Pagane @Pagane


Throw on me all stones, even if you are in sin...

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Want your own doomsday server? Imagine having all of wikipedia downloaded to a hard drive with a program that can search and display articles. Kiwix for desktop (freeware) can do it. It even has download links under 'All Files' to d/l the wikipedia database for you making it painless. Not only that but you can download a bunch of other wiki's too. Imagine having maps of the world. Or a doomsday prep wiki. TedTalk videos. Audio books wiki. etc. - by the way, it runs on linux/mac/windows/android.

CyberGlo CyberStar: o.O Computers will work with God energy? ummm no... Most people will just use these things called 'batteries' and solar chargers. 10 days ago

I see a lot of people talking bad about others on OSW lately. Can't we come up with something more interesting than "bad mouthing" each other?

Why do I love Talenti Gelato? Here's why... Five layers of goodness, so many flavors...
We started with our Talenti Double Dark Gelato on top, then created a layer of chocolate cookie chunks, followed by a fudge sauce. Next, we mixed in our Madagascan Vanilla Bean Gelato and finally, a fifth layer of chocolatey waffle cones to add a savory and sweet crunch.

Jared Seda: If only I could eat sugar! That looks delicious 1 month ago

Just got back from 3-month summer break and people said my sim was closed, nope I landed perfectly, seems like the beacon fell over while I was on holiday :(

Crazyposeidon: WB Captain :))) 1 month ago
From the firestorm creators own website, I quote. "There are occasions when a block is probably best for everyone. As an example, we can consider the recent 6.6.16 release, which had the potential to mess up inventory. That needed to be blocked to stop people from “hurting themselves” and causing ourselves and Linden Lab undue support overheads."

Ankhsenaton: Bravo Pagane ! 1 month ago
This week alone, three people have asked me about Outworldz DreamGrid. Simply put, it's a powerful software developed by Ferd Frederix (Fred Beckhusen) that makes it incredibly easy for anyone to run their own virtual grid. If you're curious to learn more, you can check it out here:

CyberGlo CyberStar: I once ran opensimulator on slitaz linux, on a pIII 900 mhz with 512 mb ram. 1 region. LOL. It was actually not slow at all. But I couldn't have more than 1 visitor. 1 month ago
EUROPA MAGABAGA MALL now on ground area, close to TP Point (INTERSIM).
INTERSIM (9 regions 4x4) and INSTRASIM transport available for visitors.. or just go around region using the famous magabaga interphasic bubble :)

Xenon Darrow: The updates you have done are nothing short of ASTOUNDING! 2 months ago

Dash & AppleJack sitting on my knee watching "cat-tv" on my laptop. { cat-tv is a youtube channel that plays bird videos all day long...}

Star Ravenhurst: Those are great names you came up with for them. They are so cute and so lucky to have you. You are lucky to have them too. Love this photo!! 2 months ago

Dash & AppleJack at the top of their 10 foot high look-out post next to the fireplace. How do they sleep like that? Upside down and half hanging out...


Lately I have noticed a lot of drama, hate and bashing towards other people. I try to ignore most of it but lately it has become to much. Why do people feel the need to use hateful words or put someone down.

No matter what religion we are, gender, political views or whatever it is, cant we just agree to disagree.

I have seen a lot of people in my time in Opensim do amazing things, anyone that can DJ, build, script and anything else, is awesome to me. For the ones that constantly tell everyone they are awesome its because they are. They do a lot of things i do not know how to do or cant.

So in conclusion, I would like to say thank you to all creators, builders, scripters, and etc, because without all of you, my regions wouldn't look as good as they do. I may take things and place them and put them together but the credits go to the creators, builders and scripters.

Instead of name calling and tearing people down, lets be a little kinder, lets ignore the negative and worry more about spreading positivity.

Comment's welcome but please be kind :)

Mistressdalgato: Any negative and or bashing comments will be deleted 2 months ago
Important announcement:

I have updated all my Clutterfly Upgraded and Clutterflakes boxes. All furniture uses the recent SFposer version 0.91112 now.

This includes a number of bugfixes:

The Clutterflakes cuddle lounge chairs had all animations wrongly oriented because I had put them directly into the furniture instead of taking over the animation cube.

The Christmas firepit set had the animations wrongly oriented in one tree stump with blanket because I've discovered that one of them has the stump as the root, the other one has the blanket as the root.

So far, I have replaced all boxes in the DropBox in OSgrid:

RemmyRavenhurst: Awesome work!!! 2 months ago
Sadly... It seems there's a loss of interest among the general population for all things metaverse... People are moving on to other games, or not playing games at all any more, and taking on additional real life work to offset the crazy inflation happening around the world... I've noticed huge down turns in the numbers of people getting into virtual worlds lately. Can't say I blame 'em... All the name calling, in fighting, back biting, hate spewing, trolling, and worse going around.
But it is what it is... What is it? You ask... Well, it's such a huge reduction in numbers that only a small percentage of "hard-core" virtual lifers remain... It's sad... It's unfortunate... We have seen many grids recently shutting their doors and I fear we will see many more admins clicking the red power off button in the future. Anyway to all those leaving, I bid you safe travels, and a happy life. Remember us few lone die-hard souls forever permafrosted into the fabric of the metaverse...

KrisTina: Real stats be like: 2 months ago

our Petite Athena 6 shop young adult avatars and clothing
which are also the youngest avatars
that we allow, on germangrid it is 18+ everywhere
have fun with your shopping

Sing Smith: Big or small, short or tall, thin or thicc, we're all one big happy adult opensim family. 3 months ago
We will not ban reallife body sized avatars just because some people walk around here at 3 meters and imagine that they are children's avatars, No children's avatars are strictly forbidden here!! Anyone who commits character assassination or other insinuations in order to harm us must expect criminal consequences
Mean values ​​of height, weight and BMI in women in Germany by age group
18 to 20 years 167.6 62.6 22.3
20 to 25 years 167.5 64.1 22.9
25 to 30 years 167.3 66 23.6
30 to 35 years 167.2 68.2 24.4
35 to 40 years 167.3 68.3 24.4
40 to 45 years 167.5 69.3 24.8
45 to 50 years 167.1 70.9 25.4
50 to 55 years 167.1 71 25.4
55 to 60 years 166.9 71.5 25.7
60 to 65 years 165.4 71.2 26.1
65 to 70 years 164.5 70.9 26.3
70 to 75 years 163.9 71 26.5
75 years and over 162.6 67.9 25.7
Total 165.8 69.2 25.2

Ankhsenaton: "Welcome to my world, won't you come on in? Miracles, I guess, still happen now and then..." or "Welcome to the jungle!"... In this virtual world in English, incomprehension and lack of kindness are t... 3 months ago
New release of v3.2 the animesh horse script (can be worn or rezzed as vehicle) and optimized it for PBR viewer compatibility. I did some efforts to make the script more ubOde friendly (yes, with room for improvement) and the horse now has many new features for you to play with.

Xenon Darrow: YAY!!!! tytytyty Roland! I AM SO EXCITED! 3 months ago
I've created a new group to show solidarity with anti-fascism and opposition to other hate groups and individuals. No heavy deal, you don't have to do anything to show your solidarity other than joining the group, and maybe, if you feel you can, displaying the logo on your region or in your club to show that hate groups and anyone associated with them are not welcome.

Obviously those who want to get a little more involved are more than welcome to do so, such as arranging events with a prominent anti-fascist message, even if it's only displaying the logo on promotional materials, to much more ambitious things such as art displays that highlight the dangers of the extreme-right.

To remove all doubt, fascists and their fellow-travellers, (Trumpists, Faragists, Lepenists etc are not welcome! Prospective members are vetted and are subject to approval, which means it's a safe space for the wary.

This isn't a political group, so you won't be bombarded with ideology, it's simply a group for those of us who share a similar belief, that all humans are worthy. I'll even go so far as to say that members should leave both their politics and their religion at the door, whilst anti-fascism is a political stance, it is one that crosses political boundaries. We don't even have to like each other to show solidarity, a point worth remembering.


Just a heads up. I strive to keep moderation light on comments to group posts, but obviously I will not tolerate intolerance or other comments that seek to denigrate other human beings in any way. Any such comments WILL be removed. Cogent and fair and relevant comment will be respected, even if not agreed with.

To anyone complaining that their rights to free speech have been violated, I point out to you that I am the moderator and it is me who decides what is allowed and what is not. If you wish to express an opinion that is contrary to the values of this group, you are free to do so, somewhere else.

Copies of the logo are available, as is an at present limited range of clothing with an ant--fascist message on it. Please ask me for copies, stating in the case of clothing, what avatar you use. Thank you.

Loboto Chan: Plurality, diversity, tolerance. Always. 3 months ago
Certain assets broken all over the Hypergrid?
I've been encountering a strange phenomenon for quite a while now.

Firestorm reproducibly does not texture certain surfaces. They're rare, but they're always the same.

One example that comes to mind: Swiss Cafe (in case you know it), second ground floor window from the left, the "non-moving" parts. They're always "textured" plain white. Even on derivatives of this building, and regardless of on which sim on which grid they're located.

This happens to two different avatars of mine from two separate grids each (two avatars on one grid, two avatars on another grid). It also happens on two separate computers, both booting Debian testing, but I don't think the underlying OS has any influence. This rules faulty cache content out.

In fact, it even happens after I've completely deleted the cache manually outside Firestorm.

I've tested various Firestorm versions from 6.3.9 to 7.1.9 today, and they all show this strange behaviour. That is, I do recall having seen the Swiss Cafe properly with all textures in the past, using Firestorm.

A while ago, I tried saving the general settings and all avatar settings, then deleting the entire ~/.firestorm_x64 directory. It didn't change anything.

Eventually, I tried the Cool VL Viewer. It doesn't render that texture either. So it's actually independent from the viewer as well.

Can it be that assets can be damaged by faulty asset servers or something, and that damage spreads all across the Hypergrid and wrecks all copies and all derivatives of the affected content?

Pagane: Before 4 months i try to warn about this FS bug. Peoples continute to not understand whats happen. Last 3 versions of FS contains bug and when owner edit... 3 months ago
At the present time, Amoa Nude Beach is experiencing technical difficulties. I cannot say how long this will take to repair, but I apologize for this asset issue happening a second time in 2 weeks.

It is apparently being caused by Dreamgrid software that I, nor the grid owners have control over, which causes a failure of assets.

So we have missing textures, failing scripts, body in-completions among the most notable. I will have to redo alot of it again. Sorry for the inconvenience.

GlennXpletive: Thanks everyone. It is not a FS issue or Barefoot Dreamers. It is based on the Dreamgrid Robust Asset Server disconnecting. It happened 2 weeks ago. All the new additions and changes, were completly... 3 months ago

'Nough said.

SheaButter: Some are just shit disturbers anyways. lol 3 months ago
A few reasons to stop using AI generated images of yourself:

These images spread misinformation, create deceptive personas, and manipulate our perceptions.

We become uncomfortable when our Brains pick up on mismatched features, such as realistic eyes and unrealistic skin.

Narcissists, keep on making these images of yourself. Post these images of yourself everywhere. You are helping to create a new kind of mental illness. Psychiatrists, Psychologists, and mental health workers worldwide are excited, waiting, and willing to earn some more money studying your newly defined mental illness. Not to mention your already existing narcissism.

Thanks for helping to create a more dysfunctional society.

ミ☆☆ sweet dreams ☆☆ 彡
( ◉◞౪◟◉) creepy dumby face

Hello, we are three cute little girls and looking for a new home. You can find it in the Yin Yang Town Store.
- Add us to your body,
- we Walk and run around with you or just stand with you.
So come and take us with you to you,
we are also very nice and won't cause you any trouble,
We promise ♥ ;-)

Yana Dakota: Beautiful Store with lots of great items. Very nice set up as well. I love Chi Chi and her creations. Worth a visit ! 4 months ago
we make weekly parties and combine meetings during the week with little groups of people who want to enjoy dances and intimate encounters .... and enjoy together


VickiJoanne: There's a problem with the very concept of "hate speech" and that is WHO exactly gets to define it? In The Box we've seen the recurrent appearance of one or more people who are clearly either trollin... 4 months ago

Maze terrain generated by Bobby's AI
Youtube Video

Pagane: Typical of AI - the maze has no way out... 4 months ago

Check out the new selections of Outfits and Shoes.
Some in Sizes: Athena, Reborn, and Legacy.

Pagane: LOVE GRIMM!!!! 4 months ago
How to copy your friends from one seriously borked installation to a new fresh installation. First download and run mysqlworkbench. Run the seriously fubarred dreamgrid, and use mysqlworkbench to connect to it. Under databases select the friends table. Enter an sql query like this one: select * from robust.friends; then next a table is generated of all your friends. Click the export button to save this table to your hard disk. Close down the fubarred dreamgrid. Run the new dreamgrid installation. Open wordpad and change your old key in the friends.cvs to your new key in the new installation, search & replace all instances. Now with mysqlworkbench opened IMPORT the saved friends.cvs into the new dreamgrid installation and restart it.

Fearghus McMahon: Wouldn't it be easier to create your new avatar with the same key as your old avatar (when running your own grid that is). Otherwise it might still be a single sided friendship and you would not get n... 4 months ago
Welcome to MAGABAGA INTERNATIONAL SPACEPORT- All species are welcome, even humans... SIMs at WTG are connected so fly your ship and use our facilities.. Enjoy the performance of our alien artists... And avoid being nearby Aracno Airlines store... they are not much keen of people...

thedeeferry: Wish I could be there. IP banned. Thanks AMV. 5 months ago
To all the folks who hope to create RP sims sadly in Opensims they don't work. RP should be a large group effort. Opensims just don't have enough people, Unlike SL where there is 1000's online at any given day. At the end of the day we create/build for ourselves which isn't a bad thing.

Xenon Darrow: LOL I am active in SL, and you have a distorted view of them as well. Finding roleplayers in SL is a constant struggle. Sims open and close constantly due to lack of participation and no way to fund t... 5 months ago
Your IP Address is recorded every time you visit any sim in the robust log. This means you cannot go to ANY sim without your IP being recorded. All I have to do to see anybody's IP is go to my robust file, and search on part of their name. This pulls up their name, ip address, cmac, and key. So if you are paranoid or don't your information out there, then don't come to the metaverse. First of all the way ip addresses work, your IP address MUST be told to the server you are visiting so it knows WHERE to send visual data back to so that you can see it. In fact, this is how the entire internet works. So get a grip.

Lillysparks: Cyberglo, you are so cool the way you ended this crash-course in IP basics. "Get a grip" LOL. You must have been around someone who was complaining...this seems oddly specific. Hehe 5 months ago


Val's Cock 3.7 is out Now !

Aurora Starchild: Wow, thanks for all these updates! 6 months ago
que sensacion agradable que nos provoca siempre ver una isla recien nacida. Art&Friends, esta en la espera del
nacimiento de una nueva exposición de arte .No te la puedes perder...

What a pleasant feeling that seeing a newly born island always gives us. Art&Friends, is waiting for the
birth of a new art exhibition. You can't miss it...

Milly Money: LOVE seeing that new 'button' sprout, so many new possibilities or sometimes the beginning of a master plan :D 6 months ago
Let's talk about child avatar criteria for a moment.

This is Juno, my little in-world sister. Little as in one year younger. What she's wearing is something she isn't too unlikely to wear these days. It's still quite chilly outside after all.

Those of you who know her won't doubt that she's a grown-up woman. But there's a whole lot about her that may qualify her as an underage avatar. I'm not even joking.

Yes, on the one hand, protection against paedos and their unlawful ageplay is a necessity; see also Safine's most recent post:

On the other hand, paedos are trying to circumvent countermeasures. Add to this the most recent drama about Lindens being directly involved in sexual ageplay in Second Life.

As a result, sim owners ramp up their countermeasures. This goes well beyond more and more sims redefining the Adult rating as "G-rated, but no child avatars allowed". It's likely that the signs that an avatar is underage will be "upgraded", too.

And the wide-spread anti-underage paranoia has made them absolutely ridiculous quite a while ago already. There's so much that could qualify Juno here as a kid.

Let me sum it up.

First of all, her height. The most blatant sign and the only one that triggers auto-bans. She's "only" 1.74m which is 5'8½". Many childgates still run on default settings which ban everyone under 1.80m. And I guess their number will increase as more and more sim owners decide that 1.60m or 1.70m doesn't cut it anymore. I'm pretty sure Juno has fallen victim to childgates twice already.

The other criteria are purely visual.

Her shape is somewhat close to realistic. Her head is about ⅛ of her body height which is actually still a bit small for a real-life woman. By OpenSim standards, however, her head is rather large in comparison with her body height. This reeks of a kid shape.

Next, look at her skin tone. In early April in real life, this is a fairly typical skin tone. In OpenSim, however, grown-ups are basically required to have a deep tan. Even most goths have darker skins than Juno. The only avatars with such light skins are child avatars. Well, and Juno, but if you don't know her, you're easy to take her for a kid because her skin is so light.

Now, look at her face. Look at her lips. No pumped-up boat lips. This is what real-life lips look like, but in OpenSim, the only avatars with such thin lips are either male avatars or child avatars. Since she doesn't have a perma-stubble or a full beard, she can't be the former.

Anything else you notice about her face? Right, no make-up whatsoever. Practically all other adult female avatars out there at least wear lipstick. She doesn't even wear that. Well, sometimes she does, but not here, not now. Makes her look like a kid in comparison.

Speaking of make-up, look at her hands. No nail polish. AFAIK, not a single one of the popular female mesh bodies lets you go without nail polish. Especially Athena doesn't. So basically, if a female avatar doesn't wear nail polish, it's either a classic, mesh-less layer-and-prim avatar from, like, 2007 or a child avatar. And Juno doesn't look like she doesn't have a mesh body.

And her hair? Yes, that's a bob. In real life, it was a rather popular hairstyle in the 1960s. In OpenSim, hair significantly shorter than shoulder length is probably the second-most child-like girl hairstyle right after twin pigtails. As an adult woman, she should be expected to have a long lush mane. I've never seen a single female avatar with Paige hair. Black could be a saving throw because little girls are usually blond, but not necessarily.

Let's continue with her clothes.

She's covering a whole lot of skin, more than almost all other female avatars. Granted, most little girl avatars show a whole lot more skin, too. Just look at those super-short skirts that seem to be a requirement for underage girl avatars. But grown-up female avatars are basically expected to do the same. Thus, covering up makes her look less adult.

So does the rather loose fit of her clothes. Adult female avatars may be allowed to wear long denim jeans, but only of the skin-tight kind. But while Juno's jeans are labelled slim fit, they look rather like something a little boy could wear.

Her pullover gives the impression that she doesn't have a waist. You know what other avatars don't have much of a waist? Good thing she doesn't have a petite body because there's no petite variant of her body, otherwise she'd look almost flat in this pullover. Also, that shade of teal might be questionable at least. It'd be worse if that pullover was pink, but she doesn't have it in pink.

Finally, her footwear. She's wearing flat shoes. Adult female avatars are expected to always walk around on 6" heels. In fact, she's even wearing sneakers. Flat sneakers. Even tip-toe sneakers are questionable, but unless worn by a manly man, they're little girl material.

And if that wasn't enough, she's wearing them with white socks. The only hosiery adult female avatars may wear in OpenSim is nylon stockings, Zettai Ryouiki-style, showing skin on the thighs above. Socks are pretty much exclusively worn by children, so what does that make Juno?

I bet that if Juno wore this to events in places whose owners don't know her, chances are she'd be banned on the spot for being a kid. Good thing her usual party styles are of the kind that causes her to be accused of dressing like a grandma instead.

TrishiaOConnell: if no one like children avatars, why are there so many shops for childrens clothes? 6 months ago


Recently I have had a number of people requesting that I allow child avatars at friends-grid and I want to discuss this openly and honestly.

It is not my place to try and push my morals and values upon others....however, as a grid owner, it is my place to learn the laws of every country involved. In this situation, I need to understand the Child pornography laws of not only where our servers are located, but I also had to research and learn the laws of every country we have residents and guests from. We currently have residents from 30 countries and guests from another 35. People who say "laws dont apply " are incorrect on this subject. You may have servers in one country.....but all the laws of your resident's countries come into play also.

A good thing to remember is that because you have gotten away with something for 10 years does not make it legal. You may never get caught....and then again.....somebody with a grudge may turn you in.

I want to point out a recent post by Jerralyn Franzic . Jerralyn showed the cutest childs outfit ever! ....and she also made the wisest statement ...."I don't understand the hatred towards child avis in Open Sim. Sure, they shouldn't engage in adult activities and maybe not hang in Adult sims but otherwise, what's the problem?" Personally I would love to see kids riding ponies at my farm....and having fun being mermaids. If everyone in child avi were to abide by Jerralyn's statement, there would not be an issue.

However, lets talk about reality. Not all child avis are simply riding ponies and playing in the water. The simple truth is that many (not all) of these child avis are having sex. Some grids use this to boost their traffic. In some countries, including US, the graphic illustration of a child online having sex is 100% illegal. You see, it does not matter if the person behind the computer is 12 or 52......the visual computer generated depiction of a child (child avatar) involved in sex is very illegal in a number of countries. 18 U.S.C. § 2252 Many people will say their countries are different....and this is stupid. I did not make laws........but I need to abide by them. Before people jump on this and criticize me ....I would suggest you read the laws of your country....your servers country...and the laws of all your residents or guests. There are many misinformed people on this subject. I am not saying the laws are right or wrong......but learn the laws.....then comment. You need to learn laws for your servers country...and all your guests countries. This post is not about is about laws....of all the countries involved.

I have spent over 200 hours reading international laws. Some countries allow things that others do not. However, you have to consider all the laws because of guests.

In I hate kids and kids avis......nooooooo. I would love to be able to allow them to come to friends grid. However, this is a less than perfect world in which we live, and I have to look at the potential liability of allowing those child avis. Because of that, Child avis are not allowed on exceptions! I am sad....because there are some wonderful people in kids avis that I do not get to have visit.

Friends-grid is an Adult community and we are looking for adults, with adult avi's who want to make this their main opensim home.

Sodasullivan: I think this is the proper way to address this issue Safine. You are setting the rules YOU are comfortable with on YOUR region. I am fine having my region open to everyone as long as they agree to fol... 6 months ago
3rd Rock Grid slated for closure May 15 2024

I am very sad to announce what seems to be the inevitable closure of the historical 3RD Rock Grid in OpenSim. I say historical because it is notable as being the 3rd official OpenSim grid to open for business many,many years ago. I joined 3RD Rock in early 2011, shortly after it opening and have been calling it my virtual home away from home since then. Due to a recent series of cascading events our servers are inaccessible by our Adim team, below I will post a portion of my transcript copied during our last community meeting date March 23 2024.

[13:09] David7 Bravin: 5. GRID ISSUES.
[13:10] David7 Bravin: Anyone ?
[13:11] David7 Bravin: If not .....
[13:11] David7 Bravin: moving on to...
[13:11] David7 Bravin: 6. ANY OTHER BUSINESS
[13:11] David7 Bravin: Eldovar ?
[13:11] Eldovar Lamilton: yes, thank you
[13:12] Eldovar Lamilton: As all of you have noticed of the past one and a half years, fate has hit us hard during the past time.
[13:13] Eldovar Lamilton: 1. It all started when we lost our system administrator from one day to the other without any further notice. We were left without access and documentation to the grid, and the person refused any further contact. To the day we have no idea why he reacted as he did, because from our perspective there was no reason at all to do so, our relationship seemed good, he received much more than the money he requested for the work he did.
[13:14] Eldovar Lamilton: It took us a long time to get access to the servers again. And the biggest problem that remained was, that he had rewritten (and improved) a few core parts of the Opensim software, but other than agreed, he never gave us the source code of those program parts.
[13:15] Eldovar Lamilton: 2. In October last year we lost one of our most important servers: the one that was running the Starfleet regions and many more important regions, we call it server 107. Kira Tiponi worked hard to get that server replaced and managed to restore all the regions that were there and finally, at the beginning of January this year, she succeeded. The plan was, that she shows nme everything she has done and gives me full access to the new server 107 at the beginning of February this year.
[13:16] Eldovar Lamilton: 3. In January, we got the sad message, that Kira has passed away. She did not have time to pass over all the information that she had and that was necessary to access the new server.
[13:16] Eldovar Lamilton: This was the final stroke to the grid as well.
[13:17] Eldovar Lamilton: Despite all our efforts, the situation now is, that we don't have access to all the servers - I still try to get access to the server housing company where the physical bare metal servers are running. Even with that, we do not have access to all our servers, those few that we have access to, we cannot manage because the system administrator that helped us move from the Florida servers to the new servers in Europe, has rewritten some crucial part of the software, and we don't have the source code to it (as mentioned above).
[13:18] Eldovar Lamilton: To summarize the situation: this grid is not manageable anymore.
[13:18] Eldovar Lamilton: As a consequence, we have decided heavy heartedly, to shut down 3RG.
[13:19] Eldovar Lamilton: end
[13:20] Thoria Millgrove: Next month will make 15 years since I rezzed in 3rd Rock Grid
[13:20] Georgina Mills: 3rd oldest Opensim grid closes, I wish it wasn't so!

So in a nutshell that’s the story. If there is any assistance or advice you may have to offer, please feel free to contact me at
I will present any information during our next community meeting scheduled for April 6 2024 at 1:00pm grid time, 3rd Rock Grid is tentatively scheduled for official closure May 15th 2024
Thank you.

JayR Cela

CyberGlo CyberStar: If you cannot get the oars then you may have to copybot the regions. 6 months ago
Zoey's Boutique at Raven's Peak New Releases!

Legacy Perky & Legacy Perky Petite now in store along with all the Legacy soft options: thighs, arms and boobs

If you like what I'm doing, pop on over and check out new items in store weekly!

Zoey ♥

Taxi:'s Peak