Passion Jumanji @PassionFlower Land Online

I am the owner of the grid Land. I only accept visitors, I do not have any plans to have residents. I am building my grid for ABSOLUTE fun & pleasure seeking individuals to come and rest their weary minds, body's and soul's & escape from real life ;) Just come, take off your hat, kick up your feet, and REVIVE your selves! ;)


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¡OH! ;) De nada ;) ¡Gracias por visitarnos! ;) ¡Por favor ven de nuevo! ;)

OH! ;) You are very welcome ;) Thank You for visiting! ;) Please come again! ;)
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It takes so much effort to be supportive. Taking the easy way out is what a lot of people to. I think it's easier to just tare away at peoples short comings rather than lifting someone up & saying nice things about them. I, myself, would rather go the extra mile and support someone than tare them to shreds. I have torn away at some people. Afterwards, I have felt miserable. Even though when I don't like what is happening, I take a time out & remind myself how I am going to feel later on. I'm human, I make mistakes. But, if I can prevent that, & use kind words, keep my mouth moving while pushing out kind words, I feel so elated afterwards. I have overcome so much when I don't lose it. I do have a problem with my temper, but have come a long way since coming to open sim 7 years ago. I so agree that there should be a support group for everyone that wants to share their thoughts and struggles. Virtual life is meant to be a fun place to be. Some of us escape reality. But, really, although some of us come here to forget real life for a time, real life still has us. We are who we are. No matter how much I am a magical fairy here in virtual life, I am a human being with deep feelings on the other side of this viewer that I am typing into. I feel the same feelings for people in virtual that I do in real life. Although I can touch a real person in real life, my heart can touch another persons heart in virtual. I like being a magical fairy in virtual life. I can do things that I can never do in real life. But part of my real life exists in my magical "ME" fairy. Virtual life to me is a fun place where I can create & imagine while letting my Spirits soar! I love the idea that I can be a positive & fun person that loves helping & caring for others. That's the way I have always been & I will continue to live on and go forth and be a happy spot in someone's life. I'm like this in real life too! . . . I'll see you all around somewhere in this fun place called opensim! HUGGIEZ TO YOU ALL! ;)
Thought for the day: (I make this my forever thought): You never know what another person is going though. A smile on my face may take the frown off of someone else's face. That person that saw your smile instead of a frown, that may be the last thing they will ever see again. So make someone's day and keep on smiling. People will be happier all around. ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
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Thanks Passion :-)
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OK maybe I can be of some help . . . when you land you will be in the water. There is a tp board right where you land. Take the black TP that is called TerraDeVolcanes . . . once you land there, go to your west and either fly over or walk around the pool and the building is right there. It's black building. I didn't think to look in there, but now I see why they made it black! ;) They have a lot of stuff in there. Really to pretty up your environment ;) Thank You Marpil for offering very lovely items ;) I do appreciate all of Astralia grid. They have some really unique items here ;) Thanks Again! ;) I took a 360 pic of the inside of the store, but there is no where here that I can see to post it at :/
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OH BOBBY! You are getting smarter & smarter as each day goes by! OH BOBBY! You melt my heart! ;) Keep up the good work, Bobby & Lone TOOOOOO! ;)
Please don't tell him this we'll never hear the end of it.
Giggelz ;) Bobby does so much! I figure he needs a pat on the back every once in a while.
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I thought my stupid NJ Senator Corey Booker was. He claimed it lol
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I'm just very unclear why this was posted at all, before coming to me & talking it over with me? What was the reasoning that this NEEDED to be posted here on OSW where everyone knows that the drama is started mostly on this platform? I was laying low for a reason. To stop the nonsense of all this drama that has been going on at my expense. This just makes the drama continue and get worse. No, don't take down the post. I feel that will do more damage than good on my part. But please, before ANYONE else posts anything about me, PLEASE remember that you may be doing more harm than good on my expense. PLEASE come to me FIRST! Thank You!
I don't think we've ever met, but what you say is absolutely the correct thing. I have had to deal with drama shit like this in the past, and before passing judgement, it's best to talk to the people involved before coming to a conclusion and decision. As it ALWAYS SHOULD BE. But sadly, some are drama queens, retarded, jealous, etc. and want everyone to enjoy in their misery. I'm not getting involved in this drama, but your response was the perfect common sense statement that deserved a clap. I hope it turns out for the better for you and this issue gets rectified in your favor as you seem to be a genuinely honest and sincere lady.
I don't think we have ever met before either. For someone that doesn't know me I thank you for that genuinely nice comment! ;) Thank You! ;) I am quite sure that all of this will turn out in my favor as a valuable experience. I have too many friends here in open sim that don't want to see anything go Ary for me. I have a few true & genuine friends who have my back and I have their backs as well. ;) It's always nice when I have friends that are ALWAYS there for me! ;) This bond of friendship that I have with others weighs out the ones that are out there & are negative Nilly's ;) I'm here for my faithful friends, where we have fun & joyous experiences together! ;) They are the ones worth sticking around for! ;)
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Ford would not do that as Ford is smart enough to know that if they did do that it would just backfire. Both Ford & Chevy get along in that sense. Besides bashing another company or whatever just shows the dishonesty of their company & brings them down several notches.
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As far as I know, I have not been banned from anywhere? If I have been, and I've been to a lot of grids lately, I would be incredibly surprised! All but AMV am I not banned from, AGAIN . . . as far as I know.
above was referring to others getting banned because they thought those were your alts.
Thank You for your kind words, Mistress! ;) I just wonder who would believe that on conjecture? Whether they were alts or me, that would be just silly to ban someone if they were definitely unsure if that person were me?
they should get evidence first
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Passion Jumanji just now
Thank you all so very much! ;) I really appreciate the kind words. I am Passion Jumanji on a lot of grids. Savannah Joy is my main avatar now. She is in Wolf Territories. I'm not sure why this subject was brought up in the first place? I'm kinda stumped. Ever since resigning from AMV as secretary, I wanted to lay low, under the radar. I left AMV because of being treated very unfairly. My health was even at stake. No, I am not Passionae Love or Chief JudahBean. I did meet Passionae Love for the first time only a few days ago. Very nice person. BUT we are two separate entities. I was banned from AMV for poaching people from AMV to Wolf Territories. That is a total lie about me poaching. The owner of AMV could not find any other reason to ban me because I did everything I was told. 3 days after I put in my resignation, she banned me for the above. I have been telling people that I, Savannah Joy am Passion Jumanji. I don't use Passion a lot anymore because AMV is giving me a bad rep, LOL, & THAT's an understatement! FFS! . . . I'm using Savannah Joy as my main avatar.

I'm over on Wolf Territories now. Magical Fairies Pass, Magical Fairies Pass 2, Magical Fairies 3 & Magical Fairies 3 are my 4 regions over on Wolf Territories now ;) Please do not hesitate to come over and visit my regions. I will only be happy to show you around! By the way, I am manager at Wolf Pack Club now along with Xenon Darrow. If you want to DJ there, PLEASE give me a shout out and I will only be glad to put you on the calendar. Thanks again for all your kind words! That is very encouraging to me! ;) Huggiez to ALL of you! ;)

hop:// Fairies Pass 2/136/135/21

Go here to this link below and read about what people are saying about Wolf Territories Grid! ;)
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So sorry I could not come to the grand opening, Star! But I did come later that day! I was impressed! I loved all the artwork that I saw there. I even got several souvenirs to take home with me! ;) I will be back again as well! ;) I spent a couple of hours there. Thank you for providing a place where culture thrives! ;)
Thank you Passion. I am so sorry you missed a great party. We have such an amazing community that I love so much! It makes me happy that you enjoyed your visit. A lot of great things are coming! Stay tuned!
Can't wait for more things to come ;) Huggiez ;)
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Every meeting is more informative than the next! Excellence at its best! The learning possibilities are endless here! Always something new just around the bend! I am so awe inspired by this Gentlemanly Wolf, Lone Wolf. Thanks, Lone, for providing me with the privilege of being able to be a part of this fantabulous grid while also being able to help others and learn from one another. PAWWWWSOME! ;)
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Everybody Loves Greedy! ;) Come on over and join in on the fantabulous awesome fun with old & new friends! ;) Great way to start your day off along with some superb company to hang out with! ;)
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Thank You! ;) That is my favorite region as I can add more & more, making it look even more magical! ;) When you go there, just turn it on Midnight under the gazebo you land under. It's totally magical than! ;) Thank you for visiting! Come anytime you like! ;)
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Thank You Debra ;) It needs a bit tidying up & I will get to that soon! I promise ;)
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Prayers Putri! SO MANY Prayers going up for you & your child!
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I just love this place! Esse always has something fun going on there. It's a pleasure to go to her clubs. Where ever Esse is the atmosphere is always so much fun & happiness all around ;) Thank You Esse! ;) Huggiez ;)
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OK TYSVM Serina ;) So the name is Elas . . . yesh that's what I needed to know ;) TYSVM ;) HUGGGZZZ! ;)
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It's way too funny! GRINZ*! ;) I know of someone who got the name of chihuahua because they fell asleep with their mic on and someone heard it and told them that this person sounded like a chihuahua . . . hehehe ;) GRINZ*! ;)
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This is GREAT! I'm so thankful so many new options are coming to Wolf Territories Grid! Thank You Lone! Such a great idea for both streaming movies, where we can have Movie Nights and what nots and like Xenon said, what an awesome teaching tool! ;)