MrSnoodle @MrSnoodle

uk Offline

I like to make stuff


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My hunch is that they possibly banned some MAC addresses that happen to block massive amounts of data centers that are known to host opensim grids in the bid to stop a troublemaker, but in doing so have created a sort of blanket ban on a much bigger scale than realized.
I seem to be able to get there from my home hosted regions without a problem.
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I never really understood breeding animals in SL. It always seemed like a pure cash grab by the creator. You had to buy food and stuff constantly, and nobody would ever buy your animals at auction at a price where you would make your money back on all the food you had to buy. The animals ultimately don't have any value as they are just copies with a few color variations. What is the new owner getting out of buying your animal? Now they have to buy food for it and breed it trying to obtain some made up stat that is meant to add value and try selling it for profit that never happens. The ultimate winner is the creator for milking its customers.

I assume as your grid is closed to everyone, you are trying to monetize these prim animals in the same way as it works in SL. You know full well that if you open up to the HG that there would be no money to be made as nobody would buy the food and would just hack the animals to eat for free. The concept of an auction just wouldn't work on the HG as there is no money/economy here.

In short this post really just seems like an advert trying to entice people to sign up to their closed grid so they can milk a little cash. I'm not sure what the point of making an account on a closed grid is. You are just stuck there and are limited to what that grid has. Unless the grid is massive like SL there really is no point joining a small closed grid as far as I can see. SL is the only grid that has a "functioning" economy and trying to create a functional economy in open sim will never really work due to the lax permissions on items.

Its sad to say but this venture is likely doomed to fail. The lure of some monetized toy animals probably won't entice many people away from the hyper grid.
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It wasn't set for sale and I was not able to take a copy either. I guess its the thought that counts :)
Hallo MrSnooddle, you must wear our Group and you can get it. :-)
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I do like to see the item, but having everything rezzed out is normally horrible for performance. In second life years ago I had a vendor that had the option to temp on rez the item on request before buying it. It even slowly rotated the object if desired too. It was a bit annoying to setup though. Not sure if there is anything like that already in OS.
I think I could get ChatGPT to do that....Rez a copy of the object inside of it, on-click, and delete it after X time....mmm. Doesn't sound too complex for what I have asked chatGPT to do...
I think the vendor I had allowed you to cycle trough different items using arrow buttons and had a rez and buy button. You had to name the item and the display texture the same name and it would rez out the item and give you a menu telling you to move the object to the location you wanted and to select if you want the item to rotate or not. once saved it would rez out the item relative to the vendors position and rotation. I think it had a config note card for setting the prices, but that is probably not needed here.

chat GPT can do some quite useful stuff after a lot of iterations. I have made it make me some stuff I would never have been able to script myself. It helps to know a bit about scripting so you can tell it a better method if its going down the wrong path.
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While having everything on one level makes exploring easier, it often causes horrible a frame rate and makes the experience less enjoyable. Having to load all the textures/objects at the same time tends to make browsing more difficult as you will have many blurry textures waiting to load in.

Having smaller sections separated out of sight from each other helps to improve the frame rate and makes moving about a much nicer experience. Not having so many textures trying to fight for memory and thus loading times will be better. The downside is you have to have a good TP system that clearly tells people where and what is at the different locations.

My personal preference is to be able to explore without feeling like a lag pit and to see everything loaded in properly. Some malls get so bogged down with too many items that the viewer starts chugging and even using the camera becomes hard. Just assume everyone is using a potato for a PC and go easy on the polygons and amount of texture in sight at any one time and I'm sure whatever you come up with will be great.
Yes, my thinking exactly. R. Lion does that very well in terms of separating each section from enough draw distance so it doesn't take a toll on load time.
I'm thinking maybe a box for landing (so people have time to literally rezz their asses), then something at ground level (maybe skins) and levels.
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I have recently been playing with the free chat GPT 4.0 mini in the duckduckgo search engine to write scripts. I have had some success in getting it to modify scripts or even write them from scratch.

I pasted chat GPT the giver script that Arcfury posted, it give me a rundown of the code and explained it to me. Then I ask it :

"how would i modify this script in such a way that it would check for an object called X and a note card called Y in the objects inventory, and instead of giving the objects, it would say the objects were correctly detected in local chat"

it gave me this new (untested) script:

touch_start(integer num_detected)
string objectName = "X"; // Name of the object to check for
string notecardName = "Y"; // Name of the notecard to check for
integer objectFound = FALSE;
integer notecardFound = FALSE;

integer count = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_ALL); // Count of all items in prim's contents
string itemName;

while (count--)
itemName = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_ALL, count);
if (itemName == objectName)
objectFound = TRUE; // Set flag if object is found
else if (itemName == notecardName)
notecardFound = TRUE; // Set flag if notecard is found

// Check if both the object and notecard were found and send a message to local chat
if (objectFound && notecardFound)
llSay(0, "Both the object '" + objectName + "' and the notecard '" + notecardName + "' were correctly detected in the inventory.");
else if (objectFound)
llSay(0, "The object '" + objectName + "' was correctly detected in the inventory, but the notecard '" + notecardName + "' was not found.");
else if (notecardFound)
llSay(0, "The notecard '" + notecardName + "' was correctly detected in the inventory, but the object '" + objectName + "' was not found.");
llSay(0, "Neither the object '" + objectName + "' nor the notecard '" + notecardName + "' were found in the inventory.");

I found that if you take baby steps and just focus on adding one thing at a time, and testing that it works as expected before asking it to add more features it can work quite well. Though its not perfect and sometimes it goes down a path it cant recover from. If that happens just fire the conversation and paste the script again and rephrase your question stating the issue and the desired result.

I got it to write me a lap timer script from scratch which keeps track of multiple racers, the current lap time of each racer and also keeps an ordered list of the fastest time per racer. It took many questions and iterations back and forth, but it did something that I couldn't have done on my own.

There are limits on the length of chats and amount of chats per day, so try and be efficient and don't waste questions. Though you can get quite a lot done before hitting these limits.
Its scary what we can do with ai and chat now :) Thanks for giving that a try! I really really appreciate all the help!!
well I don't fully understand what you need it to do, but paste the script to it yourself and ask it to modify it according to your needs and see if it can help you :)
It did work though :) This is close to what i want !! Say I have an oven that needs to check a box that has cherries, pastry, sugar in it. When it sees that the box does have the items in it the oven will give a cherry pie. Is that possible?
Keep in mind that an object cant tell what is in another object directly. The two objects would need to be scripted to communicate with each other.
Anyway you have the link to the chat GPT that i was using. Ask it stuff and see if it can help you do what your trying to do.
Thanks so much for your help ill give it a try!!
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When your farming, harvested items have a spoil timer that persists even if you take it back into your inventory.
Say you harvest some corn and it expires in 5 days. If you take it into your inventory and rez it out 6 days later, it will have expired. The script knows the time and date you harvested it, and uses that to determine the expiration date. The timer doesn't pause when its in your inventory.

If you know how to script you could modify it to not do that, but many people would consider that cheating :)

On the topic of crops dying, if you are not able to attend your farm very often your crops suffer. There is a farmer NPC you can use. It can water, harvest and store items for you. It just wanders around doing the chores, but it does need a little care when setting up. If it cant find a suitable storage container it will just end up with heap of harvested items following it around lol. I think the NPC can even craft items if you configure it properly.
Thank you MrSnoodle for your reply. I have found that the items expire right away when taking into inventory and then rezzed out straight away. The storage system does not take it in. I am wanting to adapt this system for a questing type world I am building and need the items to be taken into inventory. :)
it has been a while since i played around with the farming stuff, I think you are right about not being able to take the items back at all. I just pulled out a bucket and looked in the product script. The script resets on rez.
At a pinch you could find the "on_rez(integer n)" part of the script and comment out the llSetObjectDesc and llResetScript lines below it, but it might be more complicated than that.

Best of luck with the project :)
Points to myself and mumbles something about being a scripting dummy. I will try but if I set off a nuclear warhead, pls forgive me, Ill be in my bunker!
if you don't know how to comment out a line you simply put // before it.
so find

on_rez(integer n)
llSetObjectDesc() = "";
and change it to this:

on_rez(integer n)
//llSetObjectDesc() = "";

Just add the // before those two lines and the script wont reset when you rez it out of your inventory.

I have no idea if it will actually work as intended and might need many more modifications to actually work.
just keep the original copy of the script just to be safe.
MMm i tried that no success :( thanks though i really appreciate your help
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You can make a playlist in VLC and stream it on loop or shuffle. Instructions are on the osgrid wiki. No need for a shoutcast/icecast server. Providing you can open the required ports and firewall stuff.

Here is the osgrid wiki instructions.
Thanks for the link. I don't have the bandwidth to have my own stream. Plus the set-up requires both tcp and udp protocols. Having an inbound udp port always open would make it possible for someone to mess with my computer.
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yes, exactly. I was just stating that you don't need to setup a dedicated shoutcast server to stream too. If all you need to stream is a single file on loop, then VLC can do it without the need for addition steps. It sounds like you are jealous of my suggestion and need to make a big deal out of it lol

At the end of the day, they can stream in any way they like, i was just providing an option with instructions.
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One thing I notice with some of the single tree variants you kindly provide is that the LOD tends to decimate the tree out of existence quite soon, as they are smaller than the bunches of trees. I tend to use the single trees as a focal point. Like a single tree in a planter in a central plaza area. When you look out across the plaza the tree has crumpled up and become unrecognizable.
Thx for the the feedback. I keep my LOD on maximum (4.0) and sometimes I forget the default settings on FS is 2.0 lolol
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I often wonder if people coming over from SL decide to leave because there are so many little things that don't work as they should.
I have got used to the way it works here, but there are so many little things I wish worked as intended.

The most annoying things for me are:

In the build/object menu the "save back to object contents" option doesn't work. Meaning if you pull an object out of the inventory of a prim onto the floor and make a change to it, you can't save the change back into the prim using this option. You have to clog up your inventory with it and put back in the prim manually. Its just a small gripe, but it saves so much time when iterating a build.

Next is the janky way avatars have trouble walking up small steps. This seemingly random thing can be really annoying. You are trying to walk over a bump that is ankle height and you just can't make it over it. Yet sometimes I can walk right over an object taller than me. Trying to walk backwards over anything is impossible as it only seems to check for a step in front of you. Whatever that code is doing to push you up steps is ineffective and buggy. In SL you can glide over things with little effort. Here walking can be annoying as you are often fighting with the movement controls to unstick yourself.

Now voice is another issue. If you don't have a Vivox account then you're stuffed. Almost all multiplayer games have the ability to talk to other players these days. How open sim has not found a solution to this is very disappointing. While you can use 3rd party programs like discord, its not a smooth seamless experience to quickly talk to a random person that has just pooped by and you are likely never going to see again. We need a solution that works everywhere by default that everyone can access without modding the viewer or having to leave the viewer to start the voice chat. This really should be sorted out by now.

I won't go on about the permission system being broken or the lack of economy because of this.

I have many other niggles that I could bang on about, but I'm sure people coming over from SL notice stuff that puts them off.

What annoys you about open sim?
Nothing annoys me about Opensim, though some things do frustrate me at times, usually those who use these worlds, but that's a given wherever there are people, and is even worse in RL. Opensim doesn't behave like Second Life simply because it isn't Second Life. That might sound a little trite, but it's just the way it is. Nowadays Opensim is far closer to Second Life in the way it works than it ever was in the past. Personally I had hoped that by now that Opensim would be light years beyond Second Life, but things change and whilst that might have been possible in the earlier days when Opensim had a number of developers, that isn't the case now, when there is only one developer working on core Opensim. The issue of voice has been covered previously, and I'm not about to enter that fray except to say that there are projects that could be developed, but no one is prepared to finance them... Ditto some of the capabilities of the viewer that don't work in Opensim. There have been various attempts to create an Opensim only viewer, but once again, they have been individual projects, and whilst Firestorm still allows access to Opnesim, the FS team have difficulties attracting Opensim developers, especially those with Linux skills. Viewers that also allow access to Second Life contain a lot of code that is not only unneeded for Opensim, but actually impede operations in Opensim. There is no easy way around this issue, as all mainsteam viewers are optimised for Second Life, which is to be expected, given that the numbers of users on Second Life dwarf the numbers who use Opensim.

The physics engine that affects the way an avatar walks is an ever ongoing thing. When I started in Opensim there was only really ODE physics running on X Engine. Avatars could walk, and run etc, but vehicles were not exactly well supported, and we had the grand choice between one of Sara Kline's golf carts, or Neb's Racer and maybe one or two other options. Evidently it had been decided, but I don't know who, that Opensim wouldn't have vehicles... Then, around 2014 a survey showed that of everything, the most desired thing was vehicles that worked, and so work started on Bullet physics and later of course we got ubODE and Y Engine, which brings vehicle script behaviour closer to that of vehicles in Second Life. As far as steps are concerned, since the change to Bullet required a different, and considerably bigger avatar capsule, walking up and down stairs and steps became a little problematic. I've had to adjust some of my builds to accommodate the physics changes, but in terns of getting your avatar to walk up stairs and steps smoothly I've found it necessary to include an invisible prim that allows the avatar to glide up and down steps.

Most who come from Second Life usually don't stay because they find Opensim quite empty of avatars, and many don't grasp that Opensim is a confederation of grids, and not one grid like SL. Opensim also runs on servers quite literally located all over the globe rather than in just a single datacentre somewhere in the USA as is the case with Second Life. Things don't work like Second Life here, because it isn't Second Life. Most who come here aren't builders either, but we have far more who don't build nowadays than in the past where virtually everyone built and also ran their own regions, if not their own standalones or even separate worlds, like Dorena has done since quite early in in Opensim history.

The great thing about Opensim is that it's opensource, so if there is a feature you want there is nothing stopping you creating it, all you need are the skills. That applies to a voice module as it does to developing a dedicated viewer solely for Opensim, or even a completely different feature that you think might be good. Let's not forget that's how we got things like Varregions, the 4096 bug crushed, the tide module, or even an inworld currency module.
My thoughts exactly! Well said! Can't complain about something, and wait for people to create it.
"Most who come from Second Life usually don't stay because they find Opensim quite empty of avatars, and many don't grasp that Opensim is a confederation of grids, and not one grid like SL."

A common mistake amongst those who have just gotten into touch with something decentralised and federated is that they take the lighthouse instance for the whole thing. In OpenSim's case, they think OSgrid is the OpenSim grid.

Fresh SL converts in particular try to navigate OpenSim or even just OSgrid just like they navigate SL. Via categories. No wonder they hardly find anything because hardly any sim in OSgrid is filed into one of these categories and therefore directly accessible in the viewer.

I kid you not, there are absolute SL veterans who have never in their lives used the map to teleport. They don't even know you can do that, much less how. Truth be told, though: Even though I've never been in SL, it took me a while to figure out how to teleport and especially Hypergrid using the map because there was nothing and nobody who could have told me how.

Which takes us to the onboarding issue which comes on top of an even steeper learning curve than in SL. But that's another story and shall be told another time.
The avatar walks up stairs much better on the UbOde physics then Bulletsim. If one has builds that don't have the physics map, then select the Hybrid option in Dreamgrid or in opensim.ini select the older Meshmeriser option rather then the Ubodemeshmeriser.
The point is that the problem exists and Bulletsim is the default physics engine. People from SL will notice how janky things are in comparison.
Have you ever been to the clothing sim Agora on Osgrid? You spawn in a trough with an ankle high lip around the edge that is hard to walk out of. A real person would be able to simply step over it, but here you get stuck like moron walking into a brick wall. In SL you would simply bump over it without an issue.
That, and ubODE is its own can o' worms. It can't handle certain hollow meshes as hollow, and then you can't enter certain buildings although there isn't even a door in your way. That's also what you get for ripping SL content, importing it into OpenSim and never testing it. SL meshes aren't made for ubODE compatibility.

It's possible to work around the stairs issue with BulletSim by adding an invisible diagonal prim to the stairs. But hardly anyone knows this trick, and seriously, who builds anything with prims these days when people would love to be able to "buy" entire ripped SL sims and plop them down in one piece if they could?
Most who have been around for a while are well aware of the prim ramp fix and often do that. I've already mentioned the workaround for resolving the issues with ubode. It would have been easy enough for them to have included the original meshmerizer that what only needed four lines of code to be activated. Core in its wisdom decided not to do that and try to insist on a physics map for meshes whereas simply utilizing the mesmerizer option will fix it with no downside that I'm aware of.
Sure I'm well aware that many regions use Bulletsim, either because it is default or one is using it for certain vehicle scripts. The reasons it was left as default is a little involved but the option is available to switch to Ubode physics. Even the Developer Misterblue acknowledges that Ubode is the better physics engine for smoothness of stair climbing and the only physics engine still maintained as he will only do small fixes on Bullet as it has reached its limit of what is possible.
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I think that Foo thing is related to the note cards you can make to issue a list of instructions to carry out. I think they can handle if statements and other stuff that can be modified on the fly depending on how the NPC is interacting with other things. I have not messed with them yet, as all I really need is some foot traffic wandering about. I will have another read of that section to make sure I understood the feature properly though.

The way points are rezed from a HUD to form a web of pathways. You have to touch the newest waypoint maker, then a previous marker to link them so that the script can work out a route from any point to any other in the web of way points. once done it saves two note cards in the controller. One has the way point positions and names and the other has the list of links. There is no wait time linked to each point. You just say the NPC's name and go to "name of waypoint" and it will navigate there (waiting for way to long at each point) or you can say "name leave" and it will wander about randomly.

There are a few llGetUnixTime functions in the script, but its so complex that I can't figure out what its doing. Its above my scripting ability.
I wouldn't be surprised if the script just has so much going on that its processing the way points between doing other things.

I do have another system that can make a predefined path, but it can't cope with junctions in the path. It does have the advantage of not having a huge pause at each way point unless you specify a wait time at a certain point.

Its a shame this system has this issue as its really cool that it can work out the best path to take to get around.
like(0) repeated things from the documentation nc :-) But maybe here under the article wait commands:
yes I think those wait commands are for when you are writing a note card of instructions. This is not how I'm using it.
I'm just issuing a simple chat command to tell them to go to one of the way points. in the "Overview of commands" section
Well...I use a different NPC script. And like in satyrs all the commands come from notecard(s). This what I wanted to say that obvious its not in script for times to wait. I didnt test satyrs intensively. I remember when other NPC were killed, so I stepped on.
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Thanks for the reply, here is the entire script

its the Active NPC system found on the opensimworld sim in osgrid.

The script is massively complex and I have looked through it to find the part that deals with navigating the waypoints, but there is so much stuff that is interacting with that section that there was no obvious thing to adjust.

its acting like it has a set time to get to the next waypoint regardless of how long it will actually take to get there. Instead of adjusting the time to suit the distance. I assume the script has no way of detecting when the NPC actually gets to the waypoint in order to request the next one, so it just waits an arbitrary amount of time and hopes for the best before proceeding to the next point.

If you have a few points close together to navigate a bend then it takes forever for the NPC to make any progress.

Many thanks
You may try to hit up the creator of the script. He's also the admin of OSW, but I've read that it's easier to get into contact with him by IMing him in-world or sending him a notecard.
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I would have said "I look totally normal, maybe you need to relog"
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What are the symptoms to look out for?
The worst symptoms I saw in Barefoot Dreamer grid and a little in Virtualife and I dont remember where else but there were at least two other where I saw problems I thought was because HG jump...
The most often it is on body colors, some skins (bom I think) making top of the body white or only lips, I lost "asset not present in database" for ears or AO too. Parts of Athena body changed colors or turn transparent (and even seem as not existing at all when pointing on them with the mouse).
Scripts are vanishing too, sometimes not entirely, in some hud (emoticon for example) you can still have parts functionning while the other half is dead...
Appearance issues sometimes happen to me when grid hopping. I can normally just edit my appearance and exit without making any changes and it will fix me. I make sure to keep all my outfits/body parts in my suitcase so I have access to them while grid hopping and can reattach things if things get wonky.
If all else fails then as soon as I return home I look normal again. My appearance never seems to mess up if I'm teleporting around within my own grid.
I have not found any assets missing from my home grid either. Though I'm running Diva Distribution that has not had an update for a long time, I think its still on 9.2.1 and I am using FS 6-6-17 Linux Mint.
The only asset related thing I notice is the occasional yellow message in the console about request for missing material on some objects. Though this has been a thing for as long as I can remember and is just a bad mesh I picked up on my travels. I never get that message for any meshes I have made myself, its always on something I picked up.
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it is sad that we don't have any protection from these things, hence why money doesn't work in open sim. Its also the reason you see these "Never Buy in Open Sim" signs everywhere. You would never know if the money is going to the creator, or to somebody who stole it.
If you want to create original things in open sim you have to have think "do I want to give this away full perm" if the answer is no, then don't make it.

If you want to sell items, then go to SL and sell them. They might end up back here in the future, but at least you will have made some money from the item.

Original creators in open sim should accept that their creations are made to be shared freely and modified and redistributed or even sold. Purely because there is no way of preventing it. if you are happy with those terms then get creative.

If you don't want your script sold in SL you could try and incorporate OS functions into your scripts so they wont be a simple copy/paste job to work in sl without some modifications. No matter what you do, if somebody wants your stuff they will find a way. You can try locking down your items, but it will only keep honest people honest.

I don't really like idea of giving my creations away full perm for free either, but if you want to exist here, its something you have to get used to. You have to have the sharing is caring mindset if you want to make things here. You have to create for the love of it and not for profit. Sadly some will profit from you, and others will truly enjoy your creations. You make things for the greater good and expect nothing in return. If that mindset disgusts you, then create/sell in SL and at least you will make a little money from your stuff before it becomes free everywhere.

Essentially the permissions system might as well not exist here at all, as its so poorly enforced.

It seems you are a little guilty of bypassing the permissions yourself, so you cant really complain when someone else does it back to you. You need to have the mindset that you are giving away your stuff full perm to be used in any way. Its quite an uncomfortable thought really. So either get used to that thought, or don't make it in the first place. If your stuff is so good you have to sell it, then SL is your best bet to at least make something from it.

I wish it wasn't like this, but I have to accept it for what it is or leave and find something else to do.
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yes, I agree. I was just giving a quick overview of my experience of the PBR viewer. I spent 2 hours playing with it today and it was very disappointing. I won't be ditching the current non PBR version any time soon.

I hope the developers have plenty of turd polish, they are going to need several swimming pools full of the stuff.
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I'm having a disastrous time with the PBR viewer.

The option to upload a material is greyed out, the edit window will not allow me to pick a texture to apply in the PBR section. it looks like the PBR tab is greyed out, If i click the Blinn-Phong tab then I can't go back to the PBR tab without relogging.

I followed a tutorial to make a mirror and it didn't reflect anything unless my camera was really close and at a side on angle. Ticking the reflection probe option enables the probe, but it wont stay ticked to let me adjust the options.

The FPS is half what I normally get and everything generally looks objectively worse.

Shadows make the water flicker with black moire pattern while the camera moves.

I would love to play with the viewer and see what its capable of, but its just a broken mess at the moment.

Not sure how many of these issues are open sim related, but as it is right now I can't use the PBR viewer as its just a mess.
I am just curious. Are you in a sim/server that is running the new lighting engine? If not, that is why a lot of those options are greyed out and why they wont work. It sounds like your water is dealing with "exposure". With PBR, EVERYTHING is going to effect how everything else looks. Your windlight, the color of your water, and your reflectivity, will all influence how everything look. It is called Exposure.

And to be fair, the fIrestorm creators have made it clear all over their website that this new viewer WILL be buggy and WILL have problems. This is a warts and all release and they are not hiding that fact.
I've put the stupid thing through its paces... the code is a disaster, the OpenSimulator developers are just kissing the LL people's asses because OpenSim never programmed its own viewer. Don't forget that Firestorm is a package with a bow around the content (LL code) and, in the case of OpenSim, slight adjustments.
wasnt there a viewer specially developed for opensim called Hippo OpenSim Viewer, but i guess this viewers development was discontinued?
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Awesome, seeing this made me wonder if this could be modified to communicate with an object that would be able to change the radio stream on another region within the same grid.
So this main script would send a message out to a bunch of slave scripts on different regions and update the radio url on any parcel/region that has the slave script running.
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Reinforce your floors and widen all your doors.
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if you just want it to open with a collision and no longer a touch then replace
touch_start with collision_start

if you want both still then duplicate the following section and paste directly under itself and change one of the sections to collision_start.

touch_start(integer num)
for(x = 0; x < num; x++)
Open = !Open;
Pos = llGetLocalPos();
if(OpenSound != "") llTriggerSound(OpenSound, OpenVol);
llSetPos(Pos + Offset);
if(CloseSound != "") llTriggerSound(CloseSound, CloseVol);

I think that should work, I have not tested it though.