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Wow, amazing stats Fred. Thank you so much for all you have done, your Dreamy software is totally amazing. So easy for anyone to get on the hypergrid with their own regions, and we all save and share thanks to you.
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I am grateful to have made a proper living from building/creating for 10 years, paid my bills and mortgage, and am now sort of retired. So I spend some of my time in OS because it's full of lovely people who enjoy building. I have brought all my items from SL to here, and give them away freely. OS is just as important to share in, as SL is important to make money in. We need both.

I am entirely self taught, as I was lucky enough to get in on the 3D creation right at the very start, so there was no-one to teach us. We just had to make it up as we went along, which was wonderfully creative and exhilarating. I have shared my knowledge, and taught dozens of people how to use blender and how to mesh and rig over the years for no charge, simply so there are more people enjoying this great platform that we have both in SL and OS. I can do texture creation, animation, rigging, prim and mesh architecture, clothing meshes and deformers, and I love to tweak scripts, and play about with lighting and photography.

What I also love about OS is that everything is opensource, so I can lean new skills, without having to do any classes, just by looking at how things are created, seeing inside the item to see how it works. I really enjoy finding out what makes things work, and OS does that for us, no matter what our skill sets are. Then I can build on that knowledge and create something even more interesting for others to enjoy.

Creativity is very important in my opinion, for all of us. It helps us to express ourselves, share with others, and fulfils us as humans in a way that nothing else can quite match. Opensim is one of the best communities that I have found to express this essential part of who we are as people. It really doesn't matter if you are creating a store full of fandom items, or if you are striving for months to produce something entirely new and groundbreaking. What is important is that you enjoy it, express yourself, and share.
you said all better than i do
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Sounds great, really glad to see people working hard to make our OS a better place.
BTW.... Don't worry about upsetting people, you always will upset someone, no matter what you are doing. Best to just keep doing what you do best, and ignore those who don't get you. Sadly the hundreds of people who DO appreciate you wont always bother to say it, but we do!
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Amazing, there is so much in it! Thanks so much.
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I'm a polar bear :D

This script is like magic, but FIRST make 6 prims and link them together, then put the script in the root prim. MAGIC! You will need to find a texture for the clock face, not too hard though.

ok... wont let me paste the script in here, I will put it in my shop for you.
Clock script.
Region Garth Garth
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Thanks Bebe, glad you like it.
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Ahh.. well thanks Harper, but I don't have I will try mediafire instead. I didn't realise dropbox was so restrictive!
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Hi Jillian, I am working on fixing the address at the moment, it's not showing properly on the page, but it's Garth
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One reason I do like Kitely is that it is very easy to give feedback, the owners of Kitely are right there for their customers, and for their creators, and that makes a huge difference. I urge those of you who think Kitely could do with improvement to get in touch with Ilan Tochner inworld or go to one of the Kitely community meetings, you will find your ideas are very appreciated.
I know Ilan, I have a Market store, I have a Kitely region, and I attend community meetings. Just because all of these are true doesn't mean the Kitely Market doesn't have room for improvement, but it does fill a big need for Opensim even in it's current form. We have had regular discussions about all the ideas mentioned here but they feel they don't need to change anything, which is their option since they own it, but clearly there is a large segment of Opensim that's not using it.
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Yes agreed, some people seem to be missing the point. OpenSim is only here for us to use, because hundreds of people have worked for no money, and shared their codes and softwares, so we can use them. It is really very rude to then hoarde our own creations to ourselves when we use OpenSim, it would be like going to a party and eating all the free food and drink available, then insisting that the bottle you brought with you was just for you and no-one else!
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I can respect people's opinions either way. Some people don't like copybotting, and sharing freely, then fine.. that is their choice, probably best for them to stay out of Opensim. I can also respect people who think that creativity should be shared freely, and support opensim and do use copybotted stuff, and do share their own stuff. But honestly I think you have a strange way of looking at it, you don't mind people stealing original work from SL creators, but you think it's wrong for people to want to have yours. I don't want to be rude, or start an argument, but what makes you different from other creators? Why should people respect your creative work, when you do not respect others?
Please provide a direct quote from the post where Lavia says "I don't mind people stealing original work from SL creators." or words to that effect. You can't, because she didn't.
Bravo 1000 points good sayd my respect! ♥
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Rest easy bright soul.
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Fantastic to see more inspired work on the Satyr Farm system. I have just picked up the package, and look forward to seeing all the improvements and new systems that have been dreamed up.
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Aww so sad, but I wish you both the very best for all that life has in store, I am sure you be very much missed in OS.
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Sorry the grid has not been up for a while now, I did share the file with a friend, who had the shop running on his grid, but he has stopped running that one now too. I still have the file, so maybe one day it will be resurrected.
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I recognise it but don't remember the name sorry. You could try asking in Arkham or the Harbour, they would probably have it in a stuff box.
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Amazing to see this iconic film scene come to life, open to explore and enjoy. Thanks Dark for all this fantastic artistry.
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Love the farm system, and the hud too, just fantastic work, thank you so much for taking the time to make this available to everyone.