OSFest @OSFest


OSFest is a festival celebrating the creative talents of residents in the Hyperverse.

Joined 2 years ago

About Myself

#OSFest2024 building is underway! The festival runs from Opening Day Oct 4, 2024 thru Closing Day Oct 20, 2024 with Burn Events at the end of the night. Are you having an event during those dates? Contact us to get on our satellite event list so we can promo your event during OSFest 2024! We have 8 hours set aside for satellite events on other grids. On the grid we have 110 hours of performer events and 84 hours to scheduled to see exhibits and stores or participate in activities and sponsorship!

My Interests

The community voted to have no particular unifying theme this year so it will be an interesting hodgepodge of exhibits, stores, and performances. The grid layout is also different from previous festivals. Something new and fresh for a fresh new year!

I'm Looking For

OSFest celebrates the creative talents of residents in the decentralized Hyperverse. We welcome merchants, exhibit presenters, and entertainment artists. For two full weeks, including weekends, we'll have music, dance, art, and merchant expos in one place - the OSFest Grid! This is an all volunteer effort with a limited number of free parcels for exhibitors and merchants provided by the grid sponsors.

Favorite Quote

“If you don't build your dream someone else will hire you to help build theirs.” ― Tony Gaskins

OpenSimulator Version

OpenSim-NGC Yeti Dev

Viewer Version

Recommended Viewer for OSFest: Firestorm for OpenSim (EEP capable)

My Regions

0 2 grid.opensimfest.com:8022:OSF_S_Stores 0 Users
Free Parcels for Merchants, 64m x 48m Store, 900 land impact prims allowed
more info
0 0 grid.opensimfest.com:8022:OSF_N_Stores 0 Users
Free Parcels for Merchants, 108m x 108m Store, 2700 land impact prims allowed
more info
2 0 grid.opensimfest.com:8022:OSF_N_Exhibits 0 Users
Free Parcels for Exhibitors, 108m x 108m, 2700 land impact prims allowed
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0 0 grid.opensimfest.com:8022:OSF_NW_Exhibits 0 Users
Free Parcels for Exhibitors, 64m x 48m, 900 land impact prims allowed
more info
0 0 grid.opensimfest.com:8022:OSF_NE_Exhibits 0 Users
Free Parcels for Exhibitors, 64m x 48m, 900 land impact prims allowed
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1 0 grid.opensimfest.com:8022:OSF_NE_Expo 0 Users
OSFest NE_Expo Sponsor parcels available
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0 0 grid.opensimfest.com:8022:OSF_NW_Expo 0 Users
OSFest NW_Expo Sponsor parcels available
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0 0 grid.opensimfest.com:8022:OSF_Welcome 0 Users
Let's be nice, have fun, and make this a welcoming space with Sponsor parcels available for everyone! All visitors are subject to the code of conduct outlined in our policies at https://www.opensimfest.com/policies
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5 2 grid.opensimfest.com:8022:OSF_Event 0 Users
OSFest Performances and Dance Area with Sponsor parcels available
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0 0 grid.opensimfest.com:8022:OSF_Burn 0 Users
OSFest Burn region for Burn Events, Fireworks, or Particle Shows with Sponsor parcels available
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2 0 grid.opensimfest.com:8022:OSF_Zen 0 Users
The Zen Region at OSFest is where Mindful Mondays happen in this Community Region from sponsor Beyond Zen Life. It's a place to relax, meditate, practice Tai Chi, and do Yoga to find Zen amidst life's chaos during OSFest. Creative commons content curated from around the HG with Sponsor parcels ava...
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3 0 grid.opensimfest.com:8022:OSF_HGWelcome 0 Users
Let's be nice, have fun, and make this a welcoming space with Sponsor parcels available for everyone! All visitors are subject to the code of conduct outlined in our policies at https://www.opensimfest.com/policies
more info


Continuing our series of profiles of the OSFest team, this time Thirza Ember.
Bookmark our Blog page, it will have information and reviews throughout the festival!
OSFest begins July 8, and runs for 17 days of music, entertainment, shopping and exhibits.

sharanncousine: want t-shirt! 2 years ago
The plot thickens!
Over the next few days it will be possible to choose your parcel on the opensimfest Grid using a new webpage on opensimfest.com

We are working as fast as we can to get your access to the grid and open registration for those who opt to use local avatars (HG avatars can be added/invited to your parcel groups).
For those planning to use HG avs only, contact Shelenn.Ayres @grid.metaversedepot.com:8002 (note we cannot invite HG avs to the parcel groups until you visit the OSFest 2022 grid so we need to coordinate times)

Spax Orion: KUDOS to all who make Opensim GREAT! I wish you the BEST for this festival. I will only do licking if you serve HEAVENLY HASH iced cream on a sugar cone! 2 years ago
For OSFest 2023 in September as of 7/12/2023, 12 of 68 exhibit parcels and 6 of 40 merchant parcels are reserved, please spread the word around the HG.
Register for your spot on the OpensimFest website
You can start building on your home grid and transfer the build later when the grid is open.
Like to build? OSFest is looking for a creator to work on a new Welcome Center. Contact Banker Ibor on Discord or on the website for more details
Discord group: https://discord.gg/cxbnMRQB

Luna Lunaria: Sadly, I am not able to commit this year to building out infrastructure on the OSFest region due to RL commitments and medical issues, but if you see any of my structures that might work I will be hap... 1 years ago
If you like Drama, and judging by the most commented posts on this page, you clearly do, then check out the DRAMATIC* pictures of past Festivals.
Luna Lunaria has compiled a History of the event, with photos, videos, and articles going all the way through from early editions of AvatarFest, through to the Gather region, meant as a place for Fest alumni to party and remember past chaos.
OSFest begins on July 8 2022
(*nah, not really any drama, but pretty interesting as part of Opensim's cultural legacy.)
The Festival is starting to come together.
Here are 4 photos by Doc Nolan of four very different builds already in place.
They are by: Aphra Hendrix, Kim Starr, Lain Iwakura, and Jillian 2000 Quintessa.
Can you guess who did what?
If you haven't finished your build, there is still time - but it's running out. See you on the grid!
OpensimFest July 8 - 24 2022
To see more photos, go to the Discord server and check out 'photos 2022' https://discord.gg/QceX93hJ

Thirza Ember: Is Aphra top right? 2 years ago
Do you need a nice building in which to show off your creations/merchandize at OSFest?
Making mesh that fits the limits of the grid can be challenging but Luna Lunaria has kindly provided a solution!
" Fits the 64 x 64 and is full perms so that you can size it to your parcel and do with whatever you like. You can find it at the main landing as well as the landings for Oxygen, Sulphur, and Fluorine. Feel free to share it" - Luna Lunaria
A big THANK YOU to all Sponsors and Contributors. You've helped us reach our goal of covering the cost of OSFest !
Keep it coming - all further donations and sponsorship contributions will be shared out among the many performers who will be on stage over the 17 day event.
Avatar registration is now open. Check your email for a link to set up your local avie. PS, YES you CAN use your usual avatar name.
Building with a HG Avie?
Contact Shelenn on Discord to set up a meet to get building permissions.

OSFest: Having problems configuring your Viewer to osfest grid? This link may help you. https://mewe.com/group/5c09b700f02efc484e8032a5 2 years ago
OSFest is user friendly, for all levels of ability.
Event Organizer Shelenn says: " Some thoughts for those planning on participating as exhibitors or merchants...
Builders and Creators in SL/OS, did you know how you build matters when it comes to accessibility? Did you know some users with visual, cognitive, and motor challenges use a viewer named Radegast? The Radegast viewer has an option to "read" the object name field of every object and its parts to the user. The number of disabled users in Virtual Worlds is a much higher percentage than in the offline global population. When a build is not accessible, it is painfully obvious and unusable for many.
When creating content for SL/OS, please make your builds accessible by:
1) Properly naming all parts (so Radegast does not blabber on meaningless information like primitive, primitive, primitive... or object, object, object...). Not properly naming parts disables others who need them described for them. Review your existing builds. TIP: If you have a linkset with many parts that take a long time to rename, you can right click the linkset to edit, select edit linked parts, then give them all (parts not used by scripts) the same name.
2) Scripting cues as in when building and scripting your scenes, people who cannot hear well need visual cues and people who cannot see well need aural cues. Providing aural cues for visual events and visual cues for aural events in your builds via scripting is practicing accessibility by design and makes them more immersive for everyone!"
Join us at OSFest this September. Want to participare in OSFest this year? Check us out on Discord. https://discord.gg/8QMqVpr5KW
OpensimFest is less than two weeks away, and there's still a chance for you to be part of the fun!
Greeters organizer Snoots Dragon has a message for you
"TO EVERYONE: We are greatly in need of Greeters. This is an easy task and a great way to make new friends. We have a Greeters Guide notecard with quick-to-read information on being a Greeter. The job is easy: spend however much spare time you may have available at Central to help people if they have questions about the Festival. No schedule required; this is totally volunteer time. Please contact SNOOTS DWAGON either on Discord or by IM in-grid. Greeting is a fun and relaxing way to spend time at the Festival... and we could use your help. This is all in the promotion of science, and at the end of the Festival, there will be cake. Thanks!"
That Discord link? https://discord.gg/8QMqVpr5KW

CyberGlo CyberStar: Maybe an NPC greeter could be there full time? I just don't know... 2 years ago
OpensimFest is a machine with many moving parts, and dedicated volunteers help to keep it running smoothly. Curious about who's who at the Fest? Check out this profile of Contessa Lacombe, the Exhibit Coordinator
It's not too late to participate in OSFest 2024 where free land is available for exhibits and stores. The festival runs from Oct 4-20, 2024 but we have a load test party on Sept 20, 2024 from 10am to 1 pm. Staff will be on hand as Rogue and Thalion rock the house. Join us!

OSFest: Some of the exhibits and stores surround large pool water. Some are on the region border of water. Some surround an inland lake. If you need navigable water we can accommodate you. Staff will be at th... 1 month ago
Welcoming all builders to come get set up. You have questions, we have answers.. please read this useful article on the OSFest Blog

OSFEST 2023 Has a new website! Follow it to see what's going on in the planning phase of the event, which will be happening in the last 2 weeks of September

OSFest: Message from Rosa Alekseev: "Hey all we have more spots for performers to fullfill , lets do it! We opened some earlier and others days cause was all almost fullfilled ! Pls contact me if you have in... 1 years ago

It's coming! You're invited!
For the best way to get all the latest news about OSFest, consider joining the Discord server - it's fun and it's free! https://discord.gg/8QMqVpr5KW

It's coming....
OpenSimFest begins on Friday, 8 July at 9am PST (Gridtime)
Music, dance, poetry and more !
Friday's performers are
Zoree Jupiter - Remy Farman - Karima Hoisan - RoseDrop
DJ Emar - DJ Jahka Flow - Khiron Ametza - Joka - Rogue Galaxy
DJ Carbo - Da Bluez Preacher - DJ Walter Balazic
Come enjoy the entertainment, visit the shops and exhibits, and make new friends!

OSFest - What is the story ? For a quick tour around the origins and aims of the event
watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1PaHDsgqS8

There are so many ways to represent yourself and your grid at OpensimFest. Get a free parcel and exhibit. Sign up to be a 'music maker - your own singing, or as a DJ. Or simply be a Greeter.
For one hour, you're the first person that people meet on the festival grid, so it's a chance to make new friends, and to support our diverse community, Will you be a part of something positive?

Thirza Ember: As someone who has always longed to tell people where they can go, this looks like my dream opportunity. 2 years ago
Lovely profile of Luna Lunaria in the opensimfest blog this week.
She is a busy lady!
Great article by Doc Nolan https://www.opensimfest.com/post/an-interview-with-osfest2...
Have you signed up for OpensimFest yet? https://www.opensimfest.com/register
OSFest has officially opened, with visits to the Exhibits on the many regions of the grid.
Musical events begin 11 am SLT, so you can explore the builds as well as enjoy the party. Come on over to grid.opensimfest.com:8022 and be part of the chemistry of OpenSim!
For more details about this fabulous 15 day extravaganza of creativity, check the Events tab here on OSW and go to our website https://www.opensimfest.com/
Attention Shoppers!
Interested in better knowing the commercial creators of opensim?
Check out the ongoing Sales and Freebie opportunities at OpensimFest.
You will find the goodies at grid.opensimfest.com:8022:Chlorine

OSFest: Performances will simulcast to the main parcel in all regions this weekend so avatars can shop and listen in along the way! 2 years ago
Day three, and the fun is just beginning at OSF!
about 200 people visited the region on each of the 2 days, so thank you for your support.
The third day of Music and revelry begins in a few minutes with
Whirli Placebo at 9am Pacific time and
Clan Escotia and band, at 10 am
Read more about it here
Rules rule!
Do you enjoy TOS?
Are you a Policies Person?
Can't get enough when it comes to Code of Conduct ?
Then this link is for you!
No, seriously, here are the limits to what's allowed behavior at OSFest. It's serious business.
Opensimfest is getting closer, and it's going to be fun!
Here is a post by Thirza about 3 Festival performers Karima, Torben, and Joao.
The first step to being part of the Fest - sign up for your FREE ticket here. https://www.opensimfest.com/register
Then join the Discord group for more information https://discord.gg/8QMqVpr5KW
Exhibit - Perform - Volunteer - Sponsor - Party!
There's so much happening at OSFest - all over the grid you will find great exhibits, bargains to buy, freebies, info about interesting people and places, as well as music and dancing, of course!
Check the Events here in OSW to see what's coming up, bookmark the OSFest website or simply jump over to HG-Welcome and start exploring right away !
The schedule of events for OSFest is being finalized!
The event begins on Friday September 15.
We will have shopping hours, sales hours, parcel tour hours, Mindfulness Mondays, Wellness Wednesdays, zombie quests, special meeting hours, satellite events, and performances.
There is still time to get involved with OSFest 2023, come visit the grid at
and check the website for all your FAQs!

Copper: This URL gives me: Error: Forbidden Your client does not have permission to get URL / from this server. 1 years ago
This year’s theme is Jazz/Blues Era, late 1860's to early 1970's and all the styles and genres that Jazz and Blues have inspired.
Progress report: Website is almost ready, and the grid admin are working hard to get the new grid up and running.
Good luck and happy building! If you have questions about your build, consider joining OSFests's discord channel where you can find help and suggestions
The final weekend of OpensimFest's music events kicks off at 9am SLT, that's 18.00 in Central Europe.
The first of three days of DJs singers, musicians and fun.
Come on over to grid.opensimfest.com:8022:Event1

Sweetgrl: Great Friday night at OSFest 2022. I'm looking forward to the blast of a send off, and I had a blast from OSFest as a whole. 2 years ago

Coming up at the top of the hour.... Khiron Ametza!
Join us at grid.opensimfest.com:8022:Event3

Building is well underway on OSF, and there is more good news.
Getting your free parcel on the opensimfest grid just got easier!
Come to the grid and reserve your spot simply by clicking on the yellow box of your choice.
There's room on Oxygen and Fluorine regions, take your pick!
Sponsor parcels can also be bought on the spot using Gloebits.
Grid URL is grid.opensimfest.com:8022
Join the OSF Discord group to meet your fellow exhibitors, read updates and get involved.
For an easy to read map of the grid, go here
If the builds are the heart of OpensimFest, then the musical performances are its soul, so who better to organize the performers than the Fairy Godmother of soulful tunes of every genre, Rosa Alexeev.
But wait, who is she exactly? Find out here!
Still haven't signed up to be part of OpensimFest?
Register today, it's free! https://www.opensimfest.com/event-details/osfest-2022
and join our Discord channel to learn more

Signing up for OpensimFest? There's still time. Here's how!
* EVERYONE can register for a free ticket, as a Participant, Exhibitor, or Merchant. Either way, the ticket is free.
* Are you a Sponsor? Sign up at https://www.opensimfest.com/callforsponsors, then contact the Fest admin on our Discord channel to find out about your parcel.
* Are you an exhibitor or merchant? Pick your parcel here https://signupschedule.com/osfest
The link is also available on Discord - join the group! https://discord.gg/J87UCKHY
* How to Choose your parcel:
Take a look at the grid map - use this link to get an even better version of the picture
Exhibitors choose your parcels in the Alchemist Estate (Oxygen and Fluorine regions) or in the Marches Estate (Chlorine and Quantium regions for large builds).
Merchants choose your parcels in the Guild Estate (Sulfur region) or in the Marches Estate (Chlorine and Quantium regions for large builds).
OpensimFest 8 - 24 July 2022

Thirza Ember: I chose the Fluorine region - it's good for my teeth 2 years ago
Parcel choosing is now open - yay!
For those who are registered, do not delay
Go check your email, Look at the plan,
Grab you a parcel as soon as you can!
If you're not signed up yet, then do it today
OSFest in July - it's not far away!

Thirza Ember: Great event, not so sure about the poem tho 2 years ago

Fashion Show yesterday was a hit! Congrats to merchants who participated. We also noticed one of the stores has Halloween items! TP over and check it out :)

In two days #OSFest2024 begins! Here's the Opening Party schedule and lineup! https://opensimworld.com/events/113543

Live music with Austin Moores, just beginning the wekend of music on OSFest, join us
Be part of opensimfest history!

Thirza Ember: Great live music, loving it 2 years ago
OpensimFest roars back into life!
The music kicks off again tomorrow, Friday 15 July, starting at 9am Pacific time, 18h in Central Europe.
The picture shows just a few of the great acts that will be gracing our 4 stages in coming days. How many of them can you name?
The full events calendar is here on OSW in the Events section, or check out the OSF calendar
Join us for 12 hours of back to back fun on Friday, Saturday and Sunday - make it a truly hot long weekend!
grid.opensimfest.com:8022:HG-Welcome then jump to Event1, Event2 ... you get the idea.
Like any grid, OpensimFest would be nothing without the tech person keeping it safe, fast, and accessible
Who is this handsome fellow?
PS. Been putting off signing up for a FREE parcel at the Fest? You still have a little time to do so!
Sign up here and get the ball rollling https://www.opensimfest.com/event-details/osfest-2022
Greeters needed for OpensimFest! It's an opportunity to help out in a fun way. Who's running the Welcome crew? Read about Rob here:

https://www.opensimfest.com/post/osfest2024-zombie-quest-i... See the blog post for more info. Happy hunting!

Arielle: We Couldn’t Find This Page Check out some of the other great posts in this blog. 9 days ago
HG Fireside Chat
When: 2 Oct 2024 17:00 SLT
Where: grid.opensimfest.com:8022:OSF_HGWelcome

Topic is the upcoming OSFest on Friday so if you have questions be sure to attend. Fashion Show being organized. Stores and exhibits remain available!
This year’s theme is Jazz/Blues Era, late 1860's to early 1970's and all the styles and genres that Jazz and Blues have inspired.
Progress report: Website is almost ready, and the grid admin are working hard to get the new grid up and running.
Good luck and happy building! If you have questions about your build, consider joining OSFests's discord channel where you can find help and suggestions

OSFest: Last year's OSFest 2022 had 800 unique visitors from 158 HG-enabled grids ! We hope you'll join us and make #OSFest2023 even bigger in 2023. There are so many ways to participate - as singers, mercha... 1 years ago

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HG Fireside Chat
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My Reviews

IMA Outpost Alpha

Thanks to IMA for making opensimfest happen in 2022

Cherry Freebies

Beautiful imaginative art - lovely!


Really interesting Museum with 2D and 3D exhibits, a great journey through Natural History and more.

Sandbox Plaza II

What's not to like? A great place to put together your build.

My Groups

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