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Pagane: Good, you is hired in our ballet:) 5 months ago
Hello Virtual Folks!

I seem to find it hard to find a nice Gay locations, NOPE! I don't want to hear about secondlife been there, that place is Drama! Anyways, I'm creating a region that is going to be Gay friendly also its friendly for those who just want to be friends and not discriminate! I'll add the region soon, I'm still working on it. My friend gave me some gay stuff, so I'll be adding those too.

Now, I don't want hate in my post, so please if you're not supportive of Gays thats ok! Its you're right just please move on.

You don't have to be gay to visit, just don't hate.

If you have a gay region you can add it to my post and I'll visit.

Thanks for reading! HUGS

Kal: The Lagniappe Grid warmly welcomes the LGBTQ+ community. Just like the real New Orleans, it’s a place where everyone is safe to be themselves.... 5 months ago
I've created a new group to show solidarity with anti-fascism and opposition to other hate groups and individuals. No heavy deal, you don't have to do anything to show your solidarity other than joining the group, and maybe, if you feel you can, displaying the logo on your region or in your club to show that hate groups and anyone associated with them are not welcome.

Obviously those who want to get a little more involved are more than welcome to do so, such as arranging events with a prominent anti-fascist message, even if it's only displaying the logo on promotional materials, to much more ambitious things such as art displays that highlight the dangers of the extreme-right.

To remove all doubt, fascists and their fellow-travellers, (Trumpists, Faragists, Lepenists etc are not welcome! Prospective members are vetted and are subject to approval, which means it's a safe space for the wary.

This isn't a political group, so you won't be bombarded with ideology, it's simply a group for those of us who share a similar belief, that all humans are worthy. I'll even go so far as to say that members should leave both their politics and their religion at the door, whilst anti-fascism is a political stance, it is one that crosses political boundaries. We don't even have to like each other to show solidarity, a point worth remembering.


Just a heads up. I strive to keep moderation light on comments to group posts, but obviously I will not tolerate intolerance or other comments that seek to denigrate other human beings in any way. Any such comments WILL be removed. Cogent and fair and relevant comment will be respected, even if not agreed with.

To anyone complaining that their rights to free speech have been violated, I point out to you that I am the moderator and it is me who decides what is allowed and what is not. If you wish to express an opinion that is contrary to the values of this group, you are free to do so, somewhere else.

Copies of the logo are available, as is an at present limited range of clothing with an ant--fascist message on it. Please ask me for copies, stating in the case of clothing, what avatar you use. Thank you.

Loboto Chan: Plurality, diversity, tolerance. Always. 6 months ago

Xenon Darrow: Royalty free image: - or just download this one. 7 months ago
ya know.. there sure is a LOT of imature, high schoolish, jealous, so called adults, who are drama queens & kings across all grid of the metaverse.. here's a little advice.. if you have a beef with someone.. Take it up with them "Personally".. email them.. reach them inworld on their grid.. reach them on facebook... reach them on discord.. but whatever you do.. do NOT reach out to them publicly on someone elses post, profile page, or advertising poster, or what have you.. if you are blocked LET IT GO.. if its THAT important that you absolutely MUST keep the drama going.. create an ALT inworld.. go to their grid.. send them a message let them know exactly who you are.. and then say what you gotta say.. HOW DARE YOU start drama on someone elses post here on .. 2 words for you.. GROW UP! & Keep your business and drama off of other peoples posts!
Have a nice day!

Arielle: Where is the fun in that? People post here to have an audience that will hopefully validate one's point(s). Sending an IM or e-mail sounds good and mature but negates most of the entertainment of post... 7 months ago