Pagane @Pagane


Throw on me all stones, even if you are in sin...


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After much thought I decided there should be equal representation.
I added two more sets with the opponent.

Naturally, in the same package, because I never found a significant difference.
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Congratulations! After years, you're starting to look just like me.
I have a free place for you on the second floor of the Bordello :)
You have no idea what I used to do in SL*lol
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In Roman empire say to this "stimulus" and stimulate "good" peoples:)
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Hmmmm i'm sure this is very fat and short dildo!
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Good, you is hired in our ballet:)
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In one my very very old post BEFORE OpenSIM server v9,2 i try to warn about misunderstanding cache and SQL....
After few years may be is time to return to this warning.
But... who cares?
So does that mean it is not possible?
This known - you will PERMANENTLY lose assets. Slow, one by one, strange and without visible relations with any other actions. But will loose ALL! Because cache is TEMPORARY memory location by definition!
Yes, i know arguments against and all what someone will say. But cache is NOT database, although have same structure and use SQL, cache is NOT storage!
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Since I'm blonde and obviously don't understand, just asking:
What does PBR have to do with flat pre-rendered images?
In my blonde brain, PBR should have an effect on the light shadows of the charging station, the grass and trees, the birds and bees, or the avatars...
I see this pre-rendered logo perfectly even in the browser, which does not have any claims for PBR.
Yeah it's a bit difficult to see on a flat picture, but if you go to welcome mountain you can see the way the logo shines around the letters and it looks 3 dimensional rather than a simple flat image.
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You is very good but.. fixing clients errors from server side without backward sinchronization is very bad idea. What you will say to user XXXXX who find some problem with assets? (illegally and partialy stolen from HG)
For this user you broke assets until try to fix....
At least half of haters screaming here is in similar position....

"No good goes unpunished!"
The issues are that the outfits folder loses all its links, they just end up with a pile of folders so I just roll it back from the day before.
I'm not sure why whatever I do to try to help people I get told off for. it makes no sense. Gentle fire grid for instance. When they came to me they couldn't even boot their server, I fixed it so they could boot it an pull the data on to a new server, that was it. But oh no I'm wrong for doing that. I don't get it why everything I do is wrong.
because: "No good goes unpunished!"
Peoples not love strong ones who help:(
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Only to say again.
Problem CONTINUE TO EXISTS AND IN 6.6.17 !!!
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Thank you Cyber!
After almost 10 years, for the first time someone was brave enough to admit that I was right and tried to warn…
I'm glad there's at least one honest man here.
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Just now see this in FS site:

"Sometimes, blocking is a necessary kindness.

There are occasions when a block is probably best for everyone. As an example, we can consider the recent 6.6.16 release, which had the potential to mess up inventory. That needed to be blocked to stop people from “hurting themselves” and causing ourselves and Linden Lab undue support overheads. Those occasions are quite different from blocking an otherwise stable viewer because it is “old”. “Stable” in this context means that people are familiar with the specific bugs and foibles of a given release and are happy to live with it and that it has no undue impact on others."

Now if they understand that problem exists and in 6.6.17 all will look excelent:)
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Outworldz DreamGrid is the only secure enough way to make an OpenSIM server under M$Windows.
In other words - if you are not a Linux guru Outworldz DreamGrid is your only choice!
Yes, Linux is the serious and professional choice! But this is true only with a team of setup and support professionals. As we all see only a few networks have such a team.

So in short: If you are not at the level of OSGrid administrators, your choice is extremely easy!
Thanks Fred and happy online life with Outworldz DreamGrid :)
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Why you hide "great" creation of AI where Liberty was resized to dwar size and occuped from milions of liberal socialists ( AI multiplied)?
AI cannot create NOTHING better than Goebbels posters. AI always only copy/paste from most successful samples on the topic:)
I don't understand your confused babbling, Pagane.
Are you not understand???
I know how look OGIGINAL of this. It is made from Goebbels. Only on your place is Adolf Hitler, behind is nacional-socialists with flags and statue is...... will stop here.
AI is ABSOLUTE dangerous and misleading tool. AI use old "royality free" creations to combine and..... but not think what this images know. Or may be think more than i know? May be AI is right with choice?
You're reading a little too much into these harmless pictures...
Where i live is not harmless.
On streets here drive too many young strangers with Hammer trucks and Kalashnikov on back seat. For you this is Joke or ... what you want.
But because of THIS SAME pseudo politicians here in eastern europe this is WAR!
And peoples like you support this.
I cannot like.
It's because of people like me that there's war, all right Pagane. I really can't take you seriously...
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Your last posts start to be direct copy from posters from 1933 year...
Sorry, Pagane, but this post of yours is really sick...
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Dorena, can you read Conducts of OSW at least once ?
Please stop stupid politic propaganda here and return to regular dreams about your divine origin.
Acording to liberal-democrats advertising machine your belowed Kamala will win with at least 750 milion votes:) Are is not enough???
P.S. Kamala will not send you candy. Believe me!
For me, Pagane, one does not exclude the other.
Conducts is for ALL!
Do not cover all good things what you create with shits from politicians!
There is no ANY diference betwen all politicians in all times - all is liers!
Sorry, but comments like yours encourage me to keep going. By the way, if I don't comment on these posts, they quickly disappear from the overview.
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OMG.... Next will be lesbo scene with Ursulla or Kam and Ananke?
Poor she.....
can you save your stupid comments?
That's an impossibility Dorena, Pagane seems to suffer from a Tourette's like affliction where responding with utter garbage is an involuntary reaction.
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Planet of the Children
I want one day to be
Fairy or superhero
I want to turn into children
All the people of the world

And believe in me
That entirely on our own
We will transform this world

10 years have passed since then.
The children grew up and became parents.

Will we ever have a baby planet? With fairies and superheroes, without hunger and fear and war?
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And now you want to do to Trump, the same as to Caesar 2000 years ago?
Poor Trump:)
Trump is really too old for Cleopatra ! and not sure he regains any enough power to give im more attraction to her as Caesar had then ;-)
Trump is kid in compare to 2000 year Cleopatra:)
nooooooooooooo she was in her 30s!!! ;-)
(I was sur you would tell that... it is tooo mean for Cleo ;-)
Oh no, never*lol
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Hmmm lets see... Have one Joe, one Vova, Kim, Oli and some grandmas oh yes full Comintern:)
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Of course only in Bordello store! Now with permanent tattoo for butt and "belly":)
I found it !!! ;-)