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Join us at 5 pm grid time for an hour of great fun with a live performance from Steven Strikker and a special appearance from Shaggy.
The Piazza, where great fun and good friends come together.
Drop this link into your map; Lagoon
Join us at 5 pm grid time for an hour of great fun with a live performance from Steven Strikker.
The Piazza, where great fun and good friends come together.
Drop this link into your map; Lagoon

Barefoot-Dreamers Grid is now Back online enjoy we apologize for the inconvience but maintenance must be done to keep us going

HELLO!! Hey if you happen to pick up one of my builds, and you set it out and there are parts missing, PLEASE let me know I'll make it right. I discovered one of my builds was almost all unlinked which is rare for me to do, but I guess I was distracted or not well the day I did it, still no excuse!! So if you do have issues with any of my builds, please contact me and let me know! OOdles of love, Gram Z.
The Love Lock Bridge
El Puente de los candados del Amor, es un lugar hermoso y muy especial en todo Opensim, el cual esta ubicado en
Es un espacio dedicado al amor, y todas las promesas dadas al amado o amada; las puedes sellar allí en un candado que las guardará como prueba de amor eterno!
Punto de llegada: hop://
Que viva el amor!!

I just Open a New Shop Soft Thighs
where you can find garter and stocking

AMV House Tour is coming - explore the worlds others have created. 4x4 sim waiting for you! Discover the interactive designed world with possibilities that are unique and visually astounding. October 23 @ 2PM AMV time. A dozen designer homes are unique, with a terraformed and landscape environment to enjoy. Aedifex Arts Experiences Interactive waiting on you.
Updating Dark Matter L5 City , already have lots of up to date mesh body/Heads lots of HG and Petite clothing. Please remember if you visit this is a freebie area and also a role play city it is big it is laggy at first. Lots to explore hidden little areas hidden clubs bars , memorial gardens. And yes im sitting on a Toilet lost the picture I wanted to upload ... Free Shopping Spree III
Just finished the new HG and Petite area at Advantis its bigger than before, also added more HG items to All Free Shopping Spree and also Changes III (Dark Matter City.
Advantis has had a few changes we now have a central tp point with options for main mall ground and All Free Shopping Spree sim. I am also updating Changes III one of Neverworlds oldest Freebie Role Play sims and will be bringing it into our linked sim family more to come on that soon!
Feel Free to check out Changes III its still being updated and it is a megger megger sized build so there will be some lag to start. Free Shopping Spree III

I wanted to open this sim next year but cause of some not so good news I open the sim for public right now . Items for every kind of Festive Occasion and more .Perhaps have a look at the boxes, it it might be of interest?:-) . The sim is full of scripted items, all is working so that you can try the items out...
I wanted to open the sim for public next year, but I got not so good news, so I open it right away so that you have another choice of fun shopping.
Nice mix of items of every kind and for every kind of festive Occasions. Beside this some fun items ,dont take it to serious..
PS.check out the wooden might be worth it . A lot of scripted items inside the region..everything is working, so you can try all things you would like to buy out!
Lets Keep Open Sim Grids Free And Open
Come check out Advantis Neverworld , All Free Shopping Spree Neverworld , and Advantis Copycat Grid lots of great items all over the 3 sims All Free. Or just come and explore these huge sims from megger citys to beaches from shops to role play the choice is yours !
Advantis Neverworld Cyberpunk Tokyo Area , Deep under the heart of Advantis (Teleports from Entrance) are the Cyberpunk Tokyo Tunnels and Neverworld Railway Station. Dont forget there are a few nice Cyberpunk freebies more to follow in the underground area
OpensimFest is a machine with many moving parts, and dedicated volunteers help to keep it running smoothly. Curious about who's who at the Fest? Check out this profile of Contessa Lacombe, the Exhibit Coordinator
Its Mothers Day, So here is my Ha'Tak Motheship its 256 meters in length and built with Prims and some mesh.
Interior is complete, This ship is part of the Star Gate region in Galaxy Warz Grid. More ships and builds coming soon.