OsFarmingCountry @OsFarmingCountry


Virtual farming is my thing! Come join me and let’s get farming!

Liked posts

Firstly "Happy New Year" everybody!

zetaworld grid automatically logs out any hypergridders from dynamic dns grids from visiting them (SUPER RUDE ZETA!), so in return I've done the same, so if zetaworld residents get logged out when hypergridding to "http://snik.loseyourip.com:8002:home of merci" then that will be the reason why.

I'm more than happy to reverse my decision, assuming zetaworld does the same :)

I'm trying to be a more positive, encouraging, creative and empathic individual, but currently I'm struggling. I'll do my very best to do better in future. :)

Always happy to share grid admin tips along with general opensim support and help, generally, I don't bite, unless you do :)


Glenys Bieler: Zeta SAY its to do with German law: Grids have to have the name and details of the grid owner on their website to be legal...... I don't know if thats true or not - but tbh I don't care - it still suc... 2 days ago
For fun i made this system to play with NPCs, if you want to play with it too come get it.
Inside there are all the commands i set and how to use them, you can use multiple NPCs just change the channel in the description
if there are bugs let me know


Lilith: amazing thank you👧🏾😁 4 days ago
