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When people post private conversations it does get complicated and mixed up. It was never about stealing a texture it is about coming to my Grid long enough to see the idea and take it back with you. Sure you say everyone does it and it is a form of flattery. Luna's texture is not what this is about. Perhaps the most significant aspect of this issue is the theft of ideas. Textures and assets are not just passive elements; they contribute to the overall narrative and aesthetic of a piece. When someone replicates these elements without permission, they're not just copying pixels—they're co-opting the creative vision and storytelling of the original artist. They're diluting the integrity of the work and robbing it of its unique identity.

In the digital age, where content is easily accessible and infinitely replicable, it's crucial to uphold principles of respect, integrity, and ethical conduct. Instead of focusing solely on the act of stealing textures or assets, let's shift our attention to the broader issue of respecting creative ideas and the individuals behind them. Let's foster a culture of collaboration, attribution, and appreciation—a culture where ideas are celebrated, not stolen. Because ultimately, it's not about the texture—it's about the idea. It is not okay to take free items found online and sell them on the Kitely market either. The terms say for personal use, not for commercial. To say well my clients don't know how to create the models so they buy from me, I add my purple textures and they love them. Makes no difference. Not for commercial use means just that. I see one model being sold that is questionable https://www.kitely.com/market/product/50022077/Couple-Figu... Luna shows a license and creator there which conflicts with this https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/art/the-dance-3d-model which clearly states for Private use so which license is accurate? When there is a question as to where the original came from ethically you should not resell it without knowing the original creators TOS.