PapaJohnson @PapaJohnson

Pa Offline

Just a laid back gay male

Joined 2 months ago

About Myself

Im not new to opensim am a 12 year opensim veteran
The pic of the virtual house I own. I bought this copy off a friend.
Gay male looking for a virtual partner that will share a virtual world with me.

My Interests

Build, create, Gatherings, Dance is my fav!

I'm Looking For

HMM fate will take care of that for me :-)
It would be nice to have an opensim partner :-) to share a virtual world with.

Favorite Quote

Life isn't about waiting for the storms to pass...
Its learning to dance in the rain.

Music I Like

Country classics, Love songs

Films I Like

True Movies

Books I Like


My Heroes

My children, Grand Children and Great grandchildren

OpenSimulator Version

OpenSim Yeti Dev (Win/.NET)

Viewer Version

x64 FS

My Regions

This member has no regions yet
