Docking bay one.
The first hovering docking bay to accommodate a fast up/offloading of near orbit spaceships.
At the moment in low orbit and accessible from the surface.
8 semi conventional ion thrusters are used to maintain position.
Can also be used as main conference space in neutral zone.
Desteny, a very large spaceship/rail gun currently under construction.
Specs: wide 166m. length 422m. high 70m.
2 infinity counter drives and 4 particle engines.
Need a crew of at least 20 to operate.
No conversational guns installed yet.

The Tesla build, A large build that contains many projects witch build in high detail

A old build being refurbished and protected by a neodymium shield.
This will be the first accommodation build to host residents ones pressurized.

A first introduction to the builds on the land.
At the moment i am connecting the different builds and modules true large corridors to accommodate safe airtight transport.