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Anniversary Island is still open, the Vesti's Satellite store still have 17 outfits for you to pick up for yourself. The Region will be closed at 9pm Sunday so make sure you get out there before that. Island

Ellie Venusa: must come see 2 months ago

News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/156/117/3827

NEW FULL AVATARS Seo-Jun and Ji-yoon are waiting for You at the * Shop Agartha *
NOUVEAUX AVATARS COMPLETS : Seo-Jun et Ji-Yoon vous attendent à la * Boutique Agartha * !

Today we play a “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful of them all?” ..... ME!!!
if you have the latest version of Firestorm and you want to see or get a mirror for your house, you already have one in Tierra de Volcanes, you don't need ultra graphics, or anything special, just in preferences check mirror, and in detail Reflection: real time.
with this you can see your reflection even if you are in medium graphics... like me :)

Anjolie: I love the mirror the only problem i have with it is that its huge and for some reason i can not shrink the mirror so when its in my home it looks odd, but what a genius idea!!! ty 3 months ago