Moonrose Grid @MoonroseGrid Welcome Offline

Immerse yourself in your own fantasy for a few moments and escape from reality for some time.

Liked posts

🥳We, at R. Lion Stores, hope the magic of Christmas fills every corner of your heart and home with joy — now and always.🥳
According with Santa's nice List, this year the ladies were the best behaved, so our gift is for them:😇
The new LaraX Mesh Body is available now at our new Avatar's components store, for you to get. Come quick!

SheaButter: Happy Holidays, to you and your family. Thank you, for sharing all those wonderful items. 5 months ago

Happy Christmas everyone!

thedeeferry: Best to you also sweet Wolf and to all who love you and all you love. Stay sweet, sweets! (ɔˆ ³ (ˆ⌣ˆc) my sweet Friend Did I mention how sweet your are? lol 5 months ago

May the Easter Bunny bring you all baskets of love and eggs full of positive surprises. Happy Easter!

Wish you all your Nasti

AleksanderDesousa: Frohe Ostern euch allen 2 months ago
*** WILD COSMOS FLOWER PACK NEW RELEASE *** 09 Kind of FLOWERS available to decorate your place! Seasonal textures included and leaves has a smooth animation to make it more realistic! Available for FREE and FULL PERM at GARDEN AREA, BOX 02. Enjoy :)

Jimmy Olsen: ****For your information ***FLORA, GREEDY MUSEUM, LIGHT and SOUND MUSEUM will be remain offline for one day or two: It`s about grid server issues. Will post again as soon they all get online. thx 10 months ago

CLOE: bravissimo 6 months ago

Dear Friends.. I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas from the bottom of my heart. Have a good new year too! Your Thomas

Trizzy Hunter: Merry Christmas Thomas and have a safe New Year. Here's to 2024 may all you wishes and dreams come to pass. 5 months ago
*** Camballa***
Here’s to us in the future
Take better care of us here.
A light for Opensim
Have a good time everyone
Best regards
your Karin Becker

Auf das wir in Zukunft
besser auf uns hier aufpassen.
Für Opensim ein licht
Habt alle eine gute zeit
liebe grüsse
eure Karin Becker

KarinBecker: Thank you for the warm words and many Messages 6 months ago

chez Falene tout le monde travaille

iekocatnap: Les petites lapines sont affairées en ce moment, n'hésitez pas à liker et voter chez falene, c'est gratuit et ça aide à garder ce beau terrain en vie 5 months ago

Joyeu noel
happy christmas
avec, whit santa youtubeur

harthelie: enfin j'ai trouve lol 5 months ago
Möge die Weihnachtszeit euch eine Pause des Alltags schenken und euch Zeit geben, die wirklich wichtigen Dinge zu schätzen. Inmitten der Hektik des Lebens ist es diese Zeit des Jahres, die uns daran erinnert, was wirklich zählt: Familie, Freunde und die Liebe, die wir teilen. Frohe Weihnachten allen !!!
Eure Nasti

AnKaBi: Euch allen ein schönes weihnachtsfest 5 months ago
Aujourd'hui c'est le 1er janvier2024
Yep is first january 2024
Le marcher de noel ferme ses portes pour travaux
Christmas market, now closed for update
Merci de vos visites
Thank all visitors.
Bonne année pour tout le monde
Happy new year

iekocatnap: Je suppose que la foule s'est pressée pour bénéficier de ce superbe Marché de Noël, bravo les visiteurs !!! 5 months ago

#christmas2023 #merrychristmas #arkhamgrid

thedeeferry: Same wishes to you and yours! Simply the best! 5 months ago
HedFaktori Mission Statement:

Our aim is to provide stable, working, Full Permission products to the best of our ability and encourage others to utilise these assets in play or in further developement to enrich the virtual lives of everyone.

Our wish:

It is our sincerest wish that everyone dispenses with all the debates about rights and wrongs and accepts that what we do, we do for the purest of reasons and for the good of everyone.

Current Affairs Statement:

We are not concerned with traffic numbers or grid rankings and we have no desire to provide a mall or store and have our grid constantly feeding hungry travellers who take everything in a single visit. We provided items that could be used in stores and malls who do wish traffic and numbers and rankings and if that is how they want to play? We will not interfere. We should all be able to have fun and share the good things OS has to offer without any dramas. However, many people seem to have an issue with this and others also want to claim kudos for new products on their regions which we developed and they simply removed our logo and rebox them. As if this wasn't enough? They then restrict the perms to no copy or no trans or both. This is in direct contradiction to why we developed the assets in the first instance and this is why despite our 'Mission Statement' and wish to avoid dramas we have removed our products.
We will continue to develop and build on the assets we had always planned on doing and when the Open Sim community is ready to treat both our assets and our wishes with respect we may release them but until then we remain NotSorry.

Road Kill

Synthetica: I'd just like to point out to anyone interested that the assets that that HedFaktori have provided to Open Sim users over the years amounts to over 12,000 hours of work shared by a small group of peop... 10 months ago
Kaum zu glauben, aber nun liegt das letzte Neujahr schon wieder ein Jahr zurück. Heute ist schon wieder Silvester. Das Jahr ist geradezu an uns vorbei geflogen. Es kommt mir so vor, als ob das letzte Neujahr erst gestern gewesen wäre. Aber nun steht das neue Jahr schon vor der Tür. Ich wünsche euch, das ihr heute einen wunderschönen Abend verbringt. Habt Spaß, feiert das vergangene Jahr und kommt gut in das Neue. Für das neue Jahr wünsche ich euch, das alle eure Träume in Erfüllung gehen, das ihr die Vorsätze, die ihr euch vorgenommen habt, umsetzen könnt und das ihr gesund bleibt. Alles Gute für das neue Jahr!
Eure Nasti

thedeeferry: Thank you, Soul Grid. The best wishes for you and yours. 5 months ago
Hallo ihr Lieben,
das Jahr ist fast zu Ende. Und wieder haben wir die Hälfte aller Vorsätze vom letzten Silvester nicht eingehalten. Ein guter Vorsatz wäre, dass wird das Ende des Jahres ordentlich feiern. Daher steigt im Soul-Grid eine Silvesterparty. Um 20 Uhr geht es los .
Wir freuen uns auf euch

KarinBecker: ☆。¸ `•.¸ `•. ★ӇƛƤƤƳ★ ♫`¸.•* ¸。☆ ♬ ☆。¸ `•.¸ ` • ƝЄƜ *´.•´`¸ ✫ ♭ ☆。¸ . •´ ƳЄƛƦ! °° * .•*´ ♫ ♥*.*`.•´ * °¸.•❤ ♪ ☆。¸¸*•. ❤ ✫ °♩` •`°`¸.• ... 5 months ago

Wish you and your family a joyful, bright, healthy, prosperous and happiest new year ahead! Happy New Year! Team Arkham Grid, Sharon and Felix.

Jeanne Lefavre: Happy Happy New Year Sharon and Felix! Jeanne, Andron, our families, and all of us at Caribougrid. 5 months ago
This corner is inspired by the Parisian tradition of "The Lock Bridge", by which for many generations thousands of lovers leave their locks on a bridge over the Seine and throw the keys into the river, manifesting with this gesture that their love is eternal. Putting locks is illegal nowadays in RL, but in iEchoes you still can put yours.
Come request it today and let's fill Opensim with love.
Today, from 11am grid time, the Expo party ! some hear 3 hours of great music, and explore the 100+ booths from all over Opensim, with freebies Landmarks, information, and links to many exciting places and people!
Thanks in advance to the fabulous Zoree Jupiter, Marlon Wayne, and Zeno Stark for the music, and everyone who has participated so far, for all their hard work to make this such a fun event.

Emma Florido: It was a great time i could spend there, thanks to all who made it posible ♥ 1 month ago

Wishing everyone a wonderful year-end and a happy & healthy 2024 !

thedeeferry: Thank you, Roland. The same wish for you and yours. 5 months ago

Concetta Outfit _ Maitreya and Reborn
in any Colors
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

TailorNova: Würde ich selber nicht anziehen aber bei einer Frau sieht das bestimmt Super aus 7 months ago

AnKaBi: dir auch einen schönen karfreitag :)) 2 months ago

***news at Camballa***
Prom Dress With Gems in Black and Black red
for E-Body-Maitreya-FitMesh
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

#newbody #bodyelegancy #ultimatebom #arkhamgrid

Save the Date !!!!!
Tauche ein in eine Zeit voller rebellischer Rhythmen, wilder Frisuren und unvergesslicher Vibes! Erlebe einen Abend, der dich in die goldenen Ära des Rock'n'Roll zurückversetzt.
Treffe deine Freunde und lasst uns gemeinsam in die Vergangenheit reisen!
Sei dabei, wenn wir die Tanzfläche zum Beben bringen und den Abend zu einem unvergesslichen Fest machen!

Sonntag den 14.April ab 19 Uhr im Rock'n'Roll Diner im Soul-Grid n Roll Diner

Save the Date !!!!!
Dive in in a time full of rebel rythms, wild haircuts and unforgettable Vibes! Enjoy an evening, that puts you back in the golden era of Rock'n'Roll. Meet your friends and let us travel to the past together!
Be a part of rockin' the dancefloor and lets make this evening an unforgettable evening.

Sunday, April 14th, 10 SLT at the Rock'n'Rol Diner at Soul-Grid n Roll Diner

SaarHarzer: Super Geile Musik von DJ Nasti....😘 2 months ago
It's nice when a region gets a "like". But it's PHANTASTIC when people are inspired by the ideas of others to create great things themselves. Like the beautiful photos that some visitors took with an extra black and white styled avatar at Black White Castle and published here on OSW.
I myself was inspired to build the region in 2022 by the wonderful Christmas present from my friends Finja and Jason, who had built a Wednesday snow globe especially for me. Wednesday (Addams, from the Addams Family) is supposedly allergic to color, and so the two of them made this particular globe predominantly dark ...
So when an idea inspires another person to create a new idea and this idea inspires other people to create new things, that's what makes OpenSim really fun ...

p.s.: The original Wednesday sphere can also be found on Black White Castle: If you find it, you are welcome to look at it, but better not click on it ... :)

* * * * *

Es ist schön, wenn eine Region ein "Like" bekommt. Aber es ist PHANTASTISCH, wenn Leute durch die Ideen anderer inspiriert werden, selbst tolle Dinge zu schaffen. So wie die schönen Fotos, die einige Besucher mit einem extra schwarz - weiß gestylten Avatar auf Black White Castle gemacht und hier auf OSW veröffentlicht haben.
Ich selbst wurde 2022 zum Bau der Region das wunderbare Weihnachtsgeschenk meiner Freunde Finja und Jason inspiriert, die eine Wednesday-Schneekugel extra für mich gebaut hatten. Wednesday (Addams, von der Addams Family) ist angeblich allergisch gegen Farbe, und so haben die beiden diese spezielle Kugel auch überwiegend dunkel gestaltet ...
Wenn also eine Idee eine andere Person zu einer neuen Idee inspiriert und diese Idee andere Personen zu wieder neuen Werken anregt, dann ist es genau das, was einem richtig Spaß an OpenSim bringt ...

p.s.: Die Original-Wednesday-Kugel befindet sich ebenfalls auf Black White Castle: Wer sie findet, darf sie gerne betrachten, aber besser nicht anklicken ... :)

Marianna: Bink, when I saw this I was elated you created this. I have often thought of creating a monochrome-themed sim I love this! Wednesday is a favorite character too, very well done!! 5 months ago

Frohe Weihnachten wünscht das KiWo Grid

AnKaBi: ein frohes fest euch beiden... liebe kiki und wollex♥♥♥ 5 months ago

this.. today.. now.. and always..

RemmyRavenhurst: Yes pray for the world and also do something today that will make your small part of the world a better place. Pick up some rubbish, call a neighbour to see if they are ok. Compliment someone, give yo... 8 months ago

-Bakes On Mesh -
#curvybody #heads #fullavatar #arkhamcity

Jerralyn Franzic: Happy Easter 1 years ago


and we wish you good health
Putri and Adriana

AnKaBi: frohe weihnachten und einen guten rutsch ins neue jahr, wünschen dir vom ganzen herzen liebe adriana und putri ... jeannie und angelina 5 months ago

Bakes On Mesh - Arkham Grid
#luciaevoheadbom #arkgheads #newheadbom

Holkham Beach #arkhamfreeaccess

#carnival2024 #arkhamgrid #valentine'sday
Teleport Area Dreamscape

niki stuart: have a great festive season everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5 months ago

Lilly Topas: eine wunderschöne Vikinger-Sim, auf jeden Fall einen Besuch wert!!! 6 months ago

**News at Camballa**
Sandy nice Outfit
in 3 Colors
with necklace and earrings
must unpack the boxes
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

Bakes On Mesh - Arkham City

Wir laden Euch herzlichst ein, mit uns im Schaum zu feiern. Zieht Eure Badesachen an oder holt Euch vor Ort das passende zum Anziehen. Am 13.05.2024 ab 19 Uhr legt DJane Sylvia für uns auf.
Nimm dir Zeit für Dinge die dich Glücklich machen.


We warmly invite you to celebrate with us in the foam. Put on your swimwear or get something suitable to wear on site. On May 13th, 2024 from 7 p.m. DJane Sylvia will be playing for us.
Take time for things that make you happy.

Sylvia-Koeln: Smaili ♥ 19 days ago

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all mom's everywhere. May your day be filled with love, laughter, and lots of time with family. Blessings and much love, Lavia