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GDPR es la ley marco europea que gobirna el derech a la privacidad dentro de la UE. No soy experto en GDPR asi que no se si poblicar una direccion IP se considera una brecha de privacidad o no. Por lo general, direcciones de IP no son privadas porque no pertenecen a la persona sino a la empresa proveedora de internet.. Si alguien sabe, que me diga por favor.
This is not true. In EU , by GPDR, any IP that could locate private infos. like IP is under that personal data protection. No ISP in europe would give real names out . Any website in EU so needs an impe´resso , so one can send the admin a request to delte all they saved. The term is : The right to be forgotten. In USA IP never change. in Europe an IP change by auto router reset mainly each night. But this basic ISP adresses stay. Onlly the last numbers change. IN US...for NSA and such, their IP are always the same..Easier for the 3 letters intel to follow. In EU the IP is also not 200m exact like in US. Its often , by IP search, over 20km away. in EU we have data protection, and if we have a law report, then law enforcements contact the ISP and get answers. Only so free world works. Not like in USA.
I always barf when I see a grid from EU doesn't have an impresso, and so violates EU law. Such grids I avoid to visit or even create an account there
Muchísimas gracias Cobre. Saludos.
Well, it is best explained in Harper Held wiki Link. I hope there is the real copy of the law. Some pages in wiki should be read with caution. Especially since that AI is in use. But there are many official EU pages. Also translated to spanish
Thank you for that clarification
Hoy hablé con mi proveedor de internet y me ha confirmado que las IP son dinámicas y cambian. De todos modos creo que esta difamación debería ser despejada públicamente, porque seguramente me han baneado en varios sims a causa del escrito y no me parece justo. Sabe usted quien administra esta web para poder ponerme en contacto? Muchas gracias por toda su ayuda que fue importantísima. Saludos.
Lo estoy averiguando. Gracias por su interés.
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I can verify this quote. I spoke with Silvia earlier and she was very upset about her details being published, so it checks out".
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I am also blocked, comments deleted and challenges unanswered. Not in a satisfactory manner anyway. He must be off his meds again. By the way, apparently Nico has mobilised the masses against him... He is unable to fathom that his bullshit triggered spontaneous synergy. He was not prepared for the magnitude of the pushback based on reason and logical analysis.
Lamento mucho que también le haya bloqueado a usted. Esto no es más que la muestra de lo que és este personaje dañino Cyberglo, que bloquea y amenaza a todo aquel que no le baila alrededor. Cuando el comentario no le gusta difama (en mi caso) y bloquea para que nadie se pueda defender ni replicarle.
Mr. Glow-worm thinks that I've gathered my friends here. Hell, I don't even like half of these people! (Just kidding. It's only 25% here that I can't stand). :)

The only comments remaining on his post are from OpenSimUser, which Cyber seems to feel he has refuted, and this from JayR Cela. "If I recall corectly CyberGlo you have stated previsously in a post here that you are dealing with some RL mental health issues. I wish you the best with this struggle. I would suggest that you just let this issue go, you banned this person and that should be the end of the story."His response is, sure, but I'm not going to let people push me around. He is bravely fighting back by claiming that an over eight-month-old AV is "new." Well, I'm convinced!
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Your grid address is wrong...
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Thank you so much for your kind words! - Grazie mille per le tue gentili parole!
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Hello Satyr. I am just wondering if you will adapt all your farm scripts to work only on Yengine. As of right now, Satyr Farms only works on Xengine. Thanks!