Oh dear Pagane, if you believe that twaddle you are seriously sad... Neo-liberalism 'left-wing' How on earth is the economic nonsense first peddled by the likes of Reagan and Thatcher from the mid 70s onwards 'left-wing'? Sure, the current Labour Party in the UK is pledged to the failed economic ideology of neo-liberalism, as is Europe and the USA, and it is this fact more than any other that explains the predicament most of us who live in semi-democracies are now facing and the failures of neo-liberalism that have led to the rise of the far right pretty much everywhere.
If you want to be taken seriously Pagane, at least present some credible arguments, and don't insult us. Some of us at least do read, and have very open minds and are more than ready to listen when presented with cogent arguments. We also think. Those of us old enough also remember the times of Keynsian economics, an ideology that drove the post WW2 economic recovery and brought prosperity to ordinary people for the first time in history. Sure, the very rich were a little bit poorer, but they remained very rich, but everyone else had access to decent housing, decent healthcare and education, all provided free off cost at point of use. The system wasn't perfect, as no human system is, or can be, but it was in so many ways superior to what we have now in terms of the ideology behind it. You, unlike some of the others commenting here, are not a fool, so please stop acting like one.