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Milly Money @Roleplayed

Arizona Offline

AKA MK Scott! I own and run the E Grid and Hub Grid!

Profile Comments

Hi its funny, your comment. then who is that In Picture In the air flying? Oh, let me guess. It wasn't me. My Mall is Open to all. Just a few simple rules follow them, and you shine.
Trouble Ahead? Such an ironic name. KrisTina is a notorious troll. He created an alt to come to a grid he is banned from to threaten that I risked bodily harm. Why? For quoting the SL policy on child AVs.

He is banned on many regions. The Etheria Grid post exposes him, once again, for the sick person he is. This is a service to the OS community. The visitors can read about the creativity of the builders here, but then, without warning, encounter people like this creature. Don't be an enabler and try to keep this horrid behavior hidden.
Thank you so much for this Nico. The support really means a lot. I try to stay out of hot water as much as possible but this was just too far and too bad to keep hidden.