Passion Jumanji @PassionFlower Land Offline

I am the owner of the grid Land. I only accept visitors, I do not have any plans to have residents. I am building my grid for ABSOLUTE fun & pleasure seeking individuals to come and rest their weary minds, body's and soul's & escape from real life ;) Just come, take off your hat, kick up your feet, and REVIVE your selves! ;)


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I have these trees from Luna's Store :D I love them :D I see there are more there that I want now :D Hehe :D
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VivoSim that's the newest one. I will check out his Discord & Thanks so much for the information! :D Making a Discord server for farming is a great idea. I'll check out and see what he is doing so that I won't do the exact same thing. :D Thanks for the info, PapaJohnson. :D
You’re welcome! He just wants to get this across and help when he can I know he knows the script and mods them.
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Thank You Fred! :D I appreciate this info! :D Would you tell me how to check for them? I would greatly appreciate this :D THANKS AGAIN! :D
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I rezz'd it out near my farming stores along with the other two. I'm going to put this at the Wolf Pack Club for Christmas. Thanks SO MUCH, Lavia! :D HUGGIEZ! :D This tree sure has added some Christmas Spirit to me! Thanks Again! :D
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You always come out with the nicest items! :D I really appreciate all that you do & offer to open sim! :D Keep up the good work & KUDO's TO YA! :D Thank You So Much! :D
thank you passion... I like to share my clothes etc with you and your kind comments make it even more fun... lg jeannie
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WOW! Sylvia! Thank You So Much for that excellent review! Sometimes my regions are messy, but I am working on cleaning them up so that people can enjoy my regions without all the clutter laying around. Thanks SO much! :D You just made my day! :D
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OMG! Luna! What is that? An Egyptian Cat? I LOVE IT! Where do you have that for sale!? I'ma get that for SURE! :D
This is Bastet. It's at my store Lunaria Emporium on the Egyptian area inside the pyramid, just click the Egyptian sign in the lobby to get there. There are two cats there. I'll set them to free full perm today for everyone.
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Il s'agit d'un tas de SF Meat sur une de mes régions. Je n'ai que 2 sortes d'animaux de ferme là-bas, RIEN d'autre concernant l'agriculture. J'adore mes licornes et mes monstres ! :D

Je n'en ai qu'une dizaine au total.

Ce tas de viande continue de se répliquer. Je fais une recherche de zone et c'est maintenant jusqu'à 30 000 SF Meat !

Je ne comprends pas ce qui se passe, mais j'espère que ce n'est pas cette Sally bâclée ou quel que soit son nom qui circule et reproduit des objets. . . J'ai vérifié et cela n'a pas donné de nom sur l'identité du créateur.

Je vais devoir en parler à Lone parce que je ne suis pas sûr de pouvoir m'en débarrasser moi-même ! :(

je m'en suis débarrassé
Il m'a fallu du temps pour me débarrasser de tout ça
Je suis ensuite allé au bac à sable car il y avait 3 boîtes avec le SF Meat là où se trouvait le SF Meat. Je voulais en retirer un pour voir s'il contenait des scripts. Mais quand je suis allé chercher dans mes poubelles, je ne les ai pas trouvés du tout. J'ai également supprimé ces trois éléments séparément. Eh bien, tout est parti maintenant. Je suis juste surpris que cela se soit produit sur l'un de mes Sims non agricoles et non sur mon Sims agricole. Hausse les épaules
Thank you Passion Jumanji, I translated it too but I didn't understand more ;-) what can be a pile of SF Meat ...
SF Meat is after an animal dies or you kill it. I'm not sure what happened but when I came onto my region, that pile of SF Meat was sitting there. There was so many SF Meats there, I had to do an area search to get rid of all 50 K of them. I don't know how they got there like that. I think someone came & griefed my region. That's the only thing I could think of on how that would get there.
hoo that's what I was affraid to understand (even if for me SF = SciFi ;) it is so strange, and in the "last owner" you didn't see anybody ?
SF = Satyr Farm
haaaaaaa ok ! thank you. You imagine, I was close to see aliens all arround ;-) I hope it will not happen again to you yes!
AHA! I GET THAT! LOL :D No I did not . . . It won't happen again, as I have everything unchecked accept flying. See, those kinds of people ruin it for everyone else.
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TY INDIGO! I was shocked when the AI made that image! I'm like PERFECTO! :D
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OH I didn't know Craig is a DJ? NICE! :D I know Craig is Grumpy cuz I always hear everyone callin' him that! :D Giggelz :D
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Yes! Ya'llz must CoMe & play with us! WOOT! ;)
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I couldn't find anything, so I decided to make my own! ;)
I'm on my way to pass this to your friend. I went to Kling Farm and saw they had it there but nothing was copyable. If you want different ingredients in the Moonshine, just let me know and I will add it for you. ENJOY! & HAVE FUN! ;)
ty thats awesome he is gonna be a happy camper that ya made it and sent to him!!
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Please let me know if you need anything else and if I don't have it I will hunt it down for you!
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TY for your comments Mystic! ;) It's really an encouragement to me! Do you know who made the moonshine still or the moonshine recipe? If Kling Farm is the creator of that item then I would not be able to help as that would infringe on the rights of the creator. BUT, if Kling Farm did NOT make it, I will be happy to search around for you! I will ask in the VivoSim forums as well as in one of the groups that I am in here on OSW. The name of the group is What Are You Looking For, if you would like to join that group, go here: (I will still be asking for you in there, but you may join if you like for future reference! ;) ) If you have one of the farming systems that are included with the Vivo Farming system, you could go here to join that website. They have TONS of information as well as recipes. But I am still going to ask for you there also: >> This is their recipe page: >>>>>>>
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I am going to be using some of those vases to put flowers in from the VivoSim system which used to be Satyr Farms, then Quintonia Farm System. You can still intertwine the Satyr & Quintonia with VivoSim System as they are founded from the original Satyr. I am going to be making add On's for this system to enhance it. I will be giving the products that I make away for free. Buzzy encourages us to modify the items to enhance it. My goal is to have the biggest farm in Open Sim.
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I've thoroughly enjoyed visiting your region, Star! I especially like the vases that you have available but love everything there! I just read your note about the chapel! WOW! I must come on over right now to get it! You're an awesome builder, Star! Mega Huggiez & Keep up the FANTABULOUS WORK! ;)
Thank you! I am happy you found some things you like. (((HUGS)))
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I must get that, Lavia! :) If it's big enough I can use it as a farmhouse! :)
It is 30m by 20m, it should be plenty big but there is no upstairs and if you want to, you can add rooms by building walls.
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Let your inhibitions run wild!
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Same as everyone is innocent until proven guilty, but where I live it's really the opposite, everyone is guilty until proven innocent.
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Just an FYI: That quote by Hannah Arendt reminds me of what someone told me a while back. When the presidency election comes around, if people decide not to vote at all, it gives the other side more victory. Because if someone were to vote democrat and decided not to vote, the republicans would get more votes than or vice versa. So those of you who are choosing not to vote, please reconsider as it will unbalance the scales.
“Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed in his name, and with the means which he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject.”

John Stuart Mill