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I love the kitely market I have found some great things on there. I put any of my kitely items in my kitely folder in my inventory so i am very careful not to share them to anyone. I mean i paid good money for them and honestly i would hope others pay if they want it so bad.

I find it sad how some people just abuse god mode just to get or give away something free and ripping creators off from kitely. I never change owners with godmode on an item. my only use for godmode is if something is wrong with it like i need to edit a script. I generally dont have to do that with any kitely orders though.
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looks very cool!
Thank you.. hugs
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I have a few of those pieces and can say its worth the money.
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i guess i need to get up to speed, what is pbr?
PBR = Physically Based Rendering. here's a quick little video on it:
ahh so its a type of map then?
A series of texture maps that create the effects, but different from materials
ahh gotcha, well that's beyond my skill lol
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you will have to get in line behind me lol, im fully funding my grid. anyways great work on your grid :)
thank you hugz! Been a great friendship over these years I really appreciate it.
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There is no way a script can cause your crash of the server. My tech confirmed this as well and he is really smart in this server stuff. it has to be someone who is a really good hacker or had the passwords to your server. so I dont see unless you had it directly on the server how the backup would get corrupted.

I do know of a script that when a hypergrid tries to god mode it, it will make the item useless but that's about it. seems kind of odd that so far only one grid is talking about these so claimed virus script.

I would consider about that time when you did a restart, look in between what happen. i still as I have said before look in event viewer under security to see who logged in.
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does checking that actually work and how does it work?
Everyone account have 18+ flag. Many admins set this to set without check. Others allow to user to check this.
If user without this flag set try to visit he will be restricted.
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how can a script do that if the viewer doesn't have access to the database?
From my current understanding, which may not be 100% because I'm not that tech savy, it could have been a script inside an object that was on the grid. When I understand a bit more I'll post more.
as i have mentioned before check event viewer for the logs, my tech guy says the viewer couldn't cause that. if it was a script that would have caused the whole world to poof. he doesn't think its a script. anyways good luck
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I can vouch that lone knows hiss stuff, might be worth a shot.
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thank you I found it!
Careful when sitting on them. You land in the water when you stand up.
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I know how you feel, my grid once lost everything due to error, so please take as long as you need. hugs
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omg! i was just about to go online and get more amazing stuff until i saw this. I am so sorry this happened to you! I visited last night and the owners were wonderful as well as the place. if there is anything i can do let me know.
Thank you so much, we both appreciate your support
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thank you ,but outworlds has all of them along with dreamgrid.
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its not a 100 percent sexual, but lets say it was, that means between two people who are adult's and look like adults. not child avatars.
FetLife has many group of age players of all kinds, but, yes, they are all adults. However, the kid role players dress and act the part, and in a setting like a child's bedroom. Even so, none of that is illegal. That has never been the issue. But as you see, sexual ageplay is a real term about a real activity -- in-world and out.
In the real life community we never once have used that word, in Ageplay the ABDL may have sexual tendency's but it doesn't mean Ageplay is sexual. Ageplay is with two adult people who look like adults with childish clothes on, it is not with one adult looking person and one full on child looking person. Sexual or not the term was used incorrectly.
You say:
• The term sexual ageplay doesn't exist. Now you say it exists, but is used incorrectly.
• Ageplay is not 100 percent sexual. Which means some percent of it is.
• Ageplay is "between two people who are adult's and look like adults" but now you say, "Ageplay is with two adult people who look like adults with childish clothes on." But someone with childish clothes on does not look like an adult. Someone with a diaper, a binky, stuffed animals, coloring books, and the like, does not look like an adult. Someone dressed like a teen or tween does not look like an adult. Not looking like an adult is an important part of ageplay.
• "In the real life community, we never once have used that word."

However, Fetlife, (established in 2008, and in less than ten years, had a real-life community of six million users) has:
• A "kinktionary" listing "ageplay." It explains that "age play can include sexual elements, or it can be completely non-sexual."
• A list of fetishes, including sexual ageplay. 1,897 kinksters say they are into or curious about it.
• 2,000 ageplay groups.
• One group is named "100% NON-sexual ageplay." Why? Because some of the other 1,999 ageplay groups. in Fetlife include sexual ageplayers. To list but two examples, Fetlife has:
• A group explicitly named "naughty / sexual ageplay."
• A group named "Dark Ageplay," which the group owner says is about, among other activities, sexual ageplay.

The term sexual ageplay most certainly exists, in-world and out-of-world. Is it being used incorrectly in discussions on this site? Well, just about everything else you have said so far has been corrected by the facts. What else are you wrong about? I suggest that there are more important things to discuss than the meaning, existence, and use of the term "sexual ageplay".
this will most likely be my last response, in talking today with an expert she agreed on the misused term of sexual Ageplay as well as Ageplay is not sexual. Yes there is dark ageplay which is the correct term versus sexual Ageplay. but in virtual sex bewtween a child and adult is not sexual Ageplay same as in real life.
I understand. Sex between ageplayers, in-world and out-world, "is not sexual".
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fyi you will want to fix the links, take off the : and / to get them working :)
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if there an actually child avi i can understand not allowing them in the region, but not all young looking avatars are child avatars.
But that then results in the same old argument as to what defines a child rather than why is a child automatically judged guilty of an offence when it is the adults that prey on them that are the crux of the problem. It is in effect victim shaming.
from what i have seen in world child avatars are just as much a problem as adult avatars.
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that's great they did, most claim they will take action and dont.
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very well said, but aside from the valid points the in question is how there using the term. We dont always know if the Avatar is a real Adult on the other end unless we did voice or something.

But Sl seems to have a confusing TOS rule from what i have read and been told. ive seen people get banned among personal experiences from games related to child Avatars or just referring to something inappropriate involving children.

A child Avatar does not defined Ageplay, that is not what Ageplay is including real life. I understand this is virtual but if someone if portraying a lifestyle they should do there research. The term sexual Ageplay is an incorrect term honestly made up. Ageplayers do not want to have sex with actual kids nor would they portray it. if someone is portraying sex with kids that is either incest play or pedo crap plain and simple.

if I may ask are you a pro Mistress in real life or is it an online only thing for you?
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who do you think is a noob because its clearly not me with 11 years of experience, Ageplay is not Ageplay if it involves an actual child avatar.
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the virtual in world community is what i was referring too, but i was pointing out that certain grids or perhaps people portrayed it in ways that are false and is not what Ageplay really is. so then people believe those said people and the actual adults who portray it have to go into hiding for fear of being banned or shamed. but the main point of my post is how the word was used.