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November Rain @NovemberRain


It's hard to hold a candle In the cold November rain

Profile Comments

NovemberRain posted a reply to a topic.
another issue we have is they don't know how to rip they rip all in max LOD that's why some of them have complexity high as 1 million. It's also a pra...
18 days ago

NovemberRain posted a reply to a topic.
Another scam AllCity had was to sell hypergrid to their own residents, they were telling their own residents we sell you hypergrid then you can get al...
18 days ago

NovemberRain posted a reply to a topic.
They also rip regions in all grids and many sims crash they sell or try to sell the ripped oar's. I think the best way to stop them is to make availab...
18 days ago

NovemberRain added a comment in the region Breath 001
This grid resells stolen SL content in all malls, not good!
19 days ago

NovemberRain added a comment in the region Breath 001
Of course they can't allow residents to find freebie grids else they would stop to buy the copybot they sell in breath-grid and baller nation.
19 days ago

NovemberRain added a comment in the region FREE LANDS
Free land with no hypergrid for freebie grids is like a garden without flowers or like North Korea, not good! Newbies never use currency in this grid ...
19 days ago

NovemberRain added a comment in the region SandBox
you resell in the sandbox the stolen stuff too?
19 days ago
So you attack grid owners and region owners in such a bad way…. Are you banned from thoses places and grids ? You cannot get the things creators build there to put them full perms on your places and get more traffic ? For sure you want those places to close… How can you be so bad acting in such a way… There is just no way to describe the way you and your friends act, spoiling others work… and Don't you know grid owners pay a lot of RL money for their grids ? Well I didn't know that losing money was stilling some to others… and why do you attack little honest grids insted of attacking the big grids that make business and gain money with it ? Scared of them ?