Liked posts

Everything In The Picture But Me
A recent review commented that oh HELLO outfits include hair and accessories. Gosh. I guess I haven't mentioned that lately. So, just so you know, you get everything you see in pictures of oh HELLO outfits -- except me. Also, if any item is part of a fat pack, you get them all.

One of the hardest parts of making this outfit was deciding on the footwear. Ankle boots? Knee high boots? Thigh high boots? Well, now that decision is up to you. The outfit includes all of the Samantha boot set (which, by the way, can be hard to find).

Back to accessories. I have a relatively small number of them, and I could use more. Please, tell me the best places to shop. Thanks.

oh HELLO: Outfits With Options
What Secrets Would Hello Kitty Tell If She Had A Mouth?
Anthropomorphized white cat. Red bow. No mouth. Full name: Kitty White. But, why no mouth? Think about this. Hello Kitty was first known only as "the white kitten with no name." No name? No mouth? Suspicious. What secrets might Hello Kitty tell if she could?

Maybe the life of Hello Kitty is not really all that cute. For example, among the over 50,000 different types of official merchandise is the Hello Kitty custom printed toilet paper. [1] Hey kids! Wipe your butt with Hello Kitty's face! Ya, cute as hell. Also, Hello Kitty braces. Ironic, but also a particularly cruel thing to do to a cartoon creature with no mouth.

But I digress. The oh HELLO shop now has an outfit featuring Hello Kitty themed tights. The matching top is included even though its not used in this outfit.

Hey! No need to keep it a secret! You can find the oh HELLO Kitty outfit here:


Nico Kaliani: No comments about a kitten with no mouth. Suspicious. 1 years ago
New Release: Arcadia's Lace Collar-

I'm releasing a new collar for you, this is beyond a new mesh though, it's a complete revamp of every script, animation and configuration card to the point that we decided to abandon the old versioning convention and now it’s version is 2022.12.04.

This massive project was a collaboration with Okie Meow (, without him this couldn't have been possible.


- New storage system to keep data of Owners, Trusted and Blocked people, this will work in any sim that has scripts enabled, no special permissions needed. It cleverly encodes the UUIDs into textures.

- New couples pose system, now you can modify the height of the collar wearer directly from the menu.

- New default poses for all the poses on the collar, they feature a small intro animation.

- Revamped scripts on each one of the scripts fixing bugs in RLV, menus, the leash, etc.

- New leash and particle default textures.

- New leash holder.

There are more features, too many to list here we worked very hard to give you the best collar possible, additionally I revamped the existing collars to this new version.

These changes made it backwards incompatible, so you will need to get a fresh copy of this new collar or your existing favourite Arcadia’s collar.

Happy Wednesday!

Mistressdalgato: wow congrats! but I do have a few questions. will it keep data if say I am in a different grid then my slave? Also does it come with a remote like the os collar did? also if I understand correctly the... 1 years ago
good event idea

snik snoodle: twe's on fire tonight :) 1 years ago

***ALFHEIM CAMPFIRE *** 02 prims only! Scripted to 08 avies max! Winter textures included! All for FREE and FULL PERM at CAMPIRE store (Box 06 or click the teleporter). Enjoy :)

Hugabug: I fell in love with a few items here :) Thanks Jimmy 1 years ago

News at Elas Fashion 3 male Roleplay Outfits and 1 for Woman.
Have fun and all good Time
your Karin Becker

Yay, another great party at Stark! Thanks Mattie for the music and all that attended for the fun :)
If you missed out, you get more chances every day at aprox 12-3pm :)

Mathilda Stark: Great shot! It was a wonderful Helloween party and I really loved playing for you guys! Thanks also to our great guests! 2 years ago
Oh My Gourd!
Whether you like smell and taste of pumpkin spice or not, it does bring rich and warm colors to the fall color palette. Every item in this outfit is part of a fat pack. Here's some colors you might consider using if you customize the outfit.

Also, check out "20 Fall Color Palettes for a Warm Fall Aesthetic." Many of them include colors found in the pumpkin spice palette. If you like, pick one of them to use as a guide to a broader array of color combinations.

oh HELLO: Outfits With Options

Suzan Von Otter: you forget the Heels in the outfit ;)) 2 years ago
And for all those who don't know what to do (dont come along) with Halloween, the Winter and Christmas sim is now open to the public again. for the 3rd time you can explore, shop and just have fun.
And for the ones who talk bad about the Sim and bitch about everything.....It was my first attempt to make something creative. I put my heart and soul into it and I love my baby. Not much new this year , but older things can also be fun and there is a lot!

AlexisCarrington: Do not let it get you. Your Sims reflect a lot of attention to detail. 2 years ago
Blue Lagoon
The beautiful greeter is here. She comes to you greeting. and serves LM
and gifts notecard.
If you don't need them click Cancel in the menu. She will go back.
Please don't be cruel to her^^

900 visitors ! bravo Falene Hawks and thank you very much !

Blue Lagoon
Castaway's hut and their Raft.
You can take copy them.
about The Raft: Rez and open the edit window. delete notecard "RIDE".
after you should add points for your place, and make a new "RIDE" card

GeeNakamura: I put small vendors in front of the hut. "hut" and "Raft". 2 years ago

Blue Lagoon
Young castaways
Emeline 18years old
Charles 19years old
Panel on his head---You can control his thing as it. and click to remove his thong before.

CyberGlo CyberStar: 2 years ago

Je voudrais vous parler, ce jour d’une confusion trop fréquente concernant les likes sur le site OpenSim World
Le probleme provient des likes donnés aux photographies.
C’est gentil mais ce n’est pas vraiment le but recherché.
Les likes, sont à l’origine prévus pour les terrains, établir leur classement, leur position de manière générale,
Donc, liker une photographie est bien mais cela n’aide pas le terrain, car il faut le liker aussi.
Car on trouve des photographies avec beaucoup de likes, alors que le terrain en a quasiment pas .
Ce qui est un problème !
Si vous pouviez y penser à l’avenir, merci pour ceux qui travaillent sur leurs terrains, quelque soit la réalisation,

Enfin, autre point :
Comment pouvez vous visiter un terrain en quelques secondes ?

Merci d’avoir lu, bonne journée.


I would like to talk to you today about an all too frequent confusion about likes on the OpenSim World site
The problem comes from the likes given to the photographs.
It's nice but that's not really the goal.
The likes, are originally intended for the grounds, establish their ranking, their position in general,
So, liking a photograph is good but it doesn't help the field, because you have to like it too.
Because we find photographs with a lot of likes, while the field has almost none.
Which is a problem!
If you could think about it in the future, thank you for those who work on their land, whatever the realization,
Thank you.

Finally, another point:
How can you visit a plot of land in seconds?

Thank you for reading, have a nice day.

SheaButter: I wouldn't say seconds. But if it is hard to move around, because so beautiful, need more than 5 min to load everything. Then the experience, becomes a move along. For instance, a club who wants to be... 2 years ago
CopyKat Life Boat: Alt Island
CK Alt Island is a 2x2 region made available by Apollo Star. I'm still setting up the estate as a short-term hang-out/dance venue. Other uses, such as having shops, are possible if it looks like we need to use this region longer.

CK Alt Island is open to the public. CK residents can sign in with an alt account on another grid. Then come to the Island and set it as your home location if you like. We can use the region until November if we need to.

Thanks to everyone for your help and offers of land.

Antonia Ling: Much luck for the CopyKats and Nico! BTW: The surrealistic image is so cool - love it. 2 years ago

Full Avatar Ultimate BoM #arkhamgrid #Kingmancity

Time and time again I am mislabeled as a furry in regions that only allow humans. on the other side I am mislabeled a human in regions that only allow furries.
I am in fact a neko, a human/animal hybrid. I look like a human mostly but with catlike features. I have spots, cat ears and a tail. I have been a virtual neko for 15 years and nothing anyone can say will change what and who I am.
all I am asking for is the difference to be noted. I am not human, this is true. but I am also not a furry.

Han_Held: With stuff like that, put it in your profile and if people don't notice -double dumbass on them. :) 2 years ago