-grid and I want to discuss this openly and honestly.

It is not my place to try and push my morals and values upon others....however, as a grid owner, it is my place to learn the laws of every country involved. In this situation, I need to understand the Child pornography laws of not only where our servers are located, but I also had to research and learn the laws of every country we have residents and guests from. We currently have residents from 30 countries and guests from another 35. People who say "laws dont apply " are incorrect on this subject. You may have servers in one country.....but all the laws of your resident's countries come into play also.

A good thing to remember is that because you have gotten away with something for 10 years does not make it legal. You may never get caught....and then again.....somebody with a grudge may turn you in.

I want to point out a recent post by Jerralyn Franzic . Jerralyn showed the cutest childs outfit ever! ....and she also made the wisest statement ...."I don't understand the hatred towards child avis in Open Sim. Sure, they shouldn't engage in adult activities and maybe not hang in Adult sims but otherwise, what's the problem?" Personally I would love to see kids riding ponies at my farm....and having fun being mermaids. If everyone in child avi were to abide by Jerralyn's statement, there would not be an issue.

However, lets talk about reality. Not all child avis are simply riding ponies and playing in the water. The simple truth is that many (not all) of these child avis are having sex. Some grids use this to boost their traffic. In some countries, including US, the graphic illustration of a child online having sex is 100% illegal. You see, it does not matter if the person behind the computer is 12 or 52......the visual computer generated depiction of a child (child avatar) involved in sex is very illegal in a number of countries. 18 U.S.C. § 2252 Many people will say their countries are different....and this is stupid. I did not make laws........but I need to abide by them. Before people jump on this and criticize me ....I would suggest you read the laws of your country....your servers country...and the laws of all your residents or guests. There are many misinformed people on this subject. I am not saying the laws are right or wrong......but learn the laws.....then comment. You need to learn laws for your servers country...and all your guests countries. This post is not about is about laws....of all the countries involved.

I have spent over 200 hours reading international laws. Some countries allow things that others do not. However, you have to consider all the laws because of guests.

In I hate kids and kids avis......nooooooo. I would love to be able to allow them to come to friends grid. However, this is a less than perfect world in which we live, and I have to look at the potential liability of allowing those child avis. Because of that, Child avis are not allowed on exceptions! I am sad....because there are some wonderful people in kids avis that I do not get to have visit.

Friends-grid is an Adult community and we are looking for adults, with adult avi's who want to make this their main opensim home.

Sodasullivan: I think this is the proper way to address this issue Safine. You are setting the rules YOU are comfortable with on YOUR region. I am fine having my region open to everyone as long as they agree to fol... 2 months ago
Okay, this one goes out to @sodasullivan who keeps moaning about me only bringing alcohol. So some Hazelnut Coffee it is...and a 'Hidden' wine cellar.
Both items dispense drinks with hold/drink animations: Cellar 2 different ones.
Cellar frame is scripted so it moves and hides the drinks! Pourover dripping is scripted too.
All include bumpiness and shine layers and values.
Uber: hop://

Sodasullivan: Thank goodness. I thought I was going to have to start a virtual 12-step program. Seriously though, these look beautiful. Thank you for the hard work you put into everything. If anyone has not shopped... 2 months ago

Happy Easter!

Great Crowd for Easter Weekend!! Happy Easter everyone!!


DJ Mike is stepping in tonight for DJ Sid over at Cinders Beach Swingers Club at Raven's Peak!

The music has started and the volume has been turned ALL the way up for a night a debaucherous fun! Everyone is welcome so get your sexy on and join us for an exciting night!

Mike & Zoey ♥
Hi Everyone :)
I Have created a Playboy Bunny Outfit for Athena Just for you.
You will find it at the TP Point

Be sure to wear your Group Tag ModaPlaza.

Wishing you a Happy Easter from us all at AMV.

LeonitasLionheart: Long live Hef, a man who helped many a man evolve into classier men. To appreciate women almost akin to works of art. Sexuality and confidence. How to be a gentleman and treat people with respect. Bri... 2 months ago
Contact me in world if you're looking for a home and a place to grow your creative self on your very own region. Genesis Roleplay Grid is one grid where the Role you play is up to you! From Writers, Character players, builders, artists, decorators, landscapers, terraformers, designers, developers and scripters, every role is important to the community. Message me in world and we'll hammer out the details. Blessings and much love, Lavia.

Camballa and Soul wish you all
Easter holidays
Kind regards, Karin Becker
Euch allen wünschen Camballa und Soul
liebe grüsse karin Becker

Hey, if you have a future/space/sci-fi/cyberpunk/industrial goth region you want to auditorily spice up, or you just like that cyborg sound or being immersed in cosmic wonder or wearing all black every day, here are some music streams you can use, curated and regularly updated by me:


and if you want to give your shops a nostalgic feel, like when your parents dragged you to Kmart. only with a healthy dose of relaxing jazz and bossa nova, here's another one:

... and this one's just some electroswing and other dance music:

Each one offers endless hours of continuous music with almost no repetition. Just plug them into the sound tab on your land and enjoy! Minimal ads (usually just one when you first enter the parcel or whatever starts the stream) because I'm pumping out 5 radio stations on one account without paying. I get no revenue from the ads, I just don't want to buy an upgrade because I'm cheap :p
Easter is not only about bunnies and eggs which are cute anyway :). It brings happiness, hope, flowers and the sun warmth after so many days of rain and cold, so I want to wish all of you a beautiful Easter with your dear family and friends.
Come to my Collectibles and grab some little gifts I put there for you.
Happy Easter!
Hugs Bebe [paste this on your map please]

Image by @FerdFrederix~Thank you Ferd! Sakuragawa at dusk.

Aurora Starchild: *watches short people walking there and starting to throw rings* 2 months ago

The music has been turned up and the party has started!!

New drink item at Starchild Shoppe. Board and decor champs mimosa glasses both dispense a wearable, hold+drink+animated smaller glass via prop. Bubbles animated too.
Comes with 2 hold+drink poses (initially Male Female, but just renamed them to Pose 1 and 2)
Uber: hop:// Boutiques/389/350/23

DJ Sally J at The Landing, Darkhearts Boutiques.

Come join our Friday party and kick the weekend into overdrive :)


Aurora Starchild: Parteeehhh 2 months ago
From all the residents of Littlefield Grid to all of our family and friends. Have a Happy and Blessed Easter Holiday!

De todos los residentes de Littlefield Grid a todos nuestros familiares y amigos. ¡Que tengas unas felices y bendecidas vacaciones de Pascua!
