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Aki @NilaShadow


hello everyone... I was the owner of Sarantos. I terminated the 4x4 VarRegion there and unfortunately I cannot recommend Metropolis!

Liked posts

Wir sind weg aus Metropolis

Spinel Pazazz for the lovers of gold-Free-Full Perms

Monentes Jewelry offers rings of timeless beauty...and free

Flower Power ring-Free-Full Perms-This is a golden ring, very pretty when worn.

In the history of Opensim there are thousands of people who, over the years, have accomplished something incredible in millions of hours. "Opensim" open the folder and try to read all the pages. You don't get old enough for that. They did this without asking for anything. Open source! That's why there are not only SL where you get ripped off. But more and more people with this sad character trait come to Opensim from there and destroy it with greed in line increments. Thousands of permissive people have created beautiful things. Each one in thousands of hours of their lifetime. Without thinking about profit. Just like socially supported by the state who want to earn black money here. Which eventually leads to the fact that we have to tax everything here in our country. So in the long run the social curtail themselves. If that happens exactly these Opensim will no longer be able to. I pray for taxes, because only that will save Opensim's morale. After 16 years of SL and LL mentor, Philip Rosedale, who let us down in 2010, and Ebbe Altberg, who is just as greedy for money, pass the A ... Opensim is alpha, a hobby and not a marketplace. If you can't finance your hobby, lolz should go fishing.

You copy all of these works. And you set this to no copy, no mod, no trans for others. Have you ever asked yourself what right? Compared to those who released these things to everyone CMT? You are selfish and arrogant towards Opensim Spirit. Did you ask these people if that's okay with them? If you do not understand this message, you will never be part of Opensim, but only a shadow of it. When I overrate myself, I start counting stars in the sky. That brings me back to the floor. Rakis Heron Freebie Grid Opensim Spirit as long as I breathe.

I salute as an army officer to all the people who have selflessly created all of this. My oath, I will do my utmost to maintain this. We owe that to everyone who created Opensim and made it what it is today. Everything else is an insult to these people.
Greed for profit does not belong in the opensim.

Giving and taking without circumcision is a matter of character.
Everything else belongs in Linden Lab's Second Life

Rakis Heron
SL Legend

---------------------------- English ----------------------------

In der Geschichte von Opensim gibt es tausende Menschen, die in all den Jahren, zusammen in Millionen Stunden etwas Unglaubliches zustande gebracht haben. "Opensim" öffne den Ordner und versuche all die Seiten zu lesen. Du wirst nicht alt genug dafür. Sie leisteten dies, ohne etwas zu verlangen. Open Source! Deshalb gibt es nicht nur SL wo man abgezockt wird. Aber immer mehr Menschen mit dieser traurigen Charaktereigenschaft kommen von dort zu Opensim und zerstören es mit ihrer Habgier in Zeilenschritten. Tausende freizügige Menschen haben schöne Sachen erstellt. Jeder einzelne in tausenden von Stunden ihrer Lebenszeit. Ohne an Profit zu denken. So wie Sozial unterstützte vom Staat, die hier schwarz verdienen wollen. Was irgendwann dazu führt, dass wir alles hier bei unserem Land versteuern müssen. Also die Sozialen beschneiden sich auf Dauer selber. Wenn, das eintritt werden genau diese Opensim nicht mehr vermögen. Ich bete für Steuern, denn leider nur das wird die Moral von Opensim retten. Nach 16 Jahren SL und LL Mentor, geht mir Philip Rosedale der uns 2010 im Stich liess und Ebbe Altberg der genau so geldgierig ist, am A... vorbei. Opensim ist Alpha, ein Hobby und kein Marktplatz. Wer sein Hobby nicht finanzieren kann, lolz soll fischen gehen.

Du kopierst all diese Werke. Und setzt diese bei Dir auf no copy, no mod, no trans für andere. Hast Du Dich schon einmal gefragt mit welchem Recht? Gegenüber denen die diese Sachen für alle frei gaben CMT? Du bist egoistisch und arrogant gegenüber Opensim Spirit. Hast Du diese Menschen gefragt, ob ihnen das recht ist? Wenn Du diese Botschaft nicht verstehst, wirst Du nie ein Teil von Opensim sein, sondern nur ein Schatten dessen. Wenn ich mich überbewerte, fange ich an Sterne am Himmel zu zählen. Das bringt mich auf den Boden zurück. Rakis Heron Freebie Grid Opensim Spirit so lange ich atme.

Ich salutiere als Armee Offizier vor all den Menschen die all dies selbstlos geschaffen haben. Mein Schwur, ich werde mit aller Kraft versuchen dies zu erhalten. Das schulden wir all denen die Opensim erschaffen, und zu dem gemacht haben, was es heute ist. Alles andere ist eine Beleidigung diesen Menschen gegenüber.
Profitgier gehört nicht ins Opensim.

Geben und nehmen ohne Beschneidung ist Charaktersache.
Alles andere gehört ins Second Life von Linden Lab

Rakis Heron
SL Legend

RAKis World Grid got new mesh standard start avatars.

Thank you Betty, this ring was created with you in mind "Fashionista Solitaire" Free - Full Perms hop://continuum.outworldz.net:8002/Monentes%20Jewelry/114/...

Pretty links copper bracelet-Unisex-Free-Full Perms

Simply Stated a new set in Rose Gold. To celebrate our new office theme of rose gold and copper. I am including a pendant, so that you can add it to your favorite chain or bracelet. Free/Full perms


Created one last ring for the day, Simple Romance Free-Full Perms

sitting Anubis

blue hole

Caelum constellation

Monentes Jewelry has lots of bangles and cuffs. All full perms and Free

We decided to change the name of our Pandora region. So many named their grid or region Pandora we decided to choose a name special to us. iknimaya which means Stairway to Heaven in Na'vi. Iknimaya is a treacherous but fundamental rite of passage in which a young Na'vi must select, capture, and successfully bond with one of the ikran who nest in the Hallelujah Mountains.
We hope to see you soon...
There is a box of Free Full Perms Pandoran Flowers by the landing area.
These flowers were created by torturing prims. One flower created has a leg prim sculpt map used the Pitcher Plant flower.

These flowers were created back when we only had sculpt or prims, there was no mesh yet. Vines, Pandoran heart flowers...enjoy :)

Crescent Star Choker-The crescent represents progress and the five pointed star, light and knowledge. We wish these things for you.
Free-Full Perms
Swirly band, available now at Monentes Jewelry - Free - Full Perms
Please don't forget to check the shelf- to the left then first right of the foyer. This shelf has latest releases.

Please meet *Huggie Bear* pendant on leather neckcord-Free Full Perms-We all need a little hug from time to time.

Please meet "Sissy" the Bulldog :) Silver bulldog on black leather neckcord. Free-Full Perms

Rope Hoop Earrings-Large Silver Hoops-Free Full Perms

Batan Island Forgotten World
Rakis is expanding his home.
A life in nature.

hop://yeali.outworldz.net:8002/Batan Island Forgotten World/153/165/23


We have new Castle.

A statement:

This is a world for avatars. If you put your avatar face in the profile, instead of the standard default picture, you get much more reactions and attention for your posts here in the forum. A standard profile picture does not specifically encourage you to open an account and take a closer look. If a profile is not maintained, the contributions and grid are usually the same. It takes effort, patience and perseverance to get people on his grid. Action = reaction. This is never quick! ;-)

Governor Heron


Eine Feststellung:

Das hier ist eine Welt für Avatare. Wenn Du Dein Avatar Gesicht ins Profil gibst, an Stelle des Standardes Vorgabe Bildes, bekommst Du wesentlich mehr Reaktionen und Aufmerksamkeit für Deine Posts hier im Forum. Ein Standard Profil Bild animiert nicht speziell einen Account zu öffnen und näher anzusehen. Wenn ein Profil nicht gepflegt wird, sind meistens auch die Beiträge und Grid so. Um Leute auf sein Grid zu bringen, braucht es Anstrengung, Geduld und Ausdauer. Aktion = Reaktion. Das geht nie auf die schnelle! ;-)

Governor Heron

Fantasy Faire 2020 on SL.

Pandora...a work in progress...built in 2010 as Blue Moon in Virtual Highway many brilliant creators contributed. Building it again, gradually.


Abandoned a ghost town. ...dust kickin', boot stompin', girl chasin', gun slingin' western freebies coming soon.

l'entrée du village