Passion Jumanji @PassionFlower Land Online

I am the owner of the grid Land. I only accept visitors, I do not have any plans to have residents. I am building my grid for ABSOLUTE fun & pleasure seeking individuals to come and rest their weary minds, body's and soul's & escape from real life ;) Just come, take off your hat, kick up your feet, and REVIVE your selves! ;)


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Yes Everything is just GREAT! I just needed a break for a while . . . so I went full throttle into my MMORPG's . . . RIFT & Guild Wars 2 amongst several others! ;) I will be back soon . . . I am inworld at Digiworld on my main avy that I first started with when I came to open sim 3 years ago. Just started back with her so I am gradually working my way back to re opening my Fairy Land Grid again! You know how that goes ;) Giggelz ;) TY for askin' friend! ;) I am PassionFlower Jumanji in Digi and most other grids Passion Jumanji! Huggelz ;)
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I am so very sorry to hear this! RIP She-Male! :( :( :(
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This partay was TOTALLY AWESOME! They had a alien party a couple months ago that rocked too . . . they keep this up they gonna break the sim . . . lmbo ;) Keep up the great work, Rae & Lou ;) & TY for the encouragement and fun that you so provide to us! You go out of your way . . . I can tell ;) TY & Huggelz ;)
Thank you Passion, We had fun too! So glad you were there to join in the fun. Hugs
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TY Marianna . . . sorry I did not return earlier . . . r/l took over . . . TY for commenting ;) Huggelz ;)
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Thank You for the freebies ;) In the furniture store on the 3rd level where the couches and stuff is, I cannot buy or copy some of the couches? I was wondering if I am doing something wrong . . . I cannot sit properly even though I take my ao off? Thank you for all the freebies ;) Keep up the good work ;)
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Rogue is one fine lady! I am so glad to have had the privilege of meeting her and listening to her sing! She has most certainly got a talent their for singing! Lovely Voice, Beautiful Lady! YOU GO GIRL! Rock this world! ;)
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Yes! Clan has an AWESOME VOICE! You should go on down and hear him LIVE sometime! He's REAL good! It is so nice to have met him, he's such a nice person, too ;
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Loved this time with my virtual life family! ;)
Thanks for being with us! We had a blast!! Many more to come!
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This was AWESOME! I really enjoyed myself last night! TYSVM ;) Passion Jumanji
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This grid is AWESOME! So much fun to be had with some great DJ's ;) Love you all and will soon see ya'll again! PASSIOIN ;)
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You have a fantastic region there! I just love to drop by every once in a while . . . I can't take in everything in one day, but it's just AWESOME what I see and plan on seeing there ;) Keep up the great work GM & Colorado! Thank You for showing me around! You are such great hostess and host!
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I was in the Nutcracker in SL . . . I loved every moment of being a ballerina! It was just so AWESOME and a wonderfully pleasant experience for me! I think what you did her is very good! Keep up the good work!
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You are very welcome, Nancy! I will most definately come to visit your winter region . . . don't think I have been there as of yet! BIG HUGGELZ!
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OK COOL! ;) I remember that name ;) Glad you joined us ;) C U there ;)
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You are very welcome ;) If you have not joined already, we hope that you will come on over and join us! Hope to see you there! ;)
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Your very welcome Destiny! Miss this place like heck! So glad you are starting up a new Club! Good Luck With That and everything that comes your way in DIgi and everywhere else! HUGGELZ to U Destiny!
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Thank You So Very Much, Chasity!