MillyAnn Morgana @MillyAnnMorgana

USA, Arkansas Offline

A Gimp Clothes Designer@R&M Creations, OSGrid

Liked posts

Or.....stars, maybe?

Irusu Hikikomori: Beautiful picture, very creative! 3 years ago

Riding horses in 15 different colors.
The horses also stay on the region and do not disappear after a certain time

MidnightRain Glas: this was the most exciting trip or joy to pick these up and go home to open and take one out and watch everything this cute 4 legged beauty could do... I felt so much peace and love in my heart and fe... 2 years ago

Upgraded sky with EEP, new clouds,rainbow,planets,milkyway

sharanncousine: greetings peter 3 years ago

Someone came to make pictures ... thanks to 4ever Solstice

MillyAnnMorgana: Very nice picture, dark, moody & Mysterious! Was wondering what size pictures work best to upload here?? 2 years ago

New! Perching macaw with folding wings

my "pièce de résistance ", so far: animated peacock with unfolding tail!

Peter: lol, thanks sweety! damm, thats been ages we had a chat:)) 3 years ago

Alltime fav of mine, the otter
a new animesh family, or, at least a start♫

Next....: Ma Unichorn....with baby, of course ;)

Venus Flytrap.....been on my list for a long time:)

New on camballa
only Athena
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

Soon themed evenings in our Shopping.
Hope to see you all very soon!! ^_^
Cooming Soon



Der Forest (Wald).
Ein grüner Platz zum entspannen,entdecken und Spass haben.
Wandert durch den schönen Wald ob nur zu Fuss oder auch mit dem Pferd .
Hier kann man gut die Seele baumeln lassen.
Habt viel Spass
Inspired by the very moving Viet Nam wall in Washington DC, this is my latest creation at Haven of Memories. This wall is dedicated to those who we loved but do not have pictures or a lot of information about, like date of birth or passing, perhaps all you had was a username or role playing name and what year they passed, just send me a message and I will add their information to the wall. As long as they are remembered they live on in our hearts. You can come visit them any time you wish and perhaps visit and pay respects to the others who are memorialized here. Blessings and much love - Lavia
Just finished this "Stairway to Heaven" fountain which is located in Haven of Memories memorial gardens and I hope to add a couple more Memorial tributes. This region is open to everyone to visit, relax, reflect, remember and if you need to hold memorial services we have a large pergola/pavilion with plenty of seating. If you would like to commemorate a loved one and would like a tribute memorial built for them to place in Haven of Memories, just let us know we'll be very happy to do that for you. Blessings and much love, Lavia

News For Roleplayers Male
All news at the News-Box look at the Teleporter
have all a Good Time your Karin Becker

Wir hoffen ihr hattet alle einen entspannten, erholsamen und vor allem gesunden Sommer, der ja noch nicht ganz vorbei ist.
Deswegen senden wir euch allen mal herrliche Sonnengrüße aus dem Pangea Grid und freuen uns euch bald wieder zu Live Konzerte und andere Kulturveranstaltungen begrüßen zu dürfen. Dieses Jahr starten wir erst im Oktober, da einige von uns noch auf Reisen sind.
Einen Termin solltet ihr euch aber schon unbedingt einmal vormerken, denn wir feiern vom 5 bis zum 7 November 2021 unseren ERSTEN großen Gridgeburtstag! Wow, schon ein Jahr Pangea Grid, und wir freuen uns jetzt schon sehr auf euch alle.
Wer mag ist natürlich jederzeit herzlich eingeladen uns im Pangea Grid zu besuchen. Einige von uns sind schon zurück und bauen fleißig und bereiten das große Grid - Fest vor.
Natürlich werden wir euch rechtszeitig alle Termine zu den kommenden Veranstaltungen mitteilen.
Bis dahin genießt den Restsommer und bleibt gesund und munter!
We hope you all had a relaxing, restful and above all healthy summer, which is not quite over yet.
Therefore we send you all sunny greetings from the Pangea Grid and look forward to welcoming you soon to live concerts and other cultural events. This year we will start in October, because some of us are still traveling.
But there is one date you should keep in mind, because we will celebrate our FIRST big grid birthday from November 5 to 7, 2021! Wow, already one year Pangea Grid, and we are looking forward to seeing you all.
Of course, if you like, you are always welcome to visit us at Pangea Grid anytime. Some of us are already back and busy building and preparing for the big grid party.
Of course we will inform you in time about all dates of the upcoming events.
Soon we will see each other again! Until then, enjoy the rest of the summer and stay safe and sound!
bastelwastel is starting again with a lot of new things to build. Everyone has a lot of fun with it, if you need help with the design of your sim please ask me when I have time I am always ready to help everyone. best regards Karin Becker

NEW * Pet Store * NEW

* Static Animals * Animated Animals * Wearable Pets * Scripted Pets *

Dan Sings Tonight at 6pm Grid time at Gators, 3rd Life Grid

Exposure to all kinds of music, from gospel to bluegrass, rock and pop as a child has made Dan the diverse singer that he is today..

He rocks with the best, shares his soul with country and has been known to have a sexy raspy song here and there.

According to Dan, music is a window to the soul conveying feelings as well as lyrical and musical information. He does his best to feel a song as he sings, and hopes to pass it on to his audience. If you feel it, and enjoy his performance, then he feels he has succeeded.
