RavenDarkwytch @RavenDarkwytch

UK Offline

Abandoned unto the Darkness

don't I just look so cute in this illustration? *mwah to the artist*

Happy Weekend all, this weeks offering from myself is the first volume of tattoos in tribute to Vampire the Masquerade. In this volume, you will find Banu Haqim, Brujah, Losombra and Giovanni. Expect the other clans to follow soon!

Just released my first full perm full avatar absolutely free to pick up from my store here at Vampire's Kiss.
I hope to release a new one each week *hugs* hop://grid.dynamicworldz2.com:8822/Vampire%27s%20Kiss/64/3...
Bit of a long shot but I was wondering if any of you have a full perm NPC controller as described here https://outworldz.com/Opensim/posts/NPC/Building%20the%20N... if you do can I have a copy, please?

We're having a great time listening to some classic 80s rock, you're invited!