MuriMareDark @MuriMareDark Kattegat:Northic Valley Offline

Lilly Topas: eine wunderschöne Vikinger-Sim, auf jeden Fall einen Besuch wert!!! 5 months ago

Bonnie Stewart: Well designed region, beautiful and fun to explore with lots of great Viking freebies. 1 years ago
Wer für eine Weile in die Wickingerzeit eintauchen möchte,ist auf Viking Valley genau richtig!
Es gibt einiges zu entdecken und mitzunehmen Möge der Weg unserer Ahnen uns weisen,welchen Pfad wir auch betreten

Hail brothers and sisters ;-)

If you want to immerse yourself in the Viking Age for a while, Viking Valley is the place for you!
There is a lot to discover and take with you. May the path of our ancestors show us whichever path we tread

Adore: beautiful done Great Theme 1 years ago

a warrior at the cooking pot, whether he can still go to Valhalla? hehehehe

RuSapphire: oops. accidently deleted my previous comment... I had stated, he's fairly cookin' without that pot! :) 1 years ago

Floki the shipbuilder has also found his home at Lothbrok Farm :-)

making wine makes tight calves and buttocks hehehe

Hello brothers and sisters :-) here awaits you
a Viking "Lothbrok Farm" and long walks or on horseback, whatever you guys or maiden like ;-) there are also Viking clothes and some useful things for a farm or Viking followers available. Have fun exploring ..Odin be with you!!!

Even a farmer needs a break :-)

the new clothes are available at welcome/Sky. Best regards Muri