MiriamRose @MiriamRose

OSgrid Offline

Joined 10 months ago

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The Good Earth
3 0 hg.osgrid.org:80:The Good Earth 0 Users
The home of MiriamRose Designs, and Twilight Star Designs. Stores-art studio --Circassian RP, photo platform, Hawaii, Atolls- Aloha Beach, photography, couples, dancing, music, blues- jazz. No nudity, voice boxes, lower scripts, below 100k complexity
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Bohe'me - Store and Gallery MiriamRose Designs and Twilight Star Designs

Darci Viper: cant seem to find the store, please help.. ty 7 months ago

We have upgraded to a VAR region, be patient with us as we rebuild:)

France, Bretagne 1450s Home of Baron Kaspian

The Painter - Circassian RP

Visitors from across the Mountains, the southern Caucasus, Mongolia and more.

Jamie Wright: You do an amazing job of customizing NPCs:) 7 months ago

Sales Day, a Day for the tribes to gather and families to celebrate the harvest. (Npc's)

Yusuf and Kaspian on Sale Day. An invite to a foreigner, what breed of man is the Frenchman?

Mikhelashvili-Abir Clan, the Patriarchs have passed. Sale Day

Horse Auctions in the Caucasus Mountains. The Tribes Gather. Circassian RP.

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