PinkyEssensual @PinkyEssensual

Germany Offline

funny and a bit cazy,i like to build and Landscaping

Joined 3 years ago

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My Reviews

Heavenly Eyes

It seems as if this gentleman only uses stolen items without any authorization from those who brought them for themselves.Shame on You Lucas !!!!


I really don't know what this gentleman has to complain about. This place is beautifully designed and friendly people can be found there with spontaneous parties where you can have a good time. Even if there are kids there, there is NOTHING reprehensible to be found there!! So leave it alone Your narrow-minded thinking and let people have fun whatever they want to be. From me there are full stars ...

Dreamland Seas

If you want to dance with parked ALTs and they don't talk to you then you should come here. Park your Avavatar here to distort the traffic even more. I was wondering how you can spend hours in a region that isn't exactly beautifully designed until I noticed that all the avatars are ALTs standing in the same place for 24 hours. It's a shame that there are always people who push their regions with s...

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