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Monentes Jewelry is exclusive jewelry created by Marianna Monentes using Rhino software. Bento rigged and classic. All free and full perms.
continuum.outworldz.net:8002:Monentes Jewelry

*** WATER & RAIN & WAVE RELATED (PACK) *** NEW RELEASE *** All of these sorted stuffs available at TROPICAL AREA, BOX 01 for FREE and FULL PERM! Enjoy :)
PS. For thoses whom are looking for the rain/snow HUD system, it is still at WEATHER AREA. thx
*** NEW RELEASE ** A good collection of snow, cloud, mist ,fog in mesh or sculpted for covering houses or streets to the close winter. Available at WEATHER AREA for FREE and FULL PERM.
PS. I updated also the FALLEN LEAVES and PETALs box at BOX 08 , GARDEN AREA.
Enjoy :)