OSFest @OSFest


OSFest is a festival celebrating the creative talents of residents in the Hyperverse.

Joined 2 years ago

About Myself


My Interests

Experience the chemistry of community!

Favorite Quote

“If you don't build your dream someone else will hire you to help build theirs.” ― Tony Gaskins

OpenSimulator Version

OpenSim-NGC Yeti Dev

Viewer Version

Recommended Viewer for OSFest2022: Firestorm for OpenSim version 6.4.21 or later (EEP capable)

My Regions

2 0 grid.opensimfest.com:8022:VIP 0 Users
This OSFest region is provided for meeting spaces, an auditorium, and a place to get creative commons (free) avatars, clothing, and accessories for your avatar. Content from generous creators curated by sponsors Avacon Inc and Laxton Consulting LLC. Be sure to visit Avacon's exhibit in the Unobtaniu...
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1 0 grid.opensimfest.com:8022:Hydrogen 0 Users
Sponsor Virtual Vignette presents "The Big Easy" bringing New Orleans, the home of Jazz & Blues to life with custom Animesh, Mesh, Scripts, Music and Imagination in the Hydrogen region at OSFest. Be sure to attend their special event and thank them!
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4 2 grid.opensimfest.com:8022:Unobtanium 0 Users
Be sure to visit and thank all of our sponsors in this OSFest region!
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3 0 grid.opensimfest.com:8022:Quantium 0 Users
Large and Small Themed Exhibits thanks to OSFest sponsors!
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2 0 grid.opensimfest.com:8022:Chlorine 0 Users
Large and Small Merchant Stores thanks to OSFest sponsors!
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1 0 grid.opensimfest.com:8022:Fluorine 0 Users
Small Themed Exhibits thanks to OSFest sponsors!
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2 0 grid.opensimfest.com:8022:Sulfur 0 Users
Small Merchant Stores thanks to OSFest sponsors!
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1 0 grid.opensimfest.com:8022:Oxygen 0 Users
Small Themed Exhibits thanks to OSFest sponsors!
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2 0 grid.opensimfest.com:8022:Zen 0 Users
The Zen Region at OSFest is where Mindful Mondays happen in this Community Region from sponsor Beyond Zen Life. It's a place to relax, meditate, practice Tai Chi, and do Yoga to find Zen amidst life's chaos during OSFest. Creative commons content curated from around the HG. Enjoy!
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1 0 grid.opensimfest.com:8022:Phosphorus 0 Users
Beyond Zen Life's Island Oasis is where Wellness Wednesdays happen at OSFest! Open 24/7 to relax, do some Tai Chi on the beach mat, enjoy a Mimosa, or have a beer watching the koi swim under the fire. Check the parcel description for more info about Beyond Zen Life!
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1 0 grid.opensimfest.com:8022:Nitrogen 0 Users
OSFest Zombie Quest and Burn Party Region from OSFest sponsor IMA. Closed until the first quest day! This is not your typical kill zombies hunt - you must be strategic. Score goes to whoever the zombie targets not who gets the kill. It's a team building event! Dance with the zombies on the final day...
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5 0 grid.opensimfest.com:8022:Event4 0 Users
OSFest Event4 Region with Stage 4 performances from September 15, 2023 thru September 20, 2023. Check the schedule at https://www.opensimfest.com/calendar
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3 0 grid.opensimfest.com:8022:Event3 0 Users
OSFest Event3 Region with Stage 3 performances from September 15, 2023 thru September 20, 2023. Check the schedule at https://www.opensimfest.com/calendar
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2 0 grid.opensimfest.com:8022:Event2 0 Users
OSFest Event2 Region with Stage 2 performances from September 15, 2023 thru September 20, 2023. Check the schedule at https://www.opensimfest.com/calendar
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5 1 grid.opensimfest.com:8022:Event1 0 Users
OSFest Event1 Region with Stage 1 performances from September 15, 2023 thru September 20, 2023. Check the schedule at https://www.opensimfest.com/calendar
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2 0 grid.opensimfest.com:8022:HG-Welcome 0 Users
Let's be nice, have fun, and make this a welcoming space for everyone! All visitors are subject to the code of conduct outlined in our policies at https://www.opensimfest.com/policies
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OSFest - What is the story ? For a quick tour around the origins and aims of the event
watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1PaHDsgqS8

Grid was briefly offline to install Gloebit capability, and all is good !
Builders, there will be occasional periods with the grid Offline to test and update software, so if you cannot get inworld, please check Discord for updates.
This is the announcement channel https://discord.com/channels/501160842939727874/8918716337...
OpensimFest just 33 days away! Happy building.
A big THANK YOU to all Sponsors and Contributors. You've helped us reach our goal of covering the cost of OSFest !
Keep it coming - all further donations and sponsorship contributions will be shared out among the many performers who will be on stage over the 17 day event.
Avatar registration is now open. Check your email for a link to set up your local avie. PS, YES you CAN use your usual avatar name.
Building with a HG Avie?
Contact Shelenn on Discord to set up a meet to get building permissions.

OSFest: Having problems configuring your Viewer to osfest grid? This link may help you. https://mewe.com/group/5c09b700f02efc484e8032a5 2 years ago
Signing up for OpensimFest? There's still time. Here's how!
* EVERYONE can register for a free ticket, as a Participant, Exhibitor, or Merchant. Either way, the ticket is free.
* Are you a Sponsor? Sign up at https://www.opensimfest.com/callforsponsors, then contact the Fest admin on our Discord channel to find out about your parcel.
* Are you an exhibitor or merchant? Pick your parcel here https://signupschedule.com/osfest
The link is also available on Discord - join the group! https://discord.gg/J87UCKHY
* How to Choose your parcel:
Take a look at the grid map - use this link to get an even better version of the picture
Exhibitors choose your parcels in the Alchemist Estate (Oxygen and Fluorine regions) or in the Marches Estate (Chlorine and Quantium regions for large builds).
Merchants choose your parcels in the Guild Estate (Sulfur region) or in the Marches Estate (Chlorine and Quantium regions for large builds).
OpensimFest 8 - 24 July 2022

Thirza Ember: I chose the Fluorine region - it's good for my teeth 2 years ago

Join the Fest! To register go to https://www.opensimfest.com/register
Our Discord group is https://discord.gg/8QMqVpr5KW

OpenSimWorld: The image says opensimworld.com but it should be opensimfest.com 2 years ago
Parcel choosing is now open - yay!
For those who are registered, do not delay
Go check your email, Look at the plan,
Grab you a parcel as soon as you can!
If you're not signed up yet, then do it today
OSFest in July - it's not far away!

Thirza Ember: Great event, not so sure about the poem tho 2 years ago
The plot thickens!
Over the next few days it will be possible to choose your parcel on the opensimfest Grid using a new webpage on opensimfest.com

We are working as fast as we can to get your access to the grid and open registration for those who opt to use local avatars (HG avatars can be added/invited to your parcel groups).
For those planning to use HG avs only, contact Shelenn.Ayres @grid.metaversedepot.com:8002 (note we cannot invite HG avs to the parcel groups until you visit the OSFest 2022 grid so we need to coordinate times)

Spax Orion: KUDOS to all who make Opensim GREAT! I wish you the BEST for this festival. I will only do licking if you serve HEAVENLY HASH iced cream on a sugar cone! 2 years ago
There are so many ways to represent yourself and your grid at OpensimFest. Get a free parcel and exhibit. Sign up to be a 'music maker - your own singing, or as a DJ. Or simply be a Greeter.
For one hour, you're the first person that people meet on the festival grid, so it's a chance to make new friends, and to support our diverse community, Will you be a part of something positive?

Thirza Ember: As someone who has always longed to tell people where they can go, this looks like my dream opportunity. 2 years ago
There are so many ways to represent yourself and your grid at OpensimFest. Get a free parcel and exhibit. Sign up to be a 'music maker - your own singing, or as a DJ. Or simply be a Greeter. For one hour, you're the fist person people meet on the festival grid, it's a chance to make new friends, and to support our diverse community, Will you be a part of something positive?
Lovely profile of Luna Lunaria in the opensimfest blog this week.
She is a busy lady!
Great article by Doc Nolan https://www.opensimfest.com/post/an-interview-with-osfest2...
Have you signed up for OpensimFest yet? https://www.opensimfest.com/register
Opensimfest is getting closer, and it's going to be fun!
Here is a post by Thirza about 3 Festival performers Karima, Torben, and Joao.
The first step to being part of the Fest - sign up for your FREE ticket here. https://www.opensimfest.com/register
Then join the Discord group for more information https://discord.gg/8QMqVpr5KW
Exhibit - Perform - Volunteer - Sponsor - Party!
Yay OpensimFest is getting closer and closer ! Have you booked your free parcel of land yet?
To learn more about the prim counts, parcel sizes, and opportunities to volunteer and sponsor the event go to

Thirza Ember: Woot! I'm curious, what is the prim count on an average build for opensimfest? 2 years ago

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No upcoming events

My Reviews

IMA Outpost Alpha

Thanks to IMA for making opensimfest happen in 2022

Cherry Freebies

Beautiful imaginative art - lovely!


Really interesting Museum with 2D and 3D exhibits, a great journey through Natural History and more.

Sandbox Plaza II

What's not to like? A great place to put together your build.

My Groups

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