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Why bringing that up again it already said it all last time that was posted here and why bring this up this again??? Tired of it.
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AvatarLife Grid is a closed grid and cannot hg there or out of there.
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I'm repeating it now that this is not the place for politics in opensimworld for goodness sake. This place is about opensim and places full stop!!!!
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Please this is not the place for politics in opensimworld!
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Also make sure this line is set to false not true and you find it in Robust.HG in outworldz/bin folder in dreamgrid in this line
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Ahh yes firestorm 6.6.3 denied ugh.
ohh i tried Firestorm 6.6.8 and still denied too!! Oh well :(
version: 6.6.14 (69596)
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It looked a nice place but is a shame that I get this message that said "You don't have access to region parcel"
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That place is not selling with Gloebits but it sells T$ bucks currency.
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I don't care about rankings or traffic for all the grids/regions but i like the best part is are places pictures that are appealing to what they offer or events or people profiles. i think Traffic Rankings should be taken away. What is not appealing on here is dramas and complaining is taking away people enjoyment for looking for things to find on here.
I know sometimes those pictures, draw you in, to explore more. Agreed the complaints should go to those involved. Let OSW decide, if there has been a broken rule.
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oh i see my post been deleted and thank you for that.. oh well pft.
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mm why I'm happy with Athena and it nothing wrong with it really? People should have a freedom to choose which body they can wear.
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I agree i know it was like that back years ago with sharing and everyone helping others and now i see opensim grids are more turning into Secondlife Grids and not want to share items!! Once no copy or no transfer items you get items from any grid if other grid disappear or database issues then you won't be able to get another copy at all. But Secondlife is one closed grid with regions with no hypergrid is different thing.
What you've mentioned is actually a very ugly side-effect of no-transfer.

Sure, I can understand creators who offer their content no-transfer. Some occasionally upgrade their creations, but they can only upgrade them on their own land. If their stuff was available at big freebie stores, it'd most likely stay outdated until the sim closes for good. This is even worse if freebie store owners decide to strip sales boxes of all "unnecessary cruft" such as notecards and landmarks. Then nobody knows where these boxes originally came from, and people won't go have a look and find new versions of what they've picked up at that big freebie store.

This is why Aaack Aardvark's sales boxes are no-transfer whereas their content isn't. This is also why you find outdated versions of the Clubmaster or Ruth 2.0 all across the Hypergrid.

On the other hand, if no-transfer content is exclusively available in a place that shuts down, chances are good it'll be lost forever. If you don't have god-mode, you can't even give this content to any new same-identity avatar of yours, much less share it with others. And layer clothes can't be god-moded as easily as objects.
Well if they do not want to share with no copy no transfer then better have closed grid with no hypergrid and that is sad way to go.
Almost all of my stuff is Full Perm. I want people to be able to have it, transfer it to their other personalities, and share it with their friends. All I ask is don't change the name on it as I am putting my name on everything since so many things end up as creator unknown. Don't try to claim it as your own work. That is being a terrible person if you claim something that isn't your own creation. On the other hand, if you use something as part of a bigger build, then by all means, put your name on it, but if you know who the creator is of the piece you used, then give them some credit. Sadly a lot of times, you have no idea who originally created something unless their name is somehow attached to it. These people with shops that strip notecards, LMs, etc, and try to claim stuff as theirs...well they aren't fooling anyone with half a lick of sense. The thing that annoys me the most about no transfer, is clothing. I have some clothing that I have had since the beginning of my time in Open Sim and that is only because I was able to transfer it to my avatars on other grids. The first three grids I was on have all since closed. Thankfully I have been able to transfer all of my earlier builds again and again.
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Don't close your grid as I like your grid too. If you close your grid then you letting the griefer win so make your grid strong with protecting it and put all regions with no build turn on and keep monitoring.
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That true that black dragon is legit viewer and so is singularity. Look at third party legit viewers at https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Direct...
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i did click page up and it seems work ok i think.
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Idiot griefer rezzed again on no build zone and no scripts. The problem is this grid is hosted by grid owner and i did send email to add mac id but failed.
This may be fixed in core. Ubit has patched a hole.
Try to get your gid updates to help prevent it.
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oh that a pity but it nice there :)
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That what that person did with that penises all over my welcome region isn't pleasant really.
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Another two more account of Princella Kleenex
Priscilla.Kleenex @fireandicegrid.net:8002
Priscilla.Kleenex @g.caprica.xyz:9000
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ok i went over to kinkyhaven and Priscilla.Kleenex not found in search so they must have deleted that account already.