Misty_Falls @Misty_Falls

Canada Offline

Builder and Creator of many things


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cute, do you think you could make a k-pop (korean-pop music) one? if not i could for you.
Do do do it!
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kewl, i can hardly wait to see the finished SIM....
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i love the colors great stuff :)
Thanks. I'm trying to find the rest of the fat pack, but the red is fantastic.
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RIPS in the jeans, maybe the knees, front thighs, and bum too maybe
I can look for jeans like that and see how they look.
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This coming from me ... Misty ... I would not be concerned of avatar size, but generally anything under 5 feet tall, I consider child-like... if you have a child gate or god mode, key in these terms to ban or block from your region *AVI(L), SMB, Tweenster, KJ, LS, Toddledoo* , then key in these creators .. *Misty Falls, Penny Heberle, Jana Tenk, Amber Tanaka* .. hope this helps you.
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Francais = qu'est-ce que c'est??... English = What be this??... Deutsch = Direkthilfe?? ... TlhIngan = Dochvam nuq??...
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♬♪199 opemsim users on the wall..199 opensim users,♬♬ if one of those users were to fall, then there's 198 opensim users on the wall♪♪♬
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ooo ... do you have a white top for this??? .. add that and a ballcap, it'd be a perfect Akali (LOL) character. Guess, i'm off shopping....lolz
You will have to look in the box to see if there is white top. I always include all items if any is part of a fatpack.

Typically it only takes an hour to assemble an outfit. All I recall about this one is that it took me about two hours to assemble it. The majority of the time was looking for the right top (I hope there is a white one in there for you). It was worth the effort, but perhaps people could take a moment or two to leave a review and comment about the region...
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Just my 2 cents worth ... To Cheryl, I think you've done some pretty kewl stuff on the region (Promenade); I think you need you own to show of your skills, I mean OS is all about sharing and caring .. if you take what is there and tweak it for your SIM, i say good on you. Honestly though, I wouldn't quote technical garbbly-gook to these trolls, they will eat you alive... stick to what you know... you made a great place go with that, even some 360 shots too.
To the trolls ... *don't you have something better to do?*
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KEWL... very eye catching ... I'm not an art critic, but this appeals to me .. thanx for sharing.
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quoted from the SL wiki page
There are a great many reasons to play a child within Second Life, and it is plenty likely that every person playing a child might have their own reasons. Here are six.

1. A way to recapture some of the spirit of youth. Much like the old Twilight Zone episode, "Kick The Can," it allows one to 'be' a child, and run and jump, and play unencumbered with the responsibilities of adulthood.

2. "Re-imagining" bad childhoods. Many SL kids have faced childhoods filled with illness or disability. Many (by no means all) were victims of sexual or other abuses as a child, and this is allowing them to "rewrite" some of those childhood experiences with much healthier ones.

3. Related to the above, many may also want to have childhoods they could not, with all the toys and goodies they may have been denied for some reason. Always wanted that Easy Bake Oven? Go buy or make it in SL. Want the big swingset, or a pony, or whatever? All yours for a few pennies.

4. For fun. It can be a fun type of character to play, allowing for a childlike innocence and whimsey to come to the forefront, and providing for many opportunities to be "silly" that might not otherwise feel comfortable in an adult avatar.

5. A few may feel more comfortable in the role of a child, for whatever reason. While some of these might fall under various "philia" subsets (adult babies, for example), not all do.

6. Some may simply enjoy the roleplaying challenge of playing a kid, which isn't always as easy as one might think.

7. Some avatars may specifically create a child avatar to "escape" from the sexual content in other areas of Second Life. This may include victims of RL child abuse or it may not.
I agree with the sentiments behind these possibilities, though I would never quote a Second Life wiki or webpage. Maybe look a bit deeper into this subject?
When I was in that line of work, I used age regression as a way to help people heal from their traumatic pasts. The danger of age-play, which is sexual in nature, is that it could merely be repeating the abuse without resolving the childhood trauma. Even so, unlike their childhood. they can feel in control of the situation. Not the best solution, but it's an effort at one.
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*UPDATE* for those that are concerned about child AV's and sex (eewww gross). the AV's I have are let's say neutral ... layman's term, .. no genitals, just a chest for the boys, underwear BOM and all the protection I could muster.... why? cuz of ppl like the ones below, that objectify my AV as a sexual one.... GET IT !!!... "G" grid, no sex, no nudity, no BS.... otherwise I will kick your ass out !!!!
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@Safine .. I resemble that comment ... rofl ... I'm a big kid and entitled; spoiled with the free lands, items and avatars, ripped from SL. The Lindens made their money, I have no guilt.
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Agreed ... Money is EVIL.
The "love" of money is evil. :D
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@Shea ... AGREED ....we the creators and builders of OS, do it because we want to better ourselves, by making things better for others; NOT for PROFIT.... money is evil, and will be the downfall of the human race.
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very pretty horizon, you'll have to give me some hints. :)
Lots of endless tinkering with density and haze settings on this eep and many others. I'll have to look and see where I landed with this one
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Yay!! more sneakers... high ones too !!! Yippeee!!... Thanx so much !
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Very lovely SIM to visit, a lot of hard work went into making it, i'm sure .... GREAT JOB !!!
Thanks Misty, you are always welcome