PlusMetaversos @PlusMetaversos


I love build and landcaping, and i have a lot of islands for rent with all my work


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Hello, thank you, I will review it and let you know how it went, and no, I cannot teleport to any grid, others can enter mine, but I cannot leave my grid, it finds them on the map but when I teleport, I get that mistake
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Hello, thank you dear, sorry I was sick in bed, I just woke up today and felt better, and I'm not using outworldz, that was a long time ago, I'm using normal opensim, the console, the opensim terminal
You have 2 outworldz sims posted at your profile. Maybe altering these to your new grid?
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recorri toda la sim, y no habia cvasi nada para comprar, en realidad solo una cosa vi para comprar un esqueleto que baila el resto de cosas todo es decoracion, asi que si van de compras este no es el lugar correcto
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Para que lo publican aca si solo los residentes ese grid pueden ir, por lo menos alcaren en la descripcion que no dejan ir desde otros grid
Im Sorry, this was a problem with the region and should be fixed soon.