Misty_Falls @Misty_Falls

Canada Online

Builder and Creator of many things


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thanx .... I'll go scout it now
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aaawww, thank you ... agreed, this is a great group ! I am all to happy to share stuff, knowing that our wonderful community will give back.
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You can adjust the colors by editing the script
NAVY <0.000, 0.122, 0.247>
BLUE <0.000, 0.455, 0.851>
AQUA <0.498, 0.859, 1.000>
TEAL <0.224, 0.800, 0.800>
OLIVE <0.239, 0.600, 0.439>
GREEN <0.180, 0.800, 0.251>
LIME <0.004, 1.000, 0.439>
YELLOW <1.000, 0.863, 0.000>
ORANGE <1.000, 0.522, 0.106>
RED <1.000, 0.255, 0.212>
MAROON <0.522, 0.078, 0.294>
FUCHSIA <0.941, 0.071, 0.745>
PURPLE <0.694, 0.051, 0.788>
WHITE <1.000, 1.000, 1.000>
SILVER <0.867, 0.867, 0.867>
GRAY <0.667, 0.667, 0.667>
BLACK <0.000, 0.000, 0.000>
Nice! I should have known there was a scripting solution.
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As someone just recently dabbling in Dreamgrid, I would not hold you responsible for the information. The specs, version and release notes are there. Simply put, PEOPLE SHOULD READ before they download and suck up what they put on their PC. You did, and you were big enough to admit your error. Thank you and Kudos to you for being the bigger person.
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did you get your building yet, if not I have one and a Trifon's Pizza too
no i havent i am in wolf territories grid
if this is still available would love it thanks
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The bottom left is perfect for this month, being "Pride Month" . The Eye variations look kewl too. Thank so much. :)
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Looks kewl.... Great addition for a Satanic SIM... Now where did that sacrifice run off too... Rofl
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master yoda ... teach me the ways of the OS force ...rofl
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UPDATE Score ATM ... Spax =4 ... Me = 0
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dead already ... going back for seconds
4 visits, 4 deaths .... Spax= 4, Misty= 0 .... you should be proud of me, didnt even cheat and use a healing wand from *cough cough*, y'know who's region .... hahahaha
Remember, if you end up in the afterlife, you walk through the portal and get health FULLY RESTORED but you must start from the beginning. IF by chance you get TP home, send me a bug report explaining what happened so I can fix it... Cheers
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and killed again...just fell off the marine tour landing
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very well put together. lots of stuff to see and some freebies too! great place to visit. Thanx so much for this. great work!
Thank you Misty for your like and comment, nice to hear you do like the different set up. All you see should be free so if you encounter stuff that is not then let us know so we can solve that. Your very welcome!
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I visited, got killed in less than an hour ... it is a real kewl place to visit. lots to see and because your avatar is not heavy, the SIM reacts real fast !!! ... GREAT WORK to the creators !!! Thanx so much for this.
I am glad you enjoyed the sim. I am still working out the bugs and adding new features. To make things less annoying with fatalities, I added a zone where avatars can regenerate and start over.
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absolutely wonderful place to explore. I took some great photos and spent hours. GREAT WORK !!
Thanks so much. Still adding more so be sure to check back often. smiles
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blocks???, i thought we were pixels ... is there an equivalent??
I just setup the sticky trap and find her glued to it every night, next to the fridge xD
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I hope you dont leave just cuz of one stoopid TROLL
i am sweets - Debz will still be here promoting our new grid but I will be publishing the place you will find me and news from I Love You Grid before I leave here
let me know where you go, so i may visit sometime... i'd love to see your work
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english version
Pagane, people leave opensim because of trolls like you. I've asked you before if you don't have a life of your own or if you don't have a say in your real life. You are the one who robs you of the fun of doing with the assumptions here. The absolute nonsense you write here that people want to communicate is so ridiculous. Pagan very few who come to a SIM get the chewing bar open to say or type hello. And are you talking about communication? Just do us (almost everyone) a favor and go where you come from. Nobody needs someone like you, who poses as the guardian of morality here. Just let people do their thing.
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Listen people... Ur just feeding Pagane... Check out some of KrisTina's posts... You'll see you're playing into Pagane's hands by feeding the TROLL.... Seriously PAGANE. Get a life.. or at least a new ALT... ROFL