Writer's Retreat on Netty's Oasis--6PM Our Grid Life time
Where: Nettys Oasis
When: 5 years ago [30 Apr 2020 06:00 SLT]

Luna will read a work in progress for our first literary night on Netty's Oasis. All writers and avid readers are welcome. If you'd like to read your poetry or latest novel e-mail Netera Landar at Netera@aol.com.

Put on a t-shirt and jeans and head over to Netty's Oasis on Our Grid Life.

Writer's Retreat on Netty's Oasis (OGL) seeks poets and authors for virtual readings on the weekend. IM Netera Landar.

Seeking freebie contents from the designers for clothes and furniture to share with others at the Creative Angel store. Contact me here.