If payware looks like from pre-mesh times, it usually is from pre-mesh times. Put into commercial stores in the early days of Kitely or DigiWorldz when that stuff was still fairly state-of-the-art, and the only competition was the first wave of Linda Kellie creations from 2007/2008.
In most cases, these creators haven't logged into OpenSim in a decade, probably not even into SL, so that they don't even know that their stuff is hopelessly outdated now. They may even have forgotten that they've still got a shop or a whole sim in OpenSim with items for sale, especially if they don't have to pay rent. Bonus points if even the shopping sim owner hasn't logged in in years, so nobody has ever taken into consideration clearing that shop.
If some of them are still active, they should really do a reality check. First, premium mesh clothes in SL are cheaper in real-life money than their layer-and-prim creations. Second, these premium mesh clothes are available in OpenSim for free.
Lastly, yes, there are still a few OpenSim users who refuse to use any mesh. But they've still got a lot of pre-mesh stuff to choose from. Yes, that stuff isn't easy to find, especially if it wasn't made by Linda Kellie. But all this pre-mesh payware isn't actually any easier to find.
Now, layer clothes do have their use since the arrival of BoM, particularly for anything skin-tight. Underwear, lingerie, hosiery, swimwear, latex... Legal BoM bodies like Ruth2 v4 or the BoM version of RuthToo RC#3 depend on them, and besides, they don't clip through anything you wear over them.
But still, you can get more of this for free than you'll probably ever need. Legally even. No need to spend money on it.
Lastly, I guess that many in-world payware vendors don't work anymore anyway because nobody has been around to reset their scripts since at least 2013.