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A New General Comment.

Not many General comments here recently, so I thought I'd comment about General Hershey Bar, because, yum, Hershey Bars

Cutting the crap
I know there is freedom of speech and all that but when is enough is enough? Everytime I come on here that assholes feel the need to bash whole grids with unfounded lies and keep at it for freaking two weeks! I have a sim that is HG enabled, I like to check on how it's doing in the rankings, I also come on here to check what events are going on, what new items are available in what shop......NO instead I constantly read useless bottom feeders bash an entire grid over.....JEALOUSIES.....I am sick and tired of seeing this shit on my feed. I was always taught that if I had nothing good to say to not say anything but this has gone on for too long, I want something done about it, thank you!

The Grand Opening party is still going on! Come join us for a good time!!
Your Ride!

LaviaLavine: Absolutely AWESOME turn out and wonderful friends made it a great time and a great event with the promise of more to come!! 1 years ago
Clarification: Illegal Activity
Please do not post evidence of illegal activities here or in your profiles. Report any such evidence directly to the police, where it belongs. Posts will be removed and repeated violations will result in a ban.
We added a fun page to Ferd Frederix Bullshit News. Ferd is bringing back to life a paper he and Debbie Edwards published: You can see the new edition of Bullshit News at on its own page: In times like these a bit of humor is called for!! Enjoy the day today, thank you for all your support!

