Passion Jumanji @PassionFlower Land Online

I am the owner of the grid Land. I only accept visitors, I do not have any plans to have residents. I am building my grid for ABSOLUTE fun & pleasure seeking individuals to come and rest their weary minds, body's and soul's & escape from real life ;) Just come, take off your hat, kick up your feet, and REVIVE your selves! ;)


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This is GREAT! I'm so thankful so many new options are coming to Wolf Territories Grid! Thank You Lone! Such a great idea for both streaming movies, where we can have Movie Nights and what nots and like Xenon said, what an awesome teaching tool! ;)
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I love majong also . . . I cannot get to the sandbox though . . . Savannah Joy from Wolf Territories
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Pretty Pic! Did you make that using an AI art generator? I love doing AI Art! ;)
i got it off the internet
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I am very proud to be a part of Wolf Territories. I am ever so proud to know Lone Wolf. He has got an amazing mind which does him good especially when it comes to technical things. This grid will surely prosper every step of the way, with the guidance of Lone Wolf! TY Lone Wolf for doing such a fantabulous job here on Wolf Territories!
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I am so sorry this has happened to you Zoey & Mike. You're SO right! No one deserves this! I'm not sure why people do this but to only cause chaos & havok. I've heard really good things about Resurgence. Yesh & Please don't let this define you. Don't give in to those bully's. Take a step back and breath a little bit. Than make your decisions from there. Hoping you decide to bring resurgence back. But if not, you have my support. I do remember your name. So I believe we have met somewhere before.
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Is this just for the guys I hope? There is no map location inserted . . .
Guys and Dolls :) " Escotia" on the Main Stage after Clan's Birthday Party!
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TY Jimmy for all you do for AMV & for Open Sim! Love your games and your love havin ya around cuz your a kind-hearted and funny person! Love Ya Jimmy! Huggiez ;)
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I have my Hubby's Memorial here. I am so thankful that Cat opened this up. I don't go out much so this really helps when I just want to go and sit at my Roberts Memorial . . . Cat made these areas of the Memorials so peaceful & serene! They are very beautifully decorated as well! Cat has a talent that she knows just what to do when it comes to beautifying areas & uplifting people. This is one treasure that Cat made that I hold near & dear to my heart! Thank You Cat! I love your work! Huggiez!
Thank you so much Passion, hugs you! What nice words!
Huggiez Cat! You are very welcome! ;) Smiles Warmly! ;)
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I came here looking for this one tree that I saw someone have on there region. It was no copy so I decided to embark on an adventure to find it elsewhere. I looked up your name and saw all the regions that you have. I decided that Sakura might have it . . . just a hunch . . . to my complete surprise . . . as soon as I landed . . . there that beautiful tree stood right in front of me. With asking around than coming to this beautiful region, it took me 21 minutes to find it! I am in aww of your items, Cherry! You have such beautiful, unique, & exquisite items & I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the beauty that you have added to open sim! TY & GREAT BIG HUGGIEZ! ;)
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I'm so sorry for such a great loss! Veri was such a good friend to me! Always so very positive & uplifting! I really appreciated Veri & everything about her! She was such a Blessing to me & I am sure to many others! Veri will sorely be missed! Veri took a piece of my heart with her when she went to Heaven! Now she gets to meet my Robert who holds the rest of my heart! I am so sorry for your loss, Nyx! I will be Praying for you & Veri's family! I know how hard it is to know that you are losing someone, but when someone leaves us so unexpectedly, that is a hurt that I have not experienced with someone so close! So my heart bleeds for you Nyx! You & Veri's family will be close to my heart & as my Prayers go up to Heaven to plead for you all to find peace & comfort through all of this! My Prayers go out to LadyK too! Her & Veri were inseparable!
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Clan & His Band will always make sure that you are having the ultimate fun experience while Singing his Sultry songs for you & playing his AWESOME tunez wherever Clan & His Band are at! You are guaranteed to have an incredibly fun & happy time while dancing to your hearts desires ;) Thank You Clan & His Band for making it possible to have so much fun while you tickle our musical fancies ;) Huggiez ;)
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This region is AWESOME! There is so much to do here! Sofee & Ted did a wonderfully spectacular job on this region! This region is a MUST for every Dinkie out there to visit! Please come to the grand opening tomorrow as you will be awed at what you can see & find here! Freebies Galore & JUST for us Dinkies to have fun at! ENJOYMENT TO THE MAX! ;) Hope to see you here! ;)
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I'm tickled pink that Stark is back! WOOOOOT! All the luck in the world goes out to you peeps! ;) YAY! ;)
Thank you very much, Passion! :-)
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You sing so beautiful! Love your voice! TY for the awesome singing ;)
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Hiya Justyn! I can't get my grid up, I messed it up but it doesn't matter for now . . . getting my own server on OSGrid . . . VPS . . . 6 X 6 . . . going to be putting Satyr & Quintonia Farms on there . . . and Adult Region, a Kids Region, A Freebies Shopping Region and a bunch more too ;) It will be ready for me to start building on this Saturday ;) All is well with me, hope you are well too ;) HUGGELZ!
Awe welcome back! Yes its better to have your own server, this way you're in control better. Looking forward to see you online soon.
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TY Han & Rakis . . . am in hopes of getting it up again but prolly not until sometime after Feb 2022 . . .
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What is this script supposed to do? OH! NVM! I figured it out! ;) I really like it too ;)
TYSVM ;) Whoever posted that script it is very lovely ;) I'm part fairy so it will come in very handy especially with the modifications that I made to it ;)
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