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Ich gebe dir zu 100 % Recht Dorena! Aber poste solche Beiträge in Foren wo sie hingehören aber nicht in Opensim wo die meisten Menschen von Politik verschon sein wollen. Ich möchte jedenfalls in Opensim von Politik verschont bleiben.

You are absolutely right Dorena! But post such contributions in forums where they belong but not in Opensim where most people want to be spared from politics. In any case, I would like to stay away from politics in Opensim.
Danke für deinen Kommentar, aber wie ich schon mehrfach deutlich machte, ich werde die Realität hier nicht ausblenden. Wer das nicht sehen oder lesen möchte, kann doch auch einfach weg scrollen, es gibt doch noch massig Beiträge hier, welche ausschließlich OpenSim behandeln, oder?

Thanks for your comment, but as I've said several times, I'm not going to ignore the reality here. If you don't want to see or read that, you can just scroll away. There are still loads of posts here that deal exclusively with OpenSim, right?
Dann erstelle doch Beiträge zum Thema OpenSim. .-)
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Du hast vollkommen Recht Dorena! Aber poste solche Beiträge in Foren wo sie hingehören aber nicht in Opensim wo die meisten Menschen von Politik verschon sein wollen. Ich möchte jedenfalls in Opensim von Politik verschont bleiben.

You are absolutely right Dorena! But post such contributions in forums where they belong but not in Opensim where most people want to be spared from politics. In any case, I would like to stay away from politics in Opensim.
scheinbar kennst du die Person nicht wirklich ... schon ihr Pixel T-Shirt ist lächerlich sie denkt durch sowas ändert sie was auf dem Planeten ... Sie soll ja ihre Meinung vertreten aber als kompetente Person und nicht als Witz Figur. Sie ändert so gar nichts.
Witzfigur?? Schau mal deinen Avatar an*lol
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No regions found with that name
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No regions found with that name
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Danke euch für die Hinweise, ich habs verpennt. Dachte echt das meine Version Aktuell ist.
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Again Noah, i use the latest Firestorm Viewer - Firestorm 6.5.3 (65658)
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I ever crash after a few seconds when i visit onelife grid. I don't have that with other grids :-(
we have Older Viewer Blocket and all Copybot Viewer
up ab can You log in Onelife Grid
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NO regions find with that name!
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Denied Access to a private region :-( !
oh.. yes.. this part of the region is complete.. but we are still working on the Art Gallery area and will have a Grand Opening on Feb 14th.. :) Stay Tuned!
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No regions found with that name!
Is this a real profile? You have no info in yours. Not sure if you're just trolling or if you're actually trying to get in. Tell me what Grid is your home and I'll check to see if I can go there.
Lorena, I don't know what to tell you. I exist, Avalon Reborn exists, dozens of people have visited this week.
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Unable to verify identity, i think i's a fake grid
It's not a fake grid. Everyone else seems to get in. Maybe check to see if your grid is blocking destiny grid?
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Unable to verify identity :-(
I have HyperGrid visitors all the time. Maybe check with your grid provider.
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Unable to verify identity
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Dont work for me. I read an accept the Terms. Now i stand there, here nice music and can see some nature pictures, thats all. What's the nonsense?
If you're talking about the TOS cornfield. Once you accept the TOS, you should be able to put in the LM and go from there.
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I miss the Arkham Grid, the slowest and greatest fake Grid over years in the list!
This is NOT like/hate game. I show only SIM where catch constant and purposeful fake visitors report from beacons.
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Message: You dont have access to this region