Passion Jumanji @PassionFlower Land Online

I am the owner of the grid Land. I only accept visitors, I do not have any plans to have residents. I am building my grid for ABSOLUTE fun & pleasure seeking individuals to come and rest their weary minds, body's and soul's & escape from real life ;) Just come, take off your hat, kick up your feet, and REVIVE your selves! ;)

Joined 6 years ago

About Myself

I am a highly creative person who loves to be unique and individualize my creativity . . . I don't like to follow what others have done and create the same thing, I like to enhance what has been done and go from there! ;)

My Interests

I do Cross stitch online . . . if you would like to do Cross Stitch go here and sign up for this addictive challenge! ;)
I like writing, reading, listening to Alexa read from Audibles anything to make life more comfortable during these trying times.
I also work on Night Cafe creating AI Artwork; Here is the link for you to visit if you like:

Favorite Quote

"If God is not Lord of ALL than He cannot be Lord . . . AT ALL!

Music I Like

Old Christian Hymns, Contemporary Christian Muzik, upbeat muzik of all sorts.

Films I Like

The Beauty & The Beast, etc.

Books I Like

"Hinds Feet On High Places", etc.

My Heroes

Jesus Christ!

OpenSimulator Version

I dunno

Viewer Version



Ryzen 9 HP

My Regions

Magical Fairies Pass 3
0 0 Fairies Pass 3 0 Users
This region is where I have my AI Art Gallery. I wanted to wait until Wolf Fest before I put this region on OSW. Wolf Fest is on Wolf Territories Grid. This will be the first festival that Lone Wolf is having for WTG! ;) Wolf Fest begins on Saturday, June 15TH @ 8 AM sharp! ;) Wolf Fest go...
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Magical Fairies Pass
3 0 Fairies Pass 0 Users
Just a cozy little place to call home. Take a stroll down the lane & enjoy some country life. Take a walk along the beach & take a boat ride or just do some fishing. Explore via teleports and just have yourself a plain old good time. The farm animals do enjoy your company! ;) So pet away! ;)
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Magical Fairies Pass 4
3 0 Fairies Pass 4 0 Users
WONDERLAND HEAVEN FARMS This is the place where I have my home farm and I am also making a Sanctuary for extinct & homeless animals that can no longer survive in the wild. So, I have taken them in to live in my Sanctuary where they are free to roam and thrive & produce more of their own kind. Ev...
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Magical Fairies Pass 2
6 6 Fairies Pass 2 0 Users
I'm Savannah Joy over on Wolf Territories ;) Look on my profile and you may TP to all the other regions I have there as well! ;) LM's are in the pics! ;) THANK YOU & HAVE FUN EXPLORING! ;) HUGGIEZ! ;) When you land in my region put it at midnight & look at the gazebo. . . you will see ma...
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Fairy Land
22 6 Land 0 Users
TODAY IS SEPTEMBER 18th, 2022! I'm so sorry I haven't brought my grid back up. It's too hard to run on my puter, so I would need something like a Contabo server, which I don't know how to run on my own. So, until that happens where I can put it on another server that someone else can maintain than...
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comments 111 post likes 75 SatyrFarm points 56,260
No upcoming events

My Reviews

R&M Creations

I can always count on finding something that I need here. I can also count on finding something unique here as well. ;) All I have to do is keep on hunting and I will find something I want, need or even a surprise that I was not even expecting! ;) I love this place! I come here often! I not only come here for the free stuff, But I also visit with Milly when she's available just to have a nice chat...


I use Firestorm all the time. I have been to this region, and it is incredible. I love going to Rolands. I have been there many times ;)

Savage Forest

This place is a fun place to hang out . . . well . . . WAS for me now. Too bad it's stuck on AMV . . . :/ They should come on over to Wolf Territories and join in on the cool crowd with the most advanced technology in opensim! And we aren't stopping there . . . We will continue to move onward and upward on the technological ladder of success!

TRF Ministries

I've been keeping my eyes on this place. . . most places like this that hold onto Jesus as their life & light, don't last in open sim for very long . . . because of . . . let me stop right there . . . no need to draw negativity to this pleasant place of trusting Jesus for everything. I'm going to continue to Pray for this place of Spirituality for a long time. I'm going to Pray that these people t...


This is a really nice & classy region to hang out in ;) Thanks for providing such awesome muzik! ;)

Trianon Complex

Gotta add to this comment: April 2, 2024 . . . Esse really knows how to make a club hop. Not only that, she's an excellent teacher - she teaches classes in building on Sat mornings. She has lots of patience for dummy's like me! LOL! ;) She's a really good friend, too! ;) TY ESSE! STAY YOU! C U SOON! ;) HUGGIEZ! ;) TY Essen! Your Club is AWESOME & so is your muzik! I really enjoyed myself this e...

AMV Town Hall

Hmmm . . .

AMV Welcome

It's just . . . just :/

HQ Herederos

EXCELLENT place to shop for new things! So love it when I go into a shopping center and they have just about everything brand new that has been put out there over & over again. TY for providing a stress & lag free environment! I will come back again and again and I'm already sharing the landmark with all my friends! ;) Thank You once again! ;) Keep up the great work ;)


What a delightfully pleasant region you have here! ;) I am enjoying myself immensely! Thank You for offering such a lovely & lively place to visit! & THANK YOU EVER SO MUCH FOR ALL THE GOODIES THAT YOU PROVIDED FOR EVERYONE! Keep up the great work! ;)

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