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New release: Arcadia's Adams-Farwell Series 6.

This project took me two and a half months to finish, I'm proudly presenting to you a cute, rickety car to travel around sims and roads in relaxing rides solo or with friends.

The Adams-Farwell Series 6 was a 1906 car produced by the Adams-Farwell company. It featured a rear mounted rotary engine, very similar to airplane engines of it's time.

There’s still one functioning Series 6 in the world, you can see videos on YouTube of it running.


This product will only work in ubODE, OS 9.2+ and either X or Y engine.


My Series 6 has the following features:

1. Seats four avatars, the front seat will open automatically when a third avatar seats.
2. Each avatar has it's own pose that will change when you turn left or right.
3. Each pose are in fact a set of 3 poses, the car will try to guess you height and fire an appropriate pose for your avatar to make it look as best as possible.
4. A dynamic camera that switches between forward and reverse in all seats.
5. Custom sounds, sampled from the real car.
6. Unique mesh, carefully crafted and shaded to imitate the real car.
7. The engine has two gears, gear one while slow it will make the car able to climb almost any slope like a real car, if your car can’t negotiate a very steep slope just drop your gear to first and you will conquer the hill like a boss.
8. A menu on click that lets you operate the car’s accessories like lights, canopy and the capot, the car will remember the settings even if you recompile the script in mid operation.
9. Awareness of the sim/parcel to reset the dynamic camera for all passengers when you cross them so the driving experience remains un-compromised.
10. Custom stand targets on each sit, so you or any passenger won’t end standing on top of the car.
11. Access list, you can choose to let your car unlocked for everyone to drive or select a list of people that can drive, a white list.

You can get this new car at my main shop or the satellite store at Wright Plaza.

Happy Sunday!

Jerralyn Franzic: Oh yesss... I think I'll add this to my little car stash here in Open Sim :) 2 years ago
Typhaine Artez, whom many of you may know, as a wonderful lady, and genius scripter, has provided us all with a redo of DJ PHIL's osvisitor web based system. It allows you to store your visitor list without storing sensitive data like ip addresses, but not having to rely on inworld objects - which often get reset. This project allows you to sort by visitors to a specific region, or a grid, or sort visitors by day, week or month. It relies on a free website for the free api call to process the data. What an amazing gift to the community!

JoshBoam: Hello Great Product... The Readme does not have much information.. Although setup is straight forward.. Some without any tech skills will find this hard to setup.. I suggest that a better how to ins... 2 years ago
We do not have any grid banned! we are hosted by DIGI WORLDZ and must abide by the TOS verification rules. Follow the instruction and key it in correctly and you will get in with no problem. >>>>Here's a link to give to your users:
From there, they can choose if they are a local user, or, if they are a hyper grid user, and then fill in the correct page reminder do not to put in http:// or a slash on the end / Example >>>
of the login URL. Choose the right option. Have a good day!

Pink Myst: I'm sure your place is wonderful but I do not want to have to alter my avi just to visit it tells me my outfit is to complicated for you place but good luck to you and yours 2 years ago
It's been advised that every region owner protect themselves by having an OAR of their land. Wise advice, and something to be considered when renting a region, for example, on AviTron. Also advised: Have a copy of your account IAR. What does Alex have to say about this?

AviTron Terms and Conditions

From TOS Amendment 8/27/2021
"AviTron does not give out Region OARS and account IARs. Reason being is to protect our free content".

And your free content?

From Section 2.3
"Except as otherwise described in any Additional Terms (such as a contest's official rules) which will govern the submission of your User Content, you hereby grant to AviTron Virtual World, and you agree to grant to AviTron Virtual World, the non-exclusive, unrestricted, unconditional, unlimited, worldwide, irrevocable, perpetual, and cost-free right and license to use, copy, record, distribute, reproduce, disclose, modify, display, publicly perform, transmit, publish, broadcast, translate, make derivative works of, and sell, re-sell or sublicense (through multiple levels)(with respect to each Product or otherwise on the Service as permitted by you through your interactions with the Service), and otherwise exploit in any manner whatsoever, all or any portion of your User Content (and derivative works thereof), for any purpose whatsoever in all formats, on or through any media, software, formula, or medium now known or hereafter developed, and with any technology or devices now known or hereafter developed, and to advertise, market, and promote the same."

Copper: 5 lines..and 7 times "I"..the great shamaladingdong continues rofl. This ego isnt to describe :-( 2 years ago
TELEPORT HUD - This is the most advanced teleport hud you will ever see in any of the grids. It can be used to teleport to a grid, then a region, then a location in that region. It uses DialogPlus which means you can have pages of places saved in it. Also I got it to save all the locations to a notecard, so in case you reset it, you won't lose all your locations. Additionally, you can edit the notecard and add new locations manually if you like, then save notecard. Then click the hud, and click load. All the new locations you manually entered will be loaded into the hud. -- Now... Some grids will not let you get access to the gateway information via osGetGridGateway... So in other words, it's going to break on some sims, but you can always reset it, and just know that it's ok to tp to those grids, just don't try to tp around once you get there, you can always use ctrl-shift-h to get home if you have a home location set. So why a TP hud? We had these in sL and they make life easier, if you are smart enough to know how to use one. It's just better, that's why.
Keep in mind, that it is purposefully designed so that when you tp to a grid ONLY those regions in that grid will appear under the [Regions] button. Once you select a region it will tp you to that region. Then you click [Locations] and only the locations that are IN THAT SIM will be displayed. This is done on purpose to avoid being confused about what locations are in what sim on what grid. It's intelligently designed to make it as easy as possible to navigate around the hypergrids.

CyberGlo CyberStar: Yes, now that it works, I will try to make a new version that gets around osGetGridGateway, but for now it's great for dreamgrid, i don't know about other grids (depends if the owner lets you use that... 2 years ago
This AviTron Shop Is Great--If You Want To Pay For Stuff That Should Be Free.
CopyKat Grid is home to Grimm, where you can get the pictured outfit, and many more, free and full perm. Or you can go to this AviTron shop and pay TR$10 for the item (changed to no transfer). You can see Jimmy, owner of Grimm, still listed as the creator of the item. (Oops). The shop owner got this--free--at Grimm.

To be fair, I think about everyone has made the mistake of setting an item for sale and forgetting to change the default price of $10 to zero. But a full perm item someone else created, with the sale price already set--to $0 ('t change to a no transfer item sold for $10--unless the new owner changes it on purpose. This was no accident. And this "not an accident" happened to items from Grimm at least 20-30 times at this AviTron shop.

You will see many residents from the great grid of AviTron shopping at Grimm and the countless other quality freebe shops on the CopyKat Grid. Now I know at least one reason why. You never know what you will find on the CopyKat Grid--but one thing is sure. It's gonna be free.

Visit Grimm for your free stuff. Special sale for AviTron members--100% off of Grimm's already low low price of $0.

LATE EDIT: I have now looked at a random selection of other AviTron shops and find they are not charging for items. If you find any, let me know. But for now I'm changing the post to target just this one shop.

Sweetgrl: I love Grimm. 2 years ago
OpensimFest is a machine with many moving parts, and dedicated volunteers help to keep it running smoothly. Curious about who's who at the Fest? Check out this profile of Contessa Lacombe, the Exhibit Coordinator
ADVISORY: If you are NEW to Opensim, there are many choices for worlds to live in. Do yourself a favor and run a background check on ANY GRID before you open your wallet.

Google search: Alex Pomposelli

Spax Orion: Knowing what this operator has done in the past, I would be doing a major disservice to the community by being silent. Is it wrong to warn others of potential danger based on a proven track record? If... 2 years ago
The Day has arrived, With much anticipation and media coverage the one the only Presidential debate taken to the ring.
Watch President Biden V/S Former President Trump battle it out on AVW @ trails ( Watch which ever favorite you suck up to kick the liven shit out of each other properly bare knuckle and to the last breath. Copy by request only while supply's last (see Bob Solo or Shea Butter).. everything is full perm full copy 24/7 only @ the AVW opensim's animesh head Quarters trails.
Uhmmm I made a thing that detects greifers in sandboxes and kicks and bans them. Check this out. It's also a 3d radar, and shows people flying around and moving around on the sim. Get yours at

Panthera Mayor: oh sound good :) 2 years ago
Back In Black
I don't usually make an outfit with a clothing item used in another outfit. But, honestly, the jacket is a repeat. It's the only top that worked with these jeans. Just pretend you never saw it before, K?

Pay attention instead to the white (jean stitching), silver (boot studs) and grey (hair streaks) that offer an interesting contrast to the otherwise all black outfit. As always, you can customize your look with the included fat packs.

OK now, jump up and down and repeat after me:
"oh HELLO: Outfits With Options".
Its Mothers Day, So here is my Ha'Tak Motheship its 256 meters in length and built with Prims and some mesh.
Interior is complete, This ship is part of the Star Gate region in Galaxy Warz Grid. More ships and builds coming soon.

Just one of the Starships From the collection in GalaxyWarz Grid. When i find time
the interiors will all be done. Most ships are 2 regions in length. And all are Prim Builds..

OpenSimUser: Very nice job so far, cant wait to see the finished result. 2 years ago
****EEP SKIES HUD V2 UPDATED RELEASE **** You can now change your EEP sky (*) in your SIM with serveral nice seasonal day cycled options by a simple touch in a HUD! You just need add it to your avatar! Super easy! Nice for those who has zero skills on EEP settings or... just lazy!
Pretend you want play ur SIM as New York city RL so grab the correct HUD for it (and You will experience the same Sun position /angle, sunrise/sunset (approximated values) there! Like on RL. And many options of skies for clear day/nights, foggy, cloudy and rainy!

Available for FREE and FULL PERM at the newest BOX 08 or click teleporter and choose EEP as destination.

(*) Check to your grid manager if EEP sky is enabled;
(*) You must be SIM owner to make it work.
(*) Special thanks for Clifford (AMV Grid owner) who built this script and allowed me to share to Opensim community).
(*) Make sure ur Firestorm viewer is properly set to see EEP skies:
MENU > WORLD > ENVIRONMENT > "Used shared environment" must be selected.

Jimmy Olsen: ** EEP HUD V2 updated *** April 21th 2022 - Just fixed the SUMMER skies for LATITUDE 70 NORTH only. The others ones remain ok, if you don`t use it, update is not necessary. Thx (and sorry for the ofte... 2 years ago

My Ship sitting in drydock, awaiting repairs ... thanx Lani Global for the template !!!

OpenSimUser: Very nice, keep up the great work 2 years ago