Liked posts

Jamie Wright: This is truly the coolest build. Actually I can't decide because I also love the Last of Boston. But you can visit both in close proximity. It's a trio of game to TV series inspired builds: Fallout, L... 1 month ago

We've revamped our welcome area.

Ginger Snaps (Snips): Beautiful 2 months ago

The Wizard Of Oz sends you all greetings!

You may have noticed several troublemakers missing from Don't let it bother you.

KrisTina: Nope, still here. 3 months ago
I repaired MAHJONG by Xylor Baysklef. The amazing Xylor made this years ago, and it was broken and stopped working. I just went through thousands of lines of code and fixed all 13 broken scripts. Now it will work in dreamgrid or anywhere. :) I'm leaving it at This is a fun 1 person or multiplayer game and it is very advanced and sophisticated.

Rogue Galaxy: awesome I love playing majong!!! 3 months ago

Nexus Storm: Watch out for lad mines and Zombies that's to start . follow the story for a fun experience ! 3 months ago
MORTIMER!!! WE'RE BACK!!!! Thanks to the people of the metaverse. So many of you came to me offering free land, free help, and really demonstrated your friendship. You brought back my latest creations to me to refill my store at Wizardry. I am very greatful and love you all. I could not ask for better friends. Special thanks to Milly Money, Fresh Virtual World, Jay R Cela, Kater_V_Kater, Marianna, PagaSuccubus, Safine Mahoe, HugABug, Mistress Dalgato, Lone Wolf, Nexus Storm, Fearghus McMahon, KatKakoola, Fred BeckHuesen & Druskus. You are wonderful and awesome people, and I am forever grateful to all of you.

JayR Cela: ahh, great news and glad to hear this. 3 months ago
Tarot Table (The Celtic Cross) - BUG FIX. Thanks to 9 zero of neverworld for pointing out that in the dialog plus menu, setting menuidx=0 is no longer allowed due to scripting rule changes on some simulators. It worked on mine. But no matter, I have fixed this now to work perfectly.

Nexus Storm: Your a damn good scripter CyberGlo Nine is over the moon with the tarot tabel you went above and beyond!!!! 3 months ago

Are you vaccine injured? Help is available, visit Awakening for links for assistance whether that be legal, medical or just to meet with people in your situation.

RemmyRavenhurst: I had a post deleted from this thread so am going to try to repost it here. The gaslighting and coercion that occurred during covid was disgusting. The emotional manipulation was disgusting. The gover... 4 months ago


*** Camballa***
Tattoo Unisex - Viking Warrior [ Full Body ]
Bom classic and Evox
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

*** Camballa***
Sera Black Tattoooo 100% /75% /50%
/Bom lel Evox/
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

New complete avatar at Mexico Lindo!! Noelia !!

Jerralyn Franzic: I picked up a few avatars yesterday. A few of them are perfect for role playing, thanks for putting them up. 7 months ago
Inworld Review this week was on Neverworld celebrating their 8th birthday, and learning about the grid's unique connection to The Grateful Dead. Watch the show on Youtube Thanks to Govega Sachertorte and Nexus Storm for being the guests
inworld Review is a weekly talk show by Mal Burns about opensim people and places, taped inworld every Sunday at 12 noon SLT. You can watch Live on youtube, comment and ask questions, or join us in the audience, or perhaps you'd like to be a guest on the show, send and IM to Thirza here in osw to learn more.

Where will you go in Neverworld today? Bountiful continent is about the size of 300 regions interconnected by path, cobble, or roadway and all has water to use.

Smaug crossing a bridge.

NineZero: I've run from him more than once. 8 months ago

A double hobbit hole is perfect for a couple or more.

Self Serve mailboxes. With hundreds of free parcels, and generous prim limits it is possible to have a mansion in Neverworld and never have to worry about prim limits. we are world famous for the land we give away freely.

A rolling river in Silverbell. All water is connected and sailable as are the roads.

Miami has beautiful free parcels for anyone. Art Deco themed dance club, and freebies galore.

made it ... looks round ... where is everybody ... oh! remembers its opensim .. I am so hungry, forgot to stop at the garage for a snack .. looks up at the house on the hill .. surely someone is at home ...

NineZero: I dig this sim! Looking forward to seeing it evolve. Great atmosphere! The nosier you are, the more you discover there. 9 months ago
HedFaktori Mission Statement:

Our aim is to provide stable, working, Full Permission products to the best of our ability and encourage others to utilise these assets in play or in further developement to enrich the virtual lives of everyone.

Our wish:

It is our sincerest wish that everyone dispenses with all the debates about rights and wrongs and accepts that what we do, we do for the purest of reasons and for the good of everyone.

Current Affairs Statement:

We are not concerned with traffic numbers or grid rankings and we have no desire to provide a mall or store and have our grid constantly feeding hungry travellers who take everything in a single visit. We provided items that could be used in stores and malls who do wish traffic and numbers and rankings and if that is how they want to play? We will not interfere. We should all be able to have fun and share the good things OS has to offer without any dramas. However, many people seem to have an issue with this and others also want to claim kudos for new products on their regions which we developed and they simply removed our logo and rebox them. As if this wasn't enough? They then restrict the perms to no copy or no trans or both. This is in direct contradiction to why we developed the assets in the first instance and this is why despite our 'Mission Statement' and wish to avoid dramas we have removed our products.
We will continue to develop and build on the assets we had always planned on doing and when the Open Sim community is ready to treat both our assets and our wishes with respect we may release them but until then we remain NotSorry.

Road Kill

Synthetica: I'd just like to point out to anyone interested that the assets that that HedFaktori have provided to Open Sim users over the years amounts to over 12,000 hours of work shared by a small group of peop... 10 months ago

The very beautiful and so sweet Ouie Nanda at Francos Place Live NOW come over hop:// Place/61/106/40

The beautiful Star Menna at the Beautiful Francos Place Happening now come over Formal required no drama no crazies no cover

The Sparkling Depths

Club Abyss


JeannieDagostino: awww schööön chubby 12 months ago

News at Camballa
Topwith Sleeve
Skirt with Pantie
in 28 Colors
Use the teleporter at the landing point
he takes you everywhere
have all good time
Karin Beckers