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Greetings, Gridlings. Best wishes to all our OpenSim friends on the 13 YEAR rezz day of Lani region on 1 May 2023. ..."May your footsteps be soft upon the sand. May the giant worms make a smooth path through the dunes of your future destiny." - from Lani Global

Kylie Brimmer: wow 13 years and still going strong :) i like that place so much. 2 years ago
I like to drop a post every now and then on another virtual universe I'm involved in developing, with a working name of Starlite Galaxies. It's a user-content generated world like SL and Opensim, but not based on their code. A complete new game engine has been written from the ground up in proprietary codebase using C++, utilizing the Vulkan API instead of OpenGL. The universe will not be compatible with opensim code, but we are discussing a bridge option down the road to allow opensim users to visit. The game is currently approaching alpha testing for which all slots are filled.

The top shot is a helmet readily available on 3D model sites that we use to test our handling of PBR materials and shaders. This one is reflecting the environment we dropped it in and running at 4910 fps on full blast graphics using a GeForce 3060 card (I believe this is the same helmet visible in the recent SL tutorial on their version of PBR)

The bottom image is an asteroid field with 50,000 physical objects all orbiting a central mass independently of one another. We wanted to find a breaking point, but only got the fps down to 720 fps.

We also are testing on a variety of lower end machines to find baselines for the graphics and physics. But if you want to go full-bore gaming using VR, controllers, joysticks, flight-sim equipment, etc., then all of that capability is already there and working. Probably would only want to use VR with your feet on the ground. We found flying ships in VR was...unsettling.

See my Facebook page for larger images: https://www.facebook.com/LunariaEmporium

Jupiter Rowland: @Arielle: When I say "OpenSim devs", I DO mean those who created OpenSim, the source code and everything. I also said that there are people who believe that these slogans have always been an official... 2 years ago
New Feature: When health drops to 10, you are sent to "The Afterlife" where you can regenerate health. If your health reaches 0 by chance, the simulator teleports you home, same as it does in SL. Keep an eye on your health meter! We are SERIOUS about the dress code, be sure to read the Dismayland description before entering!

Thirza Ember: Beautifully made, easy to use, paradise for legacy avies. The food in Chopsy's Diner is delicious. 2 years ago
Thank you @CuteulalaArtis I appreciated the help today setting up your excellent red coaster on our Catena di isole beach. Please stop by anytime and ride this great coaster it is thrilling! You have a great view riding it with nice photo opportunities!
Wow... this project started in late 2020 and it still is not quite finished. Most of the rides are fully working now and many of the attractions need some polish. Hopefully I will be opening in a month or two... I am so excited to finally see the "light at the end of the tunnel", lets hope it is not a train coming to run me over, LOL!

You have seen theme parks on sunny beaches, boardwalks and even in post-nuclear fallout zones. This park is located in a swamp infested with reptiles, monsters and other sorts of vermin. There are over 50 rides and attractions guaranteed to bemuse or completely annoy you. Keep an eye on your health meter or you could be the main course at Chopsy's Diner! Message me if you want in on the BETA TEST.

Special thanks to: Satyr Aeon, Greybox Darkward, Builder Jim, Chopsy Bode, Jimmy Olsen, Prince Amor & Frank Funfair who's contributions made this project possible.

Destiny257Seranade: Oh I can hardly wait til you have this open! This is the type of amusement that Dan and I absolutely love having fun at! Bring that Beta Testing on!! Lol! 2 years ago
The difference between Xengine and Yengine...
Yengine has premptive multitasking, xengine does not.
This solves the lsl function problem of llSleep(n); Which could not run on Xengine the same way. On Xengine using llSleep would use one of the cpu's threads and place it in sleep mode. Yengine, simply places a sleep command into a wait queue and keeps the cpu thread available for more processing of other scrips. Xengine is also slower because it translate script to c# language, then uses .net compiler to generate it. Once a script is loaded into Xengine the memory from it cannot be recovered even if the script ends. Yengine scripts recover the ram memory when a script ends, so it can be used by other things for example more visitors to your sim.
Xengine does not follow a true AOS (algebraic operating system) and will evaulate sequences to the wrong boolean expression, Yengine follows AOS to the letter, and will always evaluate expressions mathematically correctly.
Yengine is a modified derivative of XMREngine created by dreamnation and avination. It is faster, uses memory and cpu threads much better than xengine, and thanks to ubit umarov, it is now more stable than Xengine, and all the bugs have been eradicated, that were found.
So you can keep using the outdated broke Xengine, thinking you have gold. But as a professional programmer I realize the average person doesn't understand the importance of memory management, memory leaks, and thread lockup. So it's rather ludicrous for me to waste my time trying to explain why something is better to people who have no concept of professional programming fundamentals. I suppose I should put on my armor for when the attacks from idiots start rolling in...

OpenSimWorld: Xengine is still the most widely used along with Bulletsim. YEngine had a serious arithmetic bug that broke the Satyrfarm. That said, the farm, SFsail and the Sfposer all work well with Y now. I m not... 2 years ago
For better or worse, I am sharing things I have done for online safety in Opensim, as the reader you can decide for yourself which actions to take. If you can learn from your own mistakes, you are pretty smart but if you can learn from SOMEONE ELSE'S mistakes, you are a genius!

After reading a number of posts on Opensimworld, it is apparent that some hobbyists of unaware of protections they have available when running Opensimulator for the first time. Some tinkerers may opt for running a simulator on their spare computer at home and connecting the region to an OPEN grid like OSgrid or Zetaworlds. Nothing beats the excitement of having your own land for the first time. You spend hours designing your city, giving it a theme, placing sit targets on all of your furniture; everything is 'ponies and rainbows' until some jerk comes in and decides to populate your territory with questionable objects in the hopes they can READ YOUR COMPLAINTS HERE ON OPENSIMWORLD while they are fondling their (ahem - your favorite depiction here) ego at your ire.

THE BEST RESPONSE TO TROLLS IS NO RESPONSE. When you ignore them, they move on to someone else who will make some noise... They are like vampires feeding off of negative energy.

The screenshot above illustrates things you can do to protect your simulators. In 'about land, options' section I un-check the Everyone boxes. Only Group users may use those features. You can also define who may enter, in 'about land, access' you can restrict access to a group or only certain individuals. Now some of you will say "Stop right there, my visitor's AO will not work or they cannot use their custom dance huds". The good news is that if your visitors are using the AO built into their viewer, that is not a problem, they will have their own custom animations or dances and will not need to run scripts. If the visitor is someone you can trust, you can allow them into the group... If you are having a party, you can temporarily enable script access to guests while you are present. When you are running the region it is up to YOU to POLICE IT. You have options for blocking hostiles in your built-in configuration files. There are also scripted solutions for traffic control where you can banish individual users, entire grids or IP ranges in real-time. You are free to seek out any technology which keeps your world safe. I strongly advise that you examine the code before employing these security devices.

For Hypergrid users: Enjoying a LAG-FREE experience is not the HOST's responsibility. IT IS YOURS.

As computers get more powerful each year, region operators WILL populate their sims with content that could bring many CPUs and display adapters to their knees. Lets face it, not everyone can afford to buy a new computer every year with all of the latest bells and whistles. When traveling you want to make sure your PC is optimized for controlling client side lag. Luckily, your viewer has features available to combat these issues. Reducing draw distance, particles, LOD and avatar complexity will give you better frame rates at the expense of reduced visual quality.

Other ways to protect yourself when traveling include: Making sure your SUITCASE IS EMPTY - the more junk you have in there, the more BLOAT that follows you as you travel. You can also make a lightweight hypergrid avatar. The screenshot above shows my actual inventory window. Instead of carrying everything on my person, I have everything rezzed on land in a hidden region on my grid that only I can access. Less inventory means less orange smoke at login. I have been told that some shady grid owners can use rogue simulator code see what is in your suitcase and copy it. I have also heard of grid operators cloning visitors via collision scripted objects - it is easy to copy stuff a cloned avatar is wearing. I always say "Never wear anything when traveling that you do not want some simpleton to copy". I have seen some nasty OSSL code that will crash the sim of the person who cloned you without permission. Trolling the trolls can be fun BUT I digress, TWO WRONGS DO NOT MAKE IT RIGHT.

Opensim does not have to be the 'WILD WILD WEST' - protect yourselves & protect your regions. You and your guests can enjoy the best of Opensimulator.

As always, feel free to share this article when needed.

Peace & Love

Pagane: One more.... will say only once. Years ago one of oldtimers here show me how connect to IP port 8003 with linux terminal and direct send SQL commands. Priscilla use this hole and BASH SCRIPT yes, li... 2 years ago
if you see a virtual beach region offline on osw, it doesn't always mean its offline. something is going on where its deleting the beacon keys. this will be worked on in the next coming weeks. I do not know what is causing this but it is doing it more then once.
Opensimulator is FREE but not a "free-for-all" **

I have noticed there are a number of people who use the Opensimulator server software but they do not fully understand the true concept of it's OPEN nature.

In real life, I have been contributing to FREE and Open sourced software for well over a decade and I rely on it for most of my day to day computing tasks. I have a full working knowledge of what open source is and the level of freedom it gives to the people who use it. Free software gives you the ability to see the source code, change it, make it better, share your changes with friends and some open source licenses will allow you to SELL your modified code. There are many versions of Opensim such as the OSgrid builds, Arriba, Sasquatch, Isthmus or Halcyon and there is nothing stopping YOU from making your own version. You cannot do this with closed sourced software legally. This is the extent to which Opensimulator is OPEN.

Opensimulator is FREE! Free as in Freedom. You are FREE to use the software in any way that you feel is morally or socially acceptable and there is no defined method on how you should use the software. I see people all the time saying things to the effect of: "You should let everyone in your sim." or "You have no right to block bad people or grids." or "You should give everything away free because that is what Opensim was made for." If any of those statements are true then PROVE IT! Go on http://opensimulator.org and show me where it says this. I can assure you that I have completely read the BSD license and it is SHORTER than this article I am writing right now. Nowhere does the license say anything on how you should use the software because that act alone would nullify the freedoms that the Opensimulator developers have given you. You will not find (and probably never will find) any documentation enforcing edicts on how they think you should use this software. They do however have guides on getting the most out of it's features, it is an invaluable resource.

What does all of this mean? FREEDOM FOR ALL but NOT a free-for-all. You have the right to impose RULES on your sims and Opensim software gives grid operators powerful OSSL code to deal with interlopers and troublemakers. Nobody should walk all over you and tell you how to run your grid, when it is your servers, your money and your resources. YOU ARE IN CONTROL. Grid operators have the ability to block any viewer they want, it is built right in. You define how your grid operates and are under no obligation to obey anyone who hates you for using these features. Some may say "Because a feature exists does not mean you should use it." and they would be WRONG because these settings would not be included if the Opensimulator developers did not intend for people to use them.

I challenge anyone who disagrees with this article to visit http://opensimulator.org and show me any documentation which refutes anything I have said. I will only accept submissions from the aforementioned url because it is the OFFICIAL website for the Opensimulator project and they are the supreme authority governing it's use.

Feel free to share this article when needed.

Peace & Love

** A free-for-all is a situation in which several people or groups are trying to get something for themselves and there are no controls on how they do it.

CyberGlo CyberStar: The great thing about this "live & let live" attitude, is it means we can EVEN encompass the grinches. 2 years ago
How to protect your OpenSIM Server from hackers, priscila's etc.
Protect OpenSIM from hackers, Priscila's and DDOS atack is very easy, but most grid owners continue to not protect their grid and servers.

There is 3 simple step guide for admins:

1. Disable BUILD for all visitors, guests, friends..... ONLY OWNERS MUST BUILD! Priscila use THIS option to fill your sim with cocks!
About land: Options:
Edit terrain: NO!!! Only SIM owner!
Fly: yes, why not?
Build: NO!!! Only SIM owners!
Object Entry: NO!!! Only SIM owners!
Run Script: yes! or mesh body like Athena will not work properly
Safe (no damage): YES!!!
2. Always use router or at least software firewal:
On your router:
my server use IP port 9000-9010, some server may use 8002
don't open port 8003, 3306, 3389 or other numbers what you see somewhere!
config redirect
option src 'wan'
option name 'SIM'
option target 'DNAT'
option dest 'lan'
option dest_port '9000-9010'
option src_dport '9000-9010'
option reflection_src 'external'
option dest_ip '192.168.xx.xx'
list proto 'tcp'
list proto 'udp'

config nat
option src_port '9000-9010'
option name 'OpenSim'
option dest_port '9000-9010'
option src 'lan'
option src_ip '192.168.xx.xx'
list proto 'tcp'
list proto 'udp'
option target 'SNAT'
option snat_ip 'WAN ip XX.XX.XX.XX'

config rule
option src_port '123'
option src 'wan'
option name 'opensimDROP'
option dest 'lan'
list dest_ip '192.168.xx.xx'
option target 'DROP'
list proto 'udp'
option dest_port '9000'

config rule
option src_port '1900'
option src 'wan'
option name 'opensimDropp'
option dest 'lan'
list dest_ip '192.168.xx.xx'
option target 'DROP'
list proto 'udp'
3. Make backups!

=========================== 2024 year additions =====================

4. NEWER allow ssh, ftp, sftp, rdp,smb or any other admin or file transfer access to the server via the same IP address! Use another hidden IP address or better VPN!

5. Backup must be on OTHER phisical device!!! Work copy on some directory is NOT BACKUP!!!

And, keep accusing me of being troll, canibal, ....(all what really is you) but if you not protect properly your server, screams will not help!

Pagane: Some dance machines or adult furnirure scripts ask for option guests to build. Guess whi create this scripts! Normal script use OSSL for this. 2 years ago

Italiani ne abbiamo? ;)

AdryMovida: :) 2 years ago
Whatever we say is a lie is a lie and breaking the rules is a violation. We all know which SIMs are breaking the rules and submitting fake attendance data. We also know why they do it.
I removed their names from here. Only shame remained.
I am ashamed to discuss this matter further.

Thank you for the stones with which you beat me.

Calm the hysteria!
no one wants you to close regions or stop your work.


Is it that hard?

All you know names of SIM with fake visitors list.
Again - i delete shame list.

Excuse me, but it is offensive to me to do this.
I don't know about you, with what impudence and shamelessness you shout that I am driving away the thousands of customers from your overcrowded SIM.
People leave OPENSIM because they go around the beacon popular places looking for PEOPLE and only find bots or abandoned avatars.
No one comes from SL to buy free rags (yes they are lovely!), people want to COMMUNICATE!!!

I know you won't understand me. It's just that you've already closed yourself up in your made-up happiness and don't want to go out and socialize. You can blame me for all your sins. do it! You can post from your dozens of clones created to mimic crowds of supporters.... Ban me, report me, shame me!

And don't shout that someone banned or restricted you! The only one punished in OSW is me, and again because I told the truth that the number of visitors was fake! I confessed and I was punished because the rules are like that!

Want me to delete this SIM and everything on it? OK, but will that erase the lie? Will it bring at least one new user to OpenSIM? Will it remove the six traditionally parked dolls from the new beach party region (yes, yes - the newcomers follow tradition)?


And don't worry, I won't make a new list. It's pointless, it's disgraceful.
P.S. No matter how much you don't like the truth, it doesn't change the facts. No matter how many times you repeat lies, they will not become truth.
You are only spoiling the good impression of your other actions...

Nico Kaliani: This post would be vastly improved by changing out the "OK" graphic with a picture of "Otay" Buckwheat Eddie Murphy. 2 years ago
Sometimes people spy on you.
They use a simple script like this one and put it in any object.
key gkyOwner;

gkyOwner = llGetOwner();
listenHandle = llListen(0, "", "", "");

listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
llInstantMessage(gkyOwner,name + ": " +message);
This script then reports back to them everything you say in local chat - EVEN ON ANOTHER GRID. How can you find these hidden bugs? They could be inside that vase of roses, or even in your wedding band ! Well now you can. The Xray Spy Device will let you see scripted items all around you. It's up to you to God mode them, and read the script inside to see if it's a spy script. Ask yourself a simple question. Does that rock my friend gave me really need a script?
Come get your Xray Spy Device today at cyberdatastorm.com:8002/Wizardry

CyberGlo CyberStar: i totally agree, however i've tested it out and the spy script works very well. 2 years ago
Sometimes a few greifers come to your sim and they use a trick to crash your sim or create lag. They do it by wearing a device which runs many scripts, and each script is created to do intense math calculations which take a lot of cpu time.
Wouldn't it be great if you had x-ray vision and could see who these people are? Now you can. Just wear my "person lag detector" and it will show you how many scripts a person has running, how much memory their scripts are using on your sim (some are designed to eat up all your sims memory), and how much time they are using of your cpu (some are designed to use up all your cpu with calculations). Get it free, now at Wizardry! :) All you do is attach the device to hud center or center2.

Jupiter Rowland: Must-have for party sim owners, me thinks, to find out who really causes all the lag. 2 years ago

Dec. 18th @ 1 - 3 PM SLT Come ROCK around the Christmas Tree !


iekocatnap: Happy holidays to Barefoot Dreamers grid, have a merry christmas ! 2 years ago
Due to the constant attacks on our grid and the Klamotto sim by the user Priscilla Kleenex, the sim is only open to members of the Klamotto group until further notice.
Wegen der ständigen Angriffe auf unser Grid und die Klamotto Sim durch den User Priscilla Kleenex ist die Sim bis auf Weiteres nur für Mitglieder der Klamotto Gruppe geöffnet.

Zoe: Ich konnte pricilla mit den gesperrten Mac-Adressen von meinem Land wegbringen, die ich Ihnen geben kann, treten Sie im Gegenzug Ihrer Gruppe bei :-) My name and UUID: Zoe.Burke 2.nymphgrid.com:8002... 2 years ago

all Regions are back online

Introducing Tiki Cove - Free Adult Housing on Alternate Metaverse Grid

Private individual parcels.......Adults only......High Prim Count.....Mothly Renewals
Community Areas: Beaches, Club House, Dance Pavilion , Pools
Come join us at Alternate Metaverse Grid alternatemetaverse.com:8002
Website: https://alternatemetaverse.com
In hospital fighting to stay alive again at present. Signed power of attorney no life support, no more amputations. Sorry my world's are down. I am not doing well, and no money to fix PC still. Provided I make it home again. haha! Wish me luck. Prayers, love, hugs, n high 5's everyone. :)

Luna Lunaria: Love you Buddy! 3 years ago
TELEPORT HUD - This is the most advanced teleport hud you will ever see in any of the grids. It can be used to teleport to a grid, then a region, then a location in that region. It uses DialogPlus which means you can have pages of places saved in it. Also I got it to save all the locations to a notecard, so in case you reset it, you won't lose all your locations. Additionally, you can edit the notecard and add new locations manually if you like, then save notecard. Then click the hud, and click load. All the new locations you manually entered will be loaded into the hud. --
Now... Some grids will not let you get access to the gateway information via osGetGridGateway... So in other words, it's going to break on some sims, but you can always reset it, and just know that it's ok to tp to those grids, just don't try to tp around once you get there, you can always use ctrl-shift-h to get home if you have a home location set. So why a TP hud? We had these in sL and they make life easier, if you are smart enough to know how to use one. It's just better, that's why.
Keep in mind, that it is purposefully designed so that when you tp to a grid ONLY those regions in that grid will appear under the [Regions] button. Once you select a region it will tp you to that region. Then you click [Locations] and only the locations that are IN THAT SIM will be displayed. This is done on purpose to avoid being confused about what locations are in what sim on what grid. It's intelligently designed to make it as easy as possible to navigate around the hypergrids.

Thirza Ember: will there (please) also be a manual explaining the manual? 3 years ago

Forum (360 Snapshot Test)

Have u been attacked by Priscilla Kleenex with prim-made penises? Did ur SIM or grid survive? So this 3D sign is for u lol.. Available for FREE and FULL PERM! Enjoy:)
PS. Before someone asks me why a transsexual pic remember the old motto in SL:
"In Second Life, men are women...
women are men...
and children are FBI agents".....

GlennXpletive: HAHAHA Ok that is some true and funny shit fer shure! lol Thanks for the morning giggles! 3 years ago
HI all

My grid had been getting attacked from griefer throwing all items all over the regions even on "no build allowed" regions and can you please ban this fucking person. It not even funny. Why on earth this person want to attack grid for??

Priscilla.Kleenex @hg.zetaworlds.com
Priscilla.Kleenex @hg.zetaworlds.com
Priscilla.Kleenex @grid.kitely.com:8002
Priscilla.Kleenex @partydestinationgrid.com:8002

screenshot pic ===> https://gyazo.com/b33d97335214fd141ec3c996f1bbb2c9

Panthera Mayor: The HG Safari did got attack not long ago by annoying griefer and also look this article on HG Safari that actually happened to that grid attack as well since 2012 at https://hgsafari.blogspot.com/201... 3 years ago
Cannabis Information Center-Pacific Northwest a 360 view. An information center with permission to share Leafly information. A relaxing way to learn all there is to know about the healing properties of cannabis. Please stop by anytime. The region is on smart start so you might have to hit the tp button couple of times. continuum.outworldz.net:8002:PacificNorthwest

Bobbiland Dinosaur Park is open! T rexes, Raptors, Stegosaurus, Triceratops, Brachiosaur. Fully Satyr Farm. Ride round the park in style in our tuk tuks.

You cannot silence the truth. The truth is freedom and freedom is the truth, you can't silence something you can't see. To those who seek to nullify and mute those who speak the truth know this.

You will never be able to stop the freedom they have the thoughts and expressions they love so much. You're not stopping the cause you're helping it and unifying Ukrainians.

Your grid and users are not welcome here anymore. Your users have been harassing and messaging racist slurs at opensimworld users for years. You have harassed me personally and my family *in real life*. You keep doing it despite warnings and temporary bans

From now on you are permanently banned from listing and advertising anything from your grid in Opensimworld. Your regions are inactive anyway, they will be removed.

Your abusive accounts will be frozen. Do not attempt to create new ones , they will be removed.

Please advertise your grid etc on: Facebook, Twitter, Mewe, Discord, wherever, anywhere but NOT HERE . Enough is enough, you are not welcome here.